ISSN: 2329-910X
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Synaptor and Foot Net Bavaria-New Age in Diabetic Foot Survey

Arthur G*
Diabetes Zentrum München-Süd / Oberland, Germany
Corresponding Author : Arthur G
Diabetes Zentrum München-Süd / Oberland, Germany
Tel: 089/791 78 18
Fax: 089/790-21-75
Received date: September 24, 2015; Accepted date: March 28, 2016; Published date: March 31, 2016
Citation: Arthur G (2016) Synaptor and Foot Net Bavaria-New Age in Diabetic Foot Survey. Clin Res Foot Ankle 4:e107. doi:10.4172/2329-910X.1000e107
Copyright: © 2016 Arthur G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Diabetes has a high and nevertheless increasing limb amputation rate. To reduce these numbers, you need a qualified team, good communication and no loss of information. Hence we cannot afford to place a living team of surgeon, podiatrist, vascular surgeon, diabetologist at each wound, we at least collected them for every region in the web platform called “Foot Net Bavaria” ( All these participators are connected via webbased cloud software called synaptor. Here everyone (with patient given rights to do so) can see the case and do his part to make healing quicker and reduce amputation rate.

Therapie; Diabetic; Foot syndrome; Diabetologists; Surgeons; Radiology
Diabetes has a high and nevertheless increasing limb amputation rate. To reduce these numbers, you need a qualified team, good communication and no loss of information.
Hence we cannot afford to place a living team of surgeon, podiatrist, vascular surgeon, diabetologist at each wound, we at least collected them for every region in the web platform called “Foot Net Bavaria” ( All these participators are connected via web-based cloud software called synaptor. Here everyone (with patient given rights to do so) can see the case and do his part to make healing quicker and reduce amputation rate.
Materials and Methods
For getting all the people which are needed in therapy of diabetic Foot syndrome together, we created the web-based Platform called Funetz Bayern (foot net Bavaria). Here you find Diabetologists, Surgeons, Radiology, Varcular surgery, Angiology, Podiatrist, orthopaedic shoe makers, home care nurses, wound managers. All these people communicate via the web-based ultra-safe cloud software called Synaptor. The patient, mostly included in the system via Diabetologists (but other entrances are possible), gives his informed consent with which each participant of the foot net gets allowance to see his data (Figure 1).
With the ongoing registration, we can see earlier inclusion of wounds in regions where already Synaptor is working. We can see that patients come earlier that was one of the great problems shown in Eurodial Study that in Germany patients lost to much time till they got proper care (Figure 2).
Further investigations will show reduction of wound-to treatmenttime and numbers of amputations.


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Review summary

  1. Ginger Connye
    Posted on Aug 29 2016 at 3:06 pm
    The editorial article is innovative and sheds light on a new and advanced web platform called “Foot Net Bavaria” ( which is designed to improve the quality of health care provided to diabetic patients. The sole aim of this web platform is to reduce the number of limb amputations in diabetic patients. The article will guide young doctors working in remote areas in providing better counselling and treatment to their patients.

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