The University of Colorado Boulder is a public research university located in Boulder, Colorado, United States. Many paths have led to the current University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus. The health sciences component began with the establishment of the CU School of Medicine in 1883 on the Boulder campus. The Denver Campus originated in 1912 as an extension of the University of Colorado at Boulder and gained its independence in 1973. Today, the university combination of: CU Denver, a vibrant urban learning center with liberal arts and sciences and professional programs in eight schools and colleges. CU Anschutz Medical Campus, located in Aurora and home to six professional schools in the health sciences and extensive research and clinical care facilities, including the University of Colorado Hospital. The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus provides a diverse body of students with opportunities to enhance their lives, careers and research. Today, the university offers more than 130 programs in 13 schools and colleges at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and professional health levels. The university is supported by a dedicated and diverse team of more than 6,700 faculty and staff.
The following is the list of scholars from University of Colorado who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Akbar S Khan
Alla Karnovsky
Alok Sharma
Ana Fernandez-Bustamante
Anna Malykhina
Beat Vögeli
Beth Haney
Bijoy K Kuanr
Bolin Liu
Byron C. Jones
Chandra Richter
Chia-Wen Tsao
Chuixiang Yi
Claire Behrens
D A Howe
Daisy Dong
Dario Jimenez Acosta
Dileep Panda
Douglas B Berkey
Douglas K. Graham
Dr. Nabanita Mukherjee
Elisa Mieko Suemitsu Higa
Francisco G. La Rosa
Frank-Ulrich Gast
Fred W. Peyerl
Gerald Francis O’Malley
Hu Jiancheng
Jeanie Leddon
Jed Friedman
Jiancheng Hu
Jingshi Shen
Joan M. Nelson
John A Soderquist
Joseph Barendt
Julie McLaughlin
Karen R Jonscher
Karen R. Jonscher
Karla K. Giese
Kathy Blair
Kathy Rowlen
Kedar N Prasad
Ken Nagata
Kevin R. Anderson
Kulbir Singh Goraya
Lisa Baumbach- Reardon
Lisa Hong
Lotta Granholm
Ly T Nguyen
Mamuka Kvaratskhelia
Manfred Cuntz
Marcelo C. Sousa
Maria A. Osorio
Mark Nimlos
Mark S. Brodie
Mark W. Tibbitt
Mithra O Gonzalez
Mohamed El Gazzar
Molly Delaney
Naoki Oiso
Neil Box
Ok-Sang Jung
Paul G. Wenthold
Pedro Mattar
Pierre Moine
Rafael Moreno-Sanchez
Ram Shanmugam
Rene J P Musters
Robert E. Sievers
Robert Ryu
Robin Scott
Ron A Pepino
Russell G. Burge
Shane L. Rea
Shereen Elazzazy
Sherri Z. Millis
Shi-Long Lu
Stanca A Birlea
Stephen C. Bondy
Stephen D. Miller
Stephen Newton
Su-Fen Cheng
Sunil K Vooturi
Tamis Bright
Tariq Jamil
Ted Leem
Theresa D Hernandez & Birgitta Johansson
Timothy M Wick
Trine N. Jorgensen
Vasilis Vasiliou
Vickas V. Patel
Vincent D. Eusterman
Viral Shah
Wail M Hassan
Walter Bonani
Woody McGinnis
Xiayuan Liang
Xu Yan
Yan Xu
Yao Fu
Ying Xu
Yong-Kwang Tay
Yong-Sung Kim
The following is the list of articles by scholars from University of Colorado that are published in OMICS International journals.
Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
Knowledge and Practice Regarding Hereditary Cancer Syndromes among Family Physicians
De Nagy J1,2, Rycroft R3, Ku L4, Axell L4 and Lowery JT5,6*
Research Article : J Community Med Health Educ
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
Return to Play Following Arthroscopic vs. Open Treatment of Lateral Ankle Instability in Recreational/Athletic
D’Hooghe P, Axibal DP, Fuld RS, Sutphin BS, Hunt KJ
Review Article : Clin Res Foot Ankle, 2018, 6: 265
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
Posterior versus Lateral Plate Fixation of Short Oblique Fractures of the Distal Fibula: A Literature Review
Julia S Sanders, Ryan R Fader, Justin J Mitchell
Review Article : Clin Res Foot Ankle, 4: 200
Journal of Pain & Relief
Acute Compartment Syndrome Following Fulkerson Surgical Technique in Patellofemoral Instability
Nancy A Bergquist, Alexandria S Bledig and Bailey A Weidner
Case Report : J Pain Relief 2016, 5:238
Journal of Palliative Care & Medicine
A Palliative Care Certificate Program: A Nursing Education Model for Developed and Developing Countries
Paula Nelson-Marten, Nancy English, Amal Jafari and Regina M Fink
Mini Review : J Palliat Care Med
Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior
The Association between Change in Physical Activity and Weight during Adolescence
Jill L Kaar , Esther van Sluijs, Stephen J Sharp, Elizabeth F Nagle, Robert J Robertson and Deborah J Aaron
Research Article : J Child Adolesc Behav 2015, 3: 233
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Abnormal Protein Profiles in Hippocampus of Mouse Models of Down Syndrome: Similarities with Alzheimer's Disease
Aaron Block, A. Ranjitha Dhanasekaran, Md. Mahiuddin Ahmed and Katheleen J Gardiner
Research Article : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2014, 4:138
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
Six Month Outcomes of a Primary Care-Based Weight Loss Trial Using a Lay-Trained Counselor
Adam Gilden Tsai and Sue Felton
Research Article : J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2014, 4: 209
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense
The Bioterrorist Attacks on America
Yurii V. Ezepchuk
Review Article : J Bioterror Biodef 2012, 3: 115
Palliative Care & Medicine
End of Life Decisions: Using Lectures, Small Groups and Standardized Patients to Develop Communication Skills
Scott De La Cruz, Kelly White, Dan Johnson and Eva Aagaard
Research Article : J Palliat Care Med 2012, 2: 104
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from University of Colorado that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience Walking on a maladaptive daydream: Predictors and correlates of ethereal paracosms
Lauren Moment
ScientificTracks Abstracts : IJEMHHR
International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience Walking on a maladaptive daydream: Predictors and correlates of ethereal paracosms
Lauren Moment
Posters & Accepted Abstracts : Int J Emerg Ment Health
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change Grid storage consideration for high penetration of wind and solar power
James Robert Doyle
Keynote : J Earth Sci Clim Change
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Implications of cGMP for CRISPR-Cas9 cellular therapy
Kimberley Buytaert-Hoefen
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Exploration of land-cover changes using GlobeLand30 (2000-2010) at the national level in Mexico
Rafael Moreno-Sanchez, Juan Manuel Torres Rojo, Francisco Moreno Sanchez, Daniel Carver, Lily Niknami and Elizabeth Clay
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Ecosyst Ecogr
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Workplace violence in the emergency department setting: the numbers, the financial effects, and how to prevent it on multiple levels
Karen Nolan Kuehl
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Addict Res Ther
Journal of Cancer Diagnosis Uncover the molecular mechanism that regulates the RAF/MEK/ERK kinase cascade by characterizing the oncogenic RAF/MEK mutants
Jiancheng Hu
Keynote : J Cancer Diagn
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials The dual role of integrase in HIV-1 replication
Mamuka Kvaratskhelia
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Plasmonic biosensors on demand: Tunable penetration depth, compactness, ultrahigh sensitivity and enhanced spectroscopies
Ibrahim Abdulhalim
Keynote : J Biotechnol Biomater
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Common risk factors for Alzheimers disease and Vascular dementia
Ken Nagata
Keynote : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Child and Adolescent Behaviour Misidentifying autism in school age children - Migration related issues
Claire Behrens
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Child Adolesc Behav
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Medical complications of anorexia nervosa and bulimia and their treatments
Philip S Mehler
Keynote : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Food deserts and swamps impacting on health: Tale of two cities
Don S Schalch
Keynote : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change Current and future satellite observations of aerosol types affecting human health
Olga V Kalashnikova
Keynote : J Earth Sci Clim Change
Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics Practical considerations in the emergency management of bleeding in the setting of target specific oral anticoagulants
Kristen E Nordenholz
Accepted Abstracts : Clinic Pharmacol Biopharm
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism Common risk factors for Alzheimer�s disease and vascular dementia
Ken Nagata, Takashi Yamazaki and Daiki Takano
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Epigenetic control of GABA sensitivity in the ventral tegmental area: Actions of chronic alcohol and reversal by histone deacetylase inhibitors
Mark S Brodie
Symposium : J Addict Res Ther
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Peripheral and central mechanisms of methamphetamine: Connecting the dots
Bryan K Yamamoto
Keynote : J Addict Res Ther
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Improving worksite obesity rates in a manufacturing plant: A prospective cohort study
Karla K. Giese
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Obes Weight Loss Ther
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change Air quality management in Agua Santa, Puebla
Maria A. Osorio, Teresa Torrijos and Abraham Sánchez
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Earth Sci Climate Change
Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy Forgiveness the ultimate revenge
Jack Lavino
AcceptedAbstracts : J Addict Res Ther
Journal of Bioterrorism & Biodefense Human monoclonal antibodies (mAb): Interrogation of the memory B cell compartment as a powerful platform for the discovery and development of superior therapeutics
Aurelio Bonavia
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Bioterr Biodef
Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Bioinformatic analysis of the 2009-2010 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus
Joel K Weltman
Keynote : J Clin Exp Pathol
The following is the list of scholars from University of Colorado who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
Woody McGinnis
Xiayuan Liang
International Conferences 2025-26
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