Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Encephalitis with Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion: A Case Report
*Corresponding Author: Rajiv Goyal, HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani College of Medicine GME Programs, Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point, Tampa, USA, Email: rajivgoyal689@gmail.comReceived Date: May 13, 2020 / Accepted Date: May 20, 2020 / Published Date: May 27, 2020
Citation: Goyal R, Lee J, Kleyman R, Patel H, Sorresso D (2020) Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Encephalitis with Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion: A Case Report. J Infect Dis Ther 8: 423.
Copyright: © 2020 Goyal R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Patient’s that present with concerns for viral encephalitis with concomitant syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) should raise suspicion for herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1) encephalitis. Early recognition and treatment with high dose acyclovir can improve neurological symptoms associated with HSV encephalitis and SIADH.