Groundwater pollution and Liver pathology
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Background: Several diseases have caused by contamination of surface and groundwater. Aim of the work is to investigate the impact of iron overload in drinking water on liver pathology. Materials and Methods: Samples of drinking water, blood and true cut liver biopsies taken from selected inhabitants. Those inhabitants were suffering from liver disorders. Samples of water, blood and true cut liver biopsies after having informed consent taken and undergone for determination of iron level. Measurement of iron level in water samples was carried out in duplicate with the use of GBC atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Taco company (Australia). Analyzed for serum iron level with a micro lab 200 spectrophotometer by using Iron-B kit, Biocon company (Germany). Results: the mean value of iron in groundwater samples is higher than those permissible limits and then those of surface drinking water. Comparison between iron level in drinking water and human blood samples shows positive relationship. The control group depended on drinking surface water and had normal liver function tests, whereas the patient group that depended on drinking