Drug discovery using zebrafish can be used for relevant translational research to identify
clinical interventions for renal conditions in humans. The large degree of gene conservation between zebrafish and mammals is only one of the many reasons why zebrafish
are fast becoming widely used in translational settings.In the past decade, chemical genetics in zebrafish has recruited increasing attention as proof of concept experiments have emerged that demonstrate its translational value.The singular advantage and translational aspect of using zebrafish chemical genetics to screen for therapeutically pertinent drugs to study kidney development and treat AKI.The field of nephrology has been stagnant concerning the treatment of AKI, and this coupled with the growing socio-economic stresses resulting from AKI, demands that innovative and translational research forge ahead for potential cures. (ShahramJevinPoureetezadi and Rebecca A Wingert, Congenital and Acute Kidney Disease: Translational Research Insights from Zebrafish Chemical Genetics)
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Last date updated on December, 2024