Marine microorganisms widely distributed on our oceans of the earth and emerging as the great source for the discovery of natural products. Further they are developing as therapeutic agents for various human diseases. Antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral, anti-infective, insecticidal, antitumor, antiinflammatory, antioxidant and herbicidal compounds as well as many other compounds are enzyme inhibitors have been isolating from marine actinomycetes. Marine drugs have been used as therapeutic drug for various diseases like cancer, typhoid, cholera etc, Hymenialdisine (HMD), a sponge-derived natural product reported as human kinase inhibitors with nanomolar activity. Several antitumor antibiotics like aporphine alkaloids have been isolated from marine actinomycetes. Several marine-derived compounds used as anticancer agents are undergoing promising preclinical and clinical development. Therefore, the marinederivedactinomycetes act as a prominent reservoir for novel drug molecules and answer to several diseases.(NagendraSastryYarla, Marine Actinomycetes: A Source of Novel Therapeutic Drugs)
About 700+ peer-reviewed journals are handled by more than 25000 editorial board members who belong to both academic and industrial circles in all aspects of Science, Engineering, Management and Technology journals. A collaboration set up recently with 100 international societies would provide a window to wider knowledge-base of worldwide open access health-related information. As part of its drive to boost knowledge-sharing through real-time interaction, this open access group has been organizing over 100 world-class scientific conferences at global venues through the calendar year. Abstracts presented at the meets are invited from scholars with a track record of effective research papers that are also published as special journal issue for each of the conference. Apart from India and the US as established locations, the events would soon expand to several continents to add the regional touch through collaboration with scientific and healthcare bodies in respective geographies like Europe, Australia and the Middle East.
Last date updated on December, 2024