Coronavirus Disease 2019: Taxonomy, Genomic Structure, Replication and Pathogenesis
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The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus- 2(SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China, has now spread too many countries across the world with an increasing death toll. At present, with the rapidly increasing number of cases around the world, which is a significant threat to public health. The World Health Organization has declared the ongoing outbreak as a global public health emergency. Presently, it is vital to control the infection, the transmission route. Due to the absence of adequate evidence, there is still no drug or vaccine that has been officially approved for the treatment. The use of existing drugs to control the progress of the disease and effective option of antiviral treatment, vaccination is currently under development and evaluation. The researchers raced to understand the define the risk factors, the pathogenesis of the disease, develop treatment options, and work on vaccine development. So, it is very vital to understand the structure of the proteins and the genome of the COVID-19. In this review, we summarize current information about the transmissibility, pathogenicity, phenotype features. Furthermore, we discuss the viral characteristics of 2019-nCoV.