Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by dysregulation of bone formation and breakdown leading to more porous bone and greater risk of fracture. Bone quality, not bone quantity is the greatest predictor of osteoporosis-related fracture and is defined as bone mineral density (BMD), the diagnostic measure of bone quality. BMD is calculated as the mass of the bone by the area (g/cm2).BMD accounts for 50-80% of the breaking strength of bones and remains the best predictor of fracture risk. Osteoporosis is the leading cause of fracture in older adults. A reduction of one standard deviation of BMD results in a 1.5-fold increase in relative risk of fracture at most sites and reaches nearly 3-fold in the femoral neck. The most common sites of breaks include the distal radius, vertebrae, pelvis, and femoral neck. Of all osteoporotic fractures, a break of the hip is the most devastating. Within the first six months after a hip fracture, there is a 10-20% risk of mortality and 25-33% within the year in women over 65 years.
The open access journals are peer reviewed scholarly journals of Osteoporosis. The top open access journals are freely available on the public internet domain, allowing any end users to read, download, copy, distribute, prink, search or link to the full texts of the articles. These provide high quality, meticulously reviewed and rapid publication, to cater the insistent need of scientific community. These journals are indexed with all their citations noted. The top open access journals are indexed in SCOPUS, COPERNICUS, CAS, EBSCO and ISI.
Last date updated on March, 2025