Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed into a variety of applications including homeland security and military systems. Sensor nodes deployed in such networks are subject to several attacks including sinkhole, selective forwarding, wormhole,
and spoofing attacks. Therefore, developing secure and energy-efficient routing protocols is imperative. This paper proposes an energy-efficient secure routing protocol for WSNs in which each sensor node forwards packets based on its own information. Thus it cannot be deceived by any other sensor node. The protocol employs the Roulette-Wheel selection algorithm to select a next node during the forwarding process while using ü Tesla protocol together with symmetric encryption and hash function algorithms to provide the needed security. Simulation results indicate that the performance of the proposed protocol outperforms the performance of the Path Energy Weight and the minimum hop protocols under such attacks. In addition, it exhibits a grateful performance under attack-free conditions. (Energy-Efficient Secure Routing Protocol Based on Roulette-Wheel and ü Tesla for Wireless Sensor Networks, Aly M. El-Semary)
Last date updated on March, 2025