Research Article
Predicting Transmitted Light Radiant Exposure of Fiber Dowel Cross Sections from Dowel Diameter and Length
Thamer Y Marghalani*Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
- Corresponding Author:
- Thamer Y Marghalani
Associate Professor and Consultant
Oral and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
Division of Fixed Prosthodontics
Faculty of Dentistry King Abdulaziz University
P. O. Box 11608, Jeddah
Makkah Province 21463, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 567438377
Received date: October 10, 2015; Accepted date: October 28, 2015; Published date: October 30, 2015
Citation: Marghalani TY (2015) Predicting Transmitted Light Radiant Exposure of Fiber Dowel Cross Sections from Dowel Diameter and Length. J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci 3:187. doi: 10.4172/2376-032X.1000187
Copyright: © 2015 Marghalani TY, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Purpose: To determine whether dowel diameter and length predict a significant amount of variance in transmitted light radiant exposure (TLRE) while controlling for possible dowel system effects.
Materials and methods: Fiber dowels (Fiber Kleer sizes 1.25, 1.375, and 1.5; Postec Plus sizes 0, 1, and 3) were used. Ten fiber dowels from each system and size were embedded in C&B temporary resin cylinders. The detector of a radiometer was placed on the apical end of each embedded dowel, and the probe tip of an LED curing light was placed on the coronal end. The light cure machine was activated for 40s. The cylinders were shortened in 1-mm increments and TLRE (in mill joules/centimeter squared) was measured at each increment. TLRE values were analyzed using hierarchical multiple linear regression (α = 0.001) with SPSS software.
Results: Dowel system effects explained 0.3% of the variance in TLRE. The total variance explained by the model as a whole was 44% (p < 0.001). Dowel diameter and length explained an additional 43.6% of the variance in TLRE after controlling for dowel system effects [R2 change = 0.436, p < 0.001]. The beta value for dowel length (beta = -0.517, p < 0.001) was larger than that for dowel diameter (beta = 0.208, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Dowel diameter and length and length can predict TLRE at the apical end of a dowel cross section after controlling for dowel system effects. Dowel system effects did not contribute significantly.