The Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy announces a special issue which will be led by the Montreal Addiction Rehabilitation Center–University Institute, Canada.
OMICS International is a world known open access publisher and a scientific event organizer. OMICS International, a subsidy of OMICS International, publishes around 350 open access peer-reviewed journals while OMICS International Conferences, another subsidy of the group, organizes more than 100 International conferences each year. The group has managed to acquire more than 50 online journals, and in accordance with their mission of disseminating scientific and healthcare information open access, the acquired journals are now open access and being published by OMICS International.
OMICS Group Medical Journals- Journal of Addiction research and Therapy– is announcing a special issue themed at "Addicition with Co-occurring problems". This special issue will understand addiction with co-occurring problems (COP), health conditions, or other impaired conditions or adverse outcomes, and thus will strive to help practitioners and policy-makers deliver more appropriate services to clients with COP. It will explore health, socio-epidemiological and service-use data for persons struggling with such disorders. Additionally, this issue will provide the latest evidence-based treatments as well as innovative practices developed to support and rehabilitate individuals with addiction and other COP. The issue will also report on the best current models of service organization to meet the multiple and complex needs of people with COP.
The special issue will be led by Centre de réadaptation de Montréal-Institut universitaire sur les dépendances-CRDM-IU (Montreal Addiction Rehabilitation Center–University Institute). This public institution, based in Canada, offers free services to all individuals struggling with an addiction and living on the island of Montreal, regardless of their age or social condition.
This special issue will be released, tentatively, in June 2014 and will be published in Volume 2 version. The guest editors for this special will be Dr. Marie-Josée Fleury and Dr. Serge Brochu. Dr. Marie-Josée Fleury, is Ph.D. in Public Health, Scientific Director of the Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Montréal (CRDM)-Institut universitaire, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, and researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. Dr. Serge Brochu, is Ph.D. in psychology, a full time professor at the School of Criminology, and assistant Vice-Chancellor of Research, Creation and Innovation at Université de Montréal.
The Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy is an open access journal contributing resources to interdisciplinary aspects of physiological, biochemical, genetic and behavioral pathways underlying addiction. The journal focuses on spectrum of related Central Nervous System disorders and novel therapies providing an unprecedented overview of a complex field of high societal significance.
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