Plans to prevent the consumption of mycotoxins, which are a significant danger in the food chain from the field to the table, by animals and humans
The food chain, referred to as farm to table, should actually be defined as the food chain from field to table. The reason for this is that we process
the raw materials we obtain from the soil in feed factories and offer them to the consumption of animals. People who are the end consumers also
consume animal products obtained from animals. Some measures should be taken to prevent or reduce mycotoxins below acceptable limits that
may occur in mixed feed processes from field to table. It is impossible to destroy aflatoxins found in feed and feed raw materials at pellet press
temperature (88-90 degrees). It needs to be heated up to 300 degrees Celsius in order to completely eliminate aflatoxins. Therefore, it is ensured
that aflatoxins are detoxified by physical, chemical and biological methods and mycotoxins are reduced to acceptable levels. The most important
methods used in feed mills are biological methods. In this method, aflatoxins are broken down using some bacteria (Lactobacilli) and yeasts
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeasts are used directly in feed production, as well as glycomannan or esterified mannanoligosaccharides from cell
walls are widely used. Adding adsorbents to feeds is the most effective method that prevents toxins from forming a complex with these substances,
staying in the gastrointestinal tract and passing into the blood. When looking at mycotoxin binders in feeds, mainly hydrated sodium calcium
aluminosilicates (HSCAS), cliniptolite, sodium bentonite, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast components such as glucomannan and lactobacilli
are used. All processes in the food chain from farm to table should be examined and both animal health and public health should be assured. We
should create an action plan to ensure food safety at a certain rate by preventing feed raw materials, feed production processes and mycotoxins
in animal mixed feeds in the food chain from field to table. We will examine food safety in terms of mycotoxins, starting from the field before the
harvest to our table.