Remote micro-grids: prospects and challenges
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Despite efforts made in recent years toward cleaner energy production,
most of remote communities and mining companies
rely heavily on diesel-fuelled generators for electricity generation.
The volatility of diesel cost and likely to increase combined
with high costs of fuel transportation and the willingness
for greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction are providing opportunities
to include or increase renewable power sources in the
energy mix.
The speech will provide an overview of the global remote micro-
grid market and forecasts. A strategic profiling of key players
and a comprehensive analysis of their market position in
terms of ranking and core competencies will be presented. An
emphasis is put on the techno-economic feasibility of energy
service contracting by integrating high shares of renewable
energy sources namely solar and wind combined with battery
storage for mining industry.
Results show that mining industry is keen to outsource energy
generation through energy service contracting since this business
model allows the end-user to avoid investment costs, reduce
operating costs, lower GHG emissions, transfer risk and
focus on core business of ore extraction and processing