Fault Protection and Dynamic Control Strategy for Micro grids with High Renewable Energy Penetration
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Micro grid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources (including micro turbines, diesel generators, energy storage, renewable resources, and all other kinds of distributed energy resources) at distribution level with defined electrical boundaries that has black start capacity and can operate in island mode and/or gridconnected mode. Because of the uncertainty, intermittent, and discontinuity of the renewable resources, transient disturbance and dynamic disturbance exist in the microgrid. For the fault current is small in the system and the microgrid has very little inertia, the disturbance control and fault protection of microgrids are more difficult than the ones of traditional grids. The most challenging part of protection and dynamic control of microgrids is figuring out whether a fault or disturbance is occurring in the system. In the microgrid, there may appear transient characteristics similar to the transient and dynamic disturbance at the initial faults. If there is a fault, the transient disturbance control should be used to prevent the system from collapsing and make sure the right breakers should be tripped. But if there are transient and dynamic disturbances, even the initial characteristics of the transient and dynamic are very similar to the fault ones, the breakers should not be tripped.