The Association of Moroccan Biosafety (AMBS) is a national scholarly association, non-profit, apolitical and independent. It was created by national skills grouping responsible for biosecurity and biosafety in key ministries directly concerned by this area (Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Training executives and Scientific Research, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture etc.). It brings together researchers, teachers, practitioners and students working in the biosciences.
- Raise awareness among researchers, practitioners, teachers and students about the importance of laboratory biosafety
- To promote the teaching of biosafety as well as other scientific disciplines
- Work towards the establishment of biosafety standards in Moroccan laboratories both private and public.
- Contribute to the training of researchers, practitioners, teachers and students on good laboratory practices.
- Promote training on assessment, prevention and management of risks.
- Work towards educating young students in biosafety.
- Prevent and fight against the dual-use biological products.
- Supporting the government in the implementation of international commitments on biosafety.
- Work towards the establishment of an appropriate legislative framework for biosafety in Morocco.
- To promote national and international collaborations in areas related to biosafety.
- Educate Moroccan researchers on the importance of their biological safety during the search process.
- Increase awareness of the community of Moroccan researchers and practitioners on good practices to be implemented in Moroccan laboratories.
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