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Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production
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  • Case Report   
  • J Fisheries Livest Prod, Vol 10(9): 364

The Importance of Fisheries for Future References

Anat Ghajeri*
Department of Organization, Leadership, and Communication, Auburn University, Canada
*Corresponding Author: Anat Ghajeri, Department of Organization, Leadership, and Communication, Auburn University, Canada

Received: 17-Aug-2022 / Manuscript No. JFLP-22-75933 / Editor assigned: 19-Aug-2022 / PreQC No. JFLP-22-75933(PQ) / Reviewed: 02-Sep-2022 / QC No. JFLP-22-75933 / Revised: 07-Sep-2022 / Manuscript No. JFLP-22-75933(R) / Accepted Date: 09-Sep-2022 / Published Date: 14-Sep-2022


The main goal of this issue was to re-evaluate fisheries and fisheries research, to look toward the future and to highlight the difficulties that management and science would face in order to improve upon current fisheries. We all know how poorly the world’s fisheries are doing. Multiple studies have shown overexploitation, overcapitalization, and challenges to food security, many of which were conducted by authors of publications in this issue.


Fisheries research; Overexploitation; Food security; Reevaluate


Globally, the detrimental effects that fishing has had on marine ecosystems have been explored, along with broad historical trends in world fisheries. Large predatory fishes were the subject of Myers & Worm’s (2005) research because they have historically been the favoured target of fisheries and provide particularly challenging conservation issues because of their relatively delicate demographic traits [1]. Both studies, which expand on prior work, describe the issues that the current situation poses for science and management as well as the actions that must be done to address them.

The task to look very extensively into the future of marine capture fisheries and, in particular to study them in the light of current global projections for the future world. The issues raised in this study extend beyond fisheries and are pertinent to the future of all-natural resourcebased sectors.

Case Studies

The management procedures for fisheries constitute one of their main points of contention. The relative success and failure of various institutional structures are discussed, and it is argued that one of the keys to success is that institutions must be set up so that the incentives for certain fishermen are consistent with conservation [2]. The many functions of research and management but emphasise the actual challenges brought forth by the marine ecosystems’ unexpected responses to human activity and the environment [3]. They specifically draw attention to the vulnerability of marine ecosystems and propose components of a new management framework needed to take this into consideration.

The challenges that the abundance of legal or quasi-legal instruments that have been created by several international organisations over the past 20 years in an effort to guarantee sustainable use of natural resources has for fishery management organisations [4]. Although each instrument has contributed positively to sustainability, when viewed as a whole they create a complex and occasionally burdensome set of commitments that put tremendous strain on the developed and developing world nations who have ratified them. The authors consider these problems in light of a few potential future situations.

The need for a more ecosystem-based approach to fisheries science and management is central to several of the instruments looked at. This suggests that community ecology should become the primary scientific paradigm for fisheries science rather than population biology [5]. Pitcher (2005) advances a related issue by looking at the viability and potential strategies for restoring marine ecosystems to a state that is similar to its pristine or largely unexploited structure.

A thorough analysis of marine protected areas as management tools for conservation and sustainability has been prompted by the necessity to consider ecosystems as a whole and the inadequacy of fisheries management in many instances [6]. The efficiency of marine reserves as a management tool is examined by using examples. They argue that this effectiveness cannot be replicated by standard fishery management measures and therefore marine reserves must be incorporated into modern fishery management [7]. The application of quota control, effort control, and closed zones as three management strategies. They conclude that a mix of regulations, which includes relatively large closed areas, achieves the most effective management, both for conservation and for economic advantage.

Despite the push for more ecosystem-based approaches to fishery management, there is a case to be made for keeping the stock assessment techniques developed via population biology as the cornerstone of fisheries research [8]. They draw attention to the challenges of using more intricate ecosystem models and look at how the single-species method has evolved to suit the growing need for more conservative management. Complementary issues, taking note of the significant challenges encountered in underdeveloped nations when gathering and analysing data in enough depth to conduct stock assessments and direct fisheries management. Key components of the stock evaluation and management may be based on very minimal data thanks to the application of life-history theory in the development of greatly simplified assessment tools.

The bulk of the studies in this issue have focused on capture fisheries, but the role of intervention in aquatic ecosystems, whether through stock improvement or aquaculture, is equally crucial to the future of fisheries and the problem of food security [9]. In the context of actual management, the theory of stock enhancement creates instruments for measuring the effectiveness of certain enhancement programmes [10]. A summary of current worldwide developments in aquaculture is given, together with an analysis of its anticipated future and the likely scientific, environmental, and economic issues that may arise.


The contributions in this issue make it very evident what kinds of institutional, administrative, and scientific issues fisheries may encounter in the future. The future appears to be difficult.

Conflict of Interest



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Citation: Ghajeri A (2022) The Importance of Fisheries for Future References. J Fisheries Livest Prod 10: 364.

Copyright: © 2022 Ghajeri A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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