Case Report on Intestinal Obstruction
Received Date: Sep 27, 2021 / Accepted Date: Nov 12, 2021 / Published Date: Nov 20, 2021
Introduction: Intestinal obstruction exists when blockage prevents the normal flow of intestinal contents through the intestinal tract. Two types of processes can impede this flow: 1) Mechanical obstruction: An intraluminal obstruction or a mural obstruction from pressure on the intestinal wall occurs. 2) Functional or paralytic obstruction: The intestinal musculature cannot propel the contents along the bowel. The blockage also can be temporary and the result of the manipulation of the bowel during surgery.
Clinical Findings: Pain in the lower abdomen, not passed stools and gases, fever (99.6°C), nausea vomiting.
General Examination: Height: average, Weight: 50 kg, Blood pressure: 110/70, pulse: 78 b/m, Respiration: 18b/m Temperature: 98.6
Diagnostic Evaluation: Hb=10%, PLT= 3.7, HBSAG- non reactive Blood test: Hb – 9.7gm%, APTT= 29.50, PLT=3.72, HBsAg – non reactive, CEA= 0.73, CA 125= 11.9, Peripheral Smear: RBCs- Normocytic mildly hypochromic RBCs seen. Platelets- Increased on smear. No hemiparasite seen.
Conclusion: My patient aged 20 years old female was admitted to surgery ward intestinal obstruction and she had complained of lower abdominal pain, not passed stool for 3 days and fever.
Keywords: Intestinal obstruction; Intestinal volvulus
Citation: Mondhe A, Sawarkar A, Shambharkar M, Khandar J, Kasturkar P, et al. (2021) Case Report on Intestinal Obstruction. J Dent Sci Med 4: 134.
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