Mental Health Benefits of Fish Consumption
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Fish is good for both mental and physical health. Fish contains high quality protein, good lipids consisting of essential fatty acids, important minerals, vitamins etc. The grey matter of the brain consists of about 60 % lipids consisting of essential fatty acids DHA, ARA, EPA etc. DHA is the building blocks of brain tissues. Essential fatty acids are important in prevention and amelioration of many civilization and age related diseases such as heart diseases, dementia, mental decline etc. Fish protein as complete protein contains functional amino acids that are rich in brain, hearts , and eyes that are associated with their functions. Fish also contains important minerals, vitamins that are also good for brain. Factors of mental health are many but how to use the faculty is very important. The important functional components of fish are essential and help in overall well-being and quality of human life boosting performance ability. So the objective of the paper is to discuss the important roles of functional components of fish leading to overall well being, better mental health and mood.