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Theory of Earth Formation

Suresh Bansal*
Corresponding Author : Suresh Bansal
Received November 12, 2010; Accepted December 22, 2010; Published December 24, 2010
Citation: Bansal S (2010) Theory of Earth Formation. J Earth Sci Climat Change 1:104 doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000104
Copyright: © 2010 Bansal S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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1. Universe is like a natural forest where different-2 Planets are growing and last shrinking and dying. As in the natural forest where different-2 seeds of trees & plants are germinating and converting in big trees & plants, And after completion of their age, started shrinking & dying.
2. As in the natural forest produces thousands of its seeds and only few seeds can germinate and after germination few can convert in big trees only same as old cosmic bodies produce millions of Meteoroids and few Meteoroids can germinate in asteroid and out of these asteroids a very few can convert in big Planets only. Although all Meteoroids are not seed of Planets, only few Meteoroids are seeds , produced by old cosmic bodies & rest are debris of old cosmic bodies. One Planet is a result of one Meteoroid only as one tree is a result of one seed only.
3. As seeds contains Amino Acid and Proteins. The main properties of seed same Meteoroids (seed) contains Amino Acid & proteins.
4. Plate Tectonics is the main part of this theory. But biological process of the Earth is responsible for the motion of plates only. At some point on the log of tree You can see black plates in the red core of log of tree are pushing white crust of log toward outside extraordinary, making like mountains on log of tree. Same Plates in the Earth formed Mountains. Please see the attached link for more clarification.
5. Minerals available on Earth or we can say mineral produced by Earth are also produced by all living things. I mean Iron, Zn, CU, Ni, etc. Are produced by all living thing by biological process. This is very much common factor for all living things including Planets. If Earth is a just ball of rocks only then It cannot produced different-2 minerals like all other living things even if it can produce different-2 minerals it cannot deposit its mineral in different-2 mines that actually we have. It will become alloys when reaching in different-2 mines. These different-2 pockets of minerals are possible only if Earth is a living thing only. (Intelligent Point )
6. As tree has bark around it same Earth is also covered with bark. Continents are part of bark of Earth. When log of tree increases in girth its bark starts cracking and separating. Same Continents starts cracking when Earth started growing and expanding. There are lots of points on continents clearly indicating that at earlier stage of Earth they have separated from each other. http://yfrog. com/6zpicxaj
7. As resin erupting from log of tree same volcano are erupting from Earth.
8. Log of tree contains core and crust as per attached link same Earth has core and crust. As red core of tree is hard and termite cannot eat easily same core of Earth is so hard that we cannot dig it easily., gh08810treebark1221170loj
9. This is the complete mechanism of Planet from Meteoroids to Asteroid and Asteroid to Planet. As same from seed to small germinated plant and from germinated plant to big tree. http://
10. Summary: Planets are living thing like Tree and Plants & taking birth from seeds (Meteoroids) & having biological growth. Here universe is a soil where there Meteoroids are germinating & converting in Planets.
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