ISSN 2472-0518
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Shell Oil, GE Oil and Gas and Bilfinger Industrial Services Choose the LOBO System over Scaffolding, to Increase Safety and Optimise Cost

Robert Bokros*

LOBO Systems Ltd, UK

*Corresponding Author:
Robert Bokros
Managing Director, LOBO Systems Ltd, UK
Tel: +44(0)1332 365666

Received Date: January 30, 2017; Accepted Date: January 31, 2017; Published Date: February 02, 2017

Citation: Bokros R (2017) Shell Oil, GE Oil and Gas and Bilfinger Industrial Services Choose the LOBO System over Scaffolding, to Increase Safety and Optimise Cost. Oil Gas Res 3: i103. doi: 10.4172/2472-0518.1000i103

Copyright: © 2017 Bokros R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Shell Oil, GE Oil and Gas and Bilfinger Industrial Services choose The LOBO System over scaffolding, to increase safety and optimise cost. This month the LOBO advanced platform system has been fully approved for use by the above companies at their sites in the UK and North America. Professional Energy Systems Engineers have evaluated every conceivable option available for access platform and scaffold systems and, until they had physically evaluated the LOBO System, no one product had satisfied them from an overall safety and design concept perspective

Innovative Scaffolding Solution Saves Leading Oil and Gas Companies Millions of Dollars

Shell Oil, GE Oil and Gas and Bilfinger Industrial Services choose The LOBO System over scaffolding, to increase safety and optimise cost. This month the LOBO advanced platform system has been fully approved for use by the above companies at their sites in the UK and North America. Professional Energy Systems Engineers have evaluated every conceivable option available for access platform and scaffold systems and, until they had physically evaluated the LOBO System, no one product had satisfied them from an overall safety and design concept perspective. The LOBO System was un-matched. Cost savings are in the order of millions of dollars according to a Shell Oil commissioned Bilfinger report and together with the increase in safety, the LOBO System proves that it is a serious option for companies wishing to develop efficient processes and embrace the future generation of access platform systems. Robert Bokros MD at LOBO Systems is delighted with the approvals (Images 1-5).


Image 1: Hydro treating Unit.


Image 2: Pipe Tracks.


Image 3: Steam Plant.


Image 4: Vacuum Distillation.


Image 5: VBU.

Shell Oil have now Approved the LOBO System to be Used in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada

“The LOBO System is a versatile work platform product that combines the flexibility and strength of traditional scaffolding with the simplicity and mobility of aluminium systems. This modular system can be made safely into any shape or size, without the need for any tools and is infinitely adjustable. The product flat packs making for easy storage or transportation and utilization around the plant. It is easy and quick to erect, and can be assembled by anyone, subject to LOBO training.” Furthermore, “Your own in-house maintenance crews can assemble the LOBO System quickly, easily and safely around, under or above vessels, pipes, machinery, aircraft or conveyors and specifically in awkward to get to areas. This means out-sourced scaffolding labour costs can be reduced and controlled without comprising safety. In addition, it is available 24/7 and so puts you in control of what and when you schedule your maintenance tasks. Scaffolding providers wishing to keep up to date with new trends and processes should consider adopting the LOBO System to improve safety and reduce cost. Forward looking energy companies will derive greater shareholder value and ultimately it will be seen as a measure of a company’s success.” LOBO Systems has been successfully increasing safety and reducing costs since 1994 and has corporate customers in the UK and North America which include Valero, Shell, NASA, Rolls-Royce, General Motors, GE and Ford Motors.

LOBO Systems Ltd.

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