Solar Photocatalysis for Hydrogen Power and Fuel Cell
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Solar photocatalysis is a promising approach to achieve production
of renewable hydrogen fuel for future sustainable energy.
Photocatalysis (PC) can also be integrated with fuel cell (FC) to
form photocatalytic fuel cell (PFC) that effectively utilizes solar
energy for simultaneous wastewater treatment and recovery of
energy chemically stored in wastewater. PFC using photoanode
and photocathode can utilize solar energy effectively for hydrogen
production, carbon reduction, wastewater treatment and
recovery of the energy chemically stored in wastewater. Solar
PC can decompose organic compounds while the FC component
provides an electrical potential bias to drive the transport
of the photogenerated electrons. In this talk, the speaker will
first discuss the properties and fundamental mechanisms of
solar photocatalysis followed by the development of effective
visible-light activated nano-photocatalysts. Then, different reactor
configurations, designs and control strategies for various
applications will be presented. The talk will also cover upcoming
R&D challenges for enhancing the solar photo catalysis