To What Extent do Social Determinants of Health Modulate Presentation, ITU Admission and Outcomes among Patients with SARS-COV-2 Infection? An Exploration of Household Overcrowding, Air Pollution, Housing Quality, Ethnicity, Comorbidities and Frailty
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Background: Internationally, researchers have called for evidence to support tackling health inequalities during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (COVID19) pandemic. Despite the 2020 Marmot review highlighting growing health gaps between wealthy and deprived areas, studies have not explored social determinants of health (ethnicity, frailty, comorbidities, household overcrowding, housing quality, air pollution) as modulators of presentation, intensive care unit (ITU) admissions and outcomes among COVID19 patients. There is an urgent need for studies examining social determinants of health including socioenvironmental risk factors in urban areas to inform the national and international landscape. Methods: An in-depth retrospective cohort study of 408 hospitalized COVID19 patients admitted to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham was conducted. Quantitative data analyses including a two-step cluster analysis were applied to explore the role of social determinants of health as modulators of presentation, ITU admission and outcomes. Results: Patients admitted from highest Living Environment deprivation indices were at increased risk of presenting with multi-lobar pneumonia and, in turn, ITU admission whilst patients admitted from highest Barriers to Housing and Services (BHS) deprivation Indies were at increased risk of ITU admission. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) patients were more likely, than Caucasians, to be admitted from regions of highest Living Environment and BHS deprivation, present with multi-lobar pneumonia and require ITU admission. Conclusion: Household overcrowding deprivation and presentation with multi-lobar pneumonia are potential modulators of ITU admission. Air pollution and housing quality deprivation are potential modulators of presentation with multi-lobar pneumonia. BAME patients are demographically at increased risk of exposure to household overcrowding, air pollution and housing quality deprivation, are more likely to present with multi-lobar pneumonia and require ITU admission. Irrespective of deprivation, consideration of the Charlson Comorbidity Score and the Clinical Frailty Score supports clinicians in stratifying high risk patients.