  • Dental Science & Surgery Journals Celebrate Open Access Week

    Oral health is not only important for aesthetic reason but also mirrors the condition of the body on the whole. Poor oral hygiene reflects the quality of life a person leads and can have a significant impact on his overall health. According to scientific reports, periodontal or gum disease has a direct effect on the incidence of stroke in an individual and could also be directly related to pre-term labour. These reports leave no room for doubt that most if not all systemic diseases have oral manifestations and thus the need of the hour is the emergence of advances in research in the field of oral health and dentistry.
    Open Access Week

    Speaking on the occasion of the “Open Access Week”, Dr. Srinubabu Gedela, MD of OMICS International said that “Although Dental & Surgery group journals cater to various issues related to Medical Sciences, Oral and Dental Hygiene and Surgery are the two important platforms through which major issues related to healthcare can be represented. He further added that “OMICS Group Medical Journals also encourage alternative and community specific healthcare approach in addressing these problems”.

    Oral and Dental Hygiene group journals focus specially on the core and specialized areas of dentistry which deal with periodontology, endodontic, dental surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental disease and cure, operative dentistry, and prosthodontics.

    Similarly, journals based on surgical techniques and other medical specialties focus on fields like general surgery, orthopedic surgery, stem cell-based therapies, therapeutics on nephrological studies, and few other journals which equally stress on the gravity of the issue, suggesting suitable solutions to different medical challenges.

    In addition, OMICS journals on dental as well surgery group are known for contributing quality research articles and these journals are now indexed in well-known databases like Medline/PubMed, ISI, Scopus, Open J Gate, CAS, Journal Seek and Academic keys.

    OMICS International is a leading Open Access publisher that publishes more than 400 front-line peer-reviewed Open Access Journals and organizes over 300 international conferences annually all over the world with the support of nearly 1000 International Societies in the fields of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Clinical, Omics, Engineering & technology and Management sciences.

    The below mentioned Dental and Surgical group journals offer up to 25% waiver on the processing fee for articles submitted during the Open Access week:

    Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health
    Nutritional Disorders & Therapy
    Journal of Surgery
    Surgery: Current Research
    Oral Health and Dental Management
    Tropical Medicine & Surgery
    Nephrology & Therapeutics
    Thyroid Disorders & Therapy
    JBR Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science
    Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy
    Sleep Disorders & Therapy
    Hair: Therapy & Transplantation
    Medical & Surgical Urology

    Researchers can submit their manuscripts at the following link. To avail this special offer, authors are encouraged to submit their articles using the below mentioned web link.


    For any further enquiries please contact:

    Christina Faber
    Editorial Assistant
    Dental and Surgery Group – Journals
    Tel: +1-650-268-9744
    Fax: +1-650-618-1414
    E-mail: submission(at)omicsonline(dot)org