Andhra University or Andhra Viswa Kala Parishath, located in Visakhapatnam, north east coastal Andhra Pradesh, is one of the older premier universities in India with a broad focus. Andhra University, one of the oldest and accredited by NAAC with A grade has established an international image in academic excellence. School of Distance Education, an organ of this University, started in 1972, has been one of the pioneering institutions in the field of Higher Education. It has been striving to extend the reach of higher education to different sections of the society located in divergent geographical areas, particularly in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Students of this institution study the same syllabi and are subject to the same regulations as that of the regular students of Andhra University. The Degree awarded is also the same. The learning package comprises of self-learning study material, audio-video packages and face-to-face interaction.
The following is the list of scholars from Andhra University who contributed and/or serves as editors for one or more OMICS International journals and conferences
A.J. Solomon Raju
Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju
Anchala parthasaradhi
Anil Kumar Chintaluri
Aparanji Poosarla
Ashok Surana
Ch Pulla Reddy
Chithapuram Satheesh
D Raghunadharao
David Mastropietro
Dr. Sistla Ramakrishna
Franco Vicariotto
Ganapaty S
Giuseppe Carruba
Hanumantha Rao Kota
Hari C Sharma
Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri
Janakiram P
Jayasri Nanduri
K Prasanna Rani
KVRNS Ramesh
Kandra Prameela
Kendrick Aung
Khedr Naglaa
Kiran Babu Uppuluri
Kishore Kadimpati
Kishore Kumar
M Srinivasa Rao
Nagabhatla Viswanadham
Nagendra Sastry Yarla
Narayanasetti Venkata Vighnesam
P V V Prasada Rao
Peddada Jagadeeswara Rao
Poongothai Ramaswamy
Rao S. Pippalla
Rupakula Ravichandra Babu
Srinu Meesala
Sunil Kumar D
Swamy K B
Swamy KB
T N V K V Prasad
T V Rajya Lakshmi
T. N. V. K. V. Prasad
T.V. Rajya Lakshmi
Thahera Parveen Dandu
Tulliballi Shyam
Uma Chandur
V Srinivasa Rao
Veera Manukonda
Y Padmavathi
The following is the list of articles by scholars from Andhra University that are published in OMICS International journals.
- Advances in Crop Science and Technology
Treatments to Break Seed Dormancy in Givotia rottleriformis Griff
Aravind Jetti, Jigeesha Jetti and Raju Perla
Research Article : Adv Crop Sci Tech 2017, 5: 273
- Advances in Crop Science and Technology
Freshwater Phytoplankton Communities in Varaha Reservoir,
Kalyanapulova, Visahkapatnam
Sasikala T, Manjulatha C and Raju DVSN
Research Article : Adv Crop Sci Tech 2017, 5: 262
- Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production
Predictive Eel Population Model Based on Fish Habitat Dependency and Fishing Pressure on Pisodonophis boro (Hamilton) in the Godavari Delta, India
Babu DE*, Ratna MR, Lakshmikantamma K and Tarun K
Research Article : J Fisheries Livest Prod
- Advances in Crop Science and Technology
Characterization of Thioesterase Gene in Sesamum indicum using
Bioinformatics Tools
Spandana B and Prakash DSRS
Research Article : Adv Crop Sci Tech 2017, 5: 256
- Advances in Crop Science and Technology
Production of Invertase by Aspergillus niger Under Solid State
Fermentation Using Orange Fruit Peel as Substrate
Asha-I Raju CH, King Pulipati and Aravind Jetti
Research Article : Adv Crop Sci Tech 2016, 4: 247
- Pediatric Dental Care
An Unusual Case Report of Compound Odontoma Associated with
Unerupted Primary Lateral Incisor
Madhuri Vegesna*, Chandrasekhar R and Vinay C
Case Report : Pediatr Dent Care 2016, 1:119
- Journal of Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Process Research
Chitosan in Medicine-A Mini Review
B. Naga Pavan Kumar, Mahaboobi S, Satyam S
Mini Review : J Mol Pharm Org Process Res 2017, 5: 134
- Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy
Long Lasting Disease: Leprosy
Pramoda Earla
Review Article : J Infect Dis Ther 2015, 3: R1-001
- Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
Isolation and Identification of A Novel Aporphine Alkaloid SSV, An Antitumor Antibiotic from Fermented Broth of Marine Associated Streptomyces sp. KS1908
Sunanda Kadiri, Nagendra Sastry Yarla and Siddaiah Vidavalur
Research Article : J Marine Sci Res Dev 2013, 3: 137
- Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
Metabolic Syndrome (Ms) among Adults in Urban Slums - A Cross Sectional Study in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Lavanya KM, Vimala Thomas, Muralidhar and Nageshwar Rao
Research Article : J Community Med Health Edu 2012. 2: 192
- Journal of Bioremediation & Biodegradation
Implementation of response surface methodology for phenol degradation using Pseudomonas putida (NCIM 2102)
V.Sridevi, M.V.V.Chandana Lakshmi, A.V.N. Swamy and M. Narasimha Rao
Research Article : J Bioremed Biodegrad 2011, 2:121
The following is the list of proceedings by scholars from Andhra University that are published in OMICS International journals and conferences.
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Butterfly-flower interactions and biodiversity in the changing environments
Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju
Keynote : J Ecosyst Ecogr
- Toxicology: Open Access Nations can slash down the infant mortality rate (IMR) to a great extent if they implement proper health care system policies for ante-natal/prenatal and postnatal care for the rural/village level beneficiaries too
Swamy K B
Keynote : Toxicol Open Access
- Toxicology: Open Access Life with Down′s syndrome is no more challenging, rather beautiful
Swamy K B
Keynote : Toxicol Open Access
- Toxicology: Open Access The latest trends of IQ and brain size and effects of life style and environmental factors on cranial capacity
Swamy K B
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Toxicol Open Access
- Toxicology: Open Access Synsepalum dulcificum (Miracle fruit): A future potential anti-hyperglycemic and other herbal medicinal plants that protect the health of Kuala Terengganu people in Malaysia
Swamy K B
Keynote : Toxicol Open Access
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Plant-insect interactions and biodiversity in Coringa mangrove forest, Andhra Pradesh, India
Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Ecosys Ecograph
- Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs Preliminary experiments in the use of salt tolerant Chlorella vulgaris and C. pyrenoidosa as biofertilizer to grow some vegetable crops in the UAE soils
T V Rajya Lakshmi, Afnan Abdel Elhafiz, Suruchika S Gaur, Noor Hamdany, Maryam Osman, and Areeg Abdl Elhafiz
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Occup Med Health Aff
- Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs Estimation of free proline in the leaf, stem, root and breathing roots of Avicennia marina (mangrove) and its medicinal uses
T V Rajya Lakshmi
ScientificTracks Abstracts : Occup Med Health Aff
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Flower-Insect interactions and biodiversity in the eastern ghats forest, India
Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Ecosys Ecograph
- Journal of Pain & Relief Depolymerization and oxidative degradation of poly (ethylene oxide)
Srinath Muppalaneni, David Mastropietro and Hossein Omidian
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : J Pain Relief
- Journal of Pain & Relief Effect of molecular weight on thermal properties of Poly (ethylene oxide)
Srinath Muppalaneni, David Mastropietro and Hossein Omidian
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : J Pain Relief
- Journal of Pain & Relief Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of poly(ethylene oxide)-based tablets
Srinath Muppalaneni, Arghavan Kariman, David Mastropietro and Hossein Omidian
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : J Pain Relief
- Journal of Pain & Relief Effect of tampering methods on particle size reduction of poly (ethylene oxide)-based tablets
Srinath Muppalaneni, Arghavan Kariman, David Mastropietro and Hossein Omidian
Posters-Accepted Abstracts : J Pain Relief
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Studies on malachite green removal from aqueous solution using biosorption: Modelling and optimization using response surface methodology
Narayana Saibaba K V, Sk. Khasim Beebi, R. Gopinadh, Ravi Vital Kandisa, P. King
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
- Epidemiology: Open Access Risk-reduction counseling and HIV/STD testing on behavior change of MSM: Results from a cohort Study in Nanjing, China
Weiming Tang
Posters : Epidemiol
- Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques Development of RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of rosuvastatin calcium and telmisartan in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations
Gebremariam Ketema
Accepted Abstracts : J Anal Bioanal Tech
- Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques NMR based screening technologies in drug discovery
M. Vamsi Krishna
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Anal Bioanal Techniques
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Application of genetic algorithm and artificial neural networks in bioremediation process
Narayana Saibaba K.V and P. King
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Modeling and optimization of dye removal process using response surface methodology: Kinetic and equilibrium studies
Narayana Saibaba K.V, P. King, R. Gopinadh1 and Ravi Vital Kandisa
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Design of experiment for production of citric acid using 2-level factorial method
R. Gopinadh, C. Ayyanna, Saibaba K.V.N and R. Jagadhi
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials In vitro response of Sorghum bicolor to salinity
Kusuma Kumari Panda
ScientificTracks Abstracts : J Biotechnol Biomater
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Identification of virulent lactose positive Vibrio species from Nemipterus japonicus off visakhapatnam coast
T. C. Diana and C. Manjulatha
Posters : Agrotechnol
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Development of pantothenate synthetase inhibitors for mycobacterium tuberculosis infection: Design and enzyme inhibition studies
Brindha Devi P, Mallika A, Yogeeswari P and Sriram D
Posters : Agrotechnol
- Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials Effect of micellar solubilization technology on the anticancer activity of dasatinib: A study on the in vitro survival of cell lines
P. Durga Maheswari, D. Rambhau, Mitrabhanu Mohanty, B. Suneel Kumar, P. B. Rani and M. L. Narasu
Posters : Agrotechnol
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Targeted metabolomic profiling of amino acids in human hair samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as an indicator for pesticide exposure
Ratnasekhar Ch
Posters : J Ecosyst Ecogr
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Carpenter bee-flower interactions and biodiversity
Rashda Zafar
Posters : J Ecosyst Ecogr
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Studies on biochemical changes as AcetylCholine Esterase (AChE) and ButyrylCholine Esterase (BChE) of organophosphorus pesticides in agricultural sprayers of Krishna district, A.P
K S Tilak
Keynote : J Ecosyst Ecogr
- Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography Biodiversity: A function of plant-animal interactions
Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju
Keynote : J Ecosyst Ecogr
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