The Role of Forest Biodiversity Conservation Practices for Tourism Development
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Monastery has long history of planting and conserving trees in yards of its churches. The objective of this study was to assess the role of forest biodiversity conservation practice for tourism development in case of Tara Gedam monastery. The study was conducted (2014) in Tara Gedam (Monastery) in Libo Kemkem Wereda, South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia. The main attraction of the site includes the forest landscape; indigenous tree, birds, ancient monastery cave, speculator erected mountain and wildlife in the surrounding. The vegetation data samples were collected from plots of 20 m × 20 m which were laid systematically along parallel transects lines in the forests. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used. Primary data were collected from a survey of 132 visitors at recreation site. For the socioeconomic survey, questionnaires were collected from 120 household/living residents. Focus group discussion and key informant interviews were also employed in which religious scholars; number of tourist and local community were considered. Data were analysed using SPSS and Microsoft excel. The result of survey revealed that 82% of respondents have direct link between biodiversity and tourism. Biodiversity is one of tourism’s greatest assets and fundamental to its long-term sustained growth. Sustainable tourism establishes a suitable balance between environmental, economic and socio-cultural aspects and is key to maximizing tourism’s positive contribution to biodiversity. Conservation of forest in the name of religion in the study area was widely recognized by the followers as conservation approach. Result show that biodiversity contributes to sustainable tourism development on the grounds that it has less impact on the environment than other industries, based on an enjoyment of the natural and cultural environment. Summary of the studies indicate that the recreational economic benefits of the local community was increase time to time. So that tourism significantly contributes to the local and national economy. Tourism generates high income; employment opportunities to local communities, its conserve the environments and biodiversity conservations.