Hygiene and infection control audit daily office cleaning tasks involves a checklist
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The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, hygiene and infection control audit and germs free certification for all outdoor learning, working, trading, manufacturing, health caring, travelling, staying and eating spaces free form the fear of infections. Everyone is society is eagerly looking for the solutions to respond Covid-19 by making working spaces more safer than ever before. Hygiene & infection control audit and germs free spaces certification brings power to occupants to learn, work, travel, stay and eat safe and fearless environment by making all outdoor spaces clean conducive and virus protected. Keeping this in mind, green mentors offering hygiene and infection control audit of all outdoor spaces including learning, working, trading, manufacturing, health caring, travelling, staying and eating spaces to respond the challenges of Covid-19 by offering safe and fearless environment through germs free spaces certification. Germs free spaces assures every member to learn, work travel, stay and eat Safe with confidence and also assure their families to send their loved one to outdoor space without any fear. Hygiene & infection control audit is a set of hygiene Safety and infection prevention indicators for outdoor spaces. Each safety and prevention indicator is in turn measured against a set of objective of global standards for outdoor spaces infection control.