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  • Editorial   
  • J Respir Med 2022, Vol 4(3): 133
  • DOI: 10.4172/jrm.1000133

The Stages and Treatment of Pneumonia in the Elderly & Aged Grown-ups

Nicolini Antonello*
Professor of Pulmonology, Physiotherapy School, University of Genoa, United Kingdom
*Corresponding Author: Nicolini Antonello, Professor of Pulmonology, Physiotherapy School, University of Genoa, United Kingdom, Email:

Manuscript No. jrm-22-62010 / Editor assigned: 04-May-2022 / PreQC No. jrm-22-62010 (PQ) / Reviewed: 16-May-2022 / QC No. jrm-22- 62010 / Revised: 21-May-2022 / Manuscript No. jrm-22-62010 (R) / Published Date: 28-May-2022 DOI: 10.4172/jrm.1000133

Pneumonia is a common illness that affects millions of people every time. While pneumonia can do at any age, it's most frequently plant in aged cases.

Learn further about the 4 stages of pneumonia and why it’s so current among the senior in this comprehensive companion.


Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs that causes the air sacs to come lit and filled with fluid. Pneumonia can be caused by colorful effects [1], including bacteria entering the lungs, contagions, and other less-common types of infections.

Treatment for Aged Grown-ups and seniors at Increased Pneumonia

While anyone can develop pneumonia at any point in life, the senior are especially vulnerable. Aged grown-ups are more likely than youngish individualities to develop pneumonia and more likely to witness severe symptoms [2]. This is allowed to do for several reasons, including the bones below.

Underpinning Conditions

A common reason that aged grown-ups are more likely to develop pneumonia is underpinning health conditions. Heart complaint and respiratory diseases are current among the senior and make it harder for their bodies to shield off pneumonia and other infections.

Heart complaint and respiratory issues also increase the threat of having severe pneumonia [3]. When pneumonia occurs in cases with underpinning health enterprises, symptoms like coughing and briefness of breath are aggravated.

Weakened Immune Systems

As we progress, our vulnerable system naturally becomes weaker [4]. A weakened vulnerable system has a harder time fighting off infections. This is frequently the case for aged grown-ups who develop pneumonia.

The 4 Stages of Pneumonia in Elderly Cases

Pneumonia in senior cases is divided into 4 stages, depending on the inflexibility of symptoms and degree of progression. Below are the 4 stages of pneumonia in aged grown-ups.

Stage 1 Congestion: The first stage of pneumonia is the traffic phase. During this stage, the lungs will come veritably heavy [5] and congested due to fluid accumulation in the air sacs. When this contagious fluid accumulates in the lungs, it may lead to the following symptoms


Loss of appetite


Feeling of heaviness in the casket

Rapid breathing

These symptoms may appear mild in the early days of the infection [6] , but can progress fleetly in seniors. This is why it’s essential to fete when the traffic stage has begun in order to seek prompt treatment.

Stage 2 Red Hepatization: In the alternate stage of pneumonia, red blood cells enter the fluid- filled lungs to fight the infection. This gives the lungs a red appearance, known as red hepatization. During this phase, an aged existent will begin to witness worsening symptoms, including the following

Productive cough

Briefness of breath

Muscle pangs


Extreme fatigue




Low oxygen situations

Blue lips and fingernails

Some senior cases can witness confusion and distraction during this stage of pneumonia. When this occurs, they case should admit prompt exigency treatment, as it indicates dangerously low oxygen situations.

Stage 3 Gray Hepatization: In the third stage of pneumonia, the red blood cells begin to disintegrate. This gives the lungs a argentine appearance. While the red blood cells disintegrate, vulnerable cells will remain in the lungs and pneumonia symptoms will persist [7]. These symptoms may stay the same or begin to gradationally drop in inflexibility during this stage.

Stage 4 Resolution: Resolution is the final phase in the stages [8] of pneumonia for aged grown-ups. During the resolution stage, seniors will begin to feel more as their vulnerable cells relieve the body of infection. A productive cough may develop at this time. This cough will help remove redundant fluid from the lungs and move recovery forward.

Pneumonia Treatment

Treating pneumonia can be delicate in any case, but it becomes more complicated when working with aged grown-ups [9]. Prompt opinion and treatment are critical in these cases, as the infection and inflexibility of symptoms can worsen snappily.

The first step in the treatment process is getting a proper opinion. Diagnosing pneumonia frequently involves a series of imaging (casketxrays, CT reviews) and blood panels. These tests will help determine the presence of infection in the lungs and what the underpinning cause of the infection is.

The cause of the pneumonia will determine which course of treatment is stylish. Bacterial pneumonia is frequently treated with antibiotics. Viral pneumonia requires increased fluid input and overthe- counter specifics, as antibiotics aren't effective against contagions.

Pneumonia Recovery

For generally healthy aged grown-ups, recovery from pneumonia can take several weeks. In senior cases with underpinning health conditions [10], the recovery process can take much longer. Cases with severe cases may be rehabilitated until they're stable enough to continue the recovery process at home.

Upon returning home, these individualities may need in- home backing or caregiving. Severe pneumonia infections frequently have lasting impacts, similar as breathing difficulties.

An in- home caregiver can help with diurnal requirements, similar as bathing, cuisine, and cleaning. These requirements will vary from case to case, depending on their continued recovery.


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Citation: Antonello N (2022) The Stages and Treatment of Pneumonia in the Elderly & Aged Grown-ups. J Respir Med 4: 133. DOI: 10.4172/jrm.1000133

Copyright: © 2022 Antonello N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
