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  • Review Article   
  • J Anal Bioanal Tech 2023, Vol 14(8): 550
  • DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000550

Sea Water Distillation as the Way to Fight Fresh Water Loss to the Outer Space

Dr. Tyurin Michael*
Saratov State Medical University, Molecular Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Microbiology from the USSR Research, Houston TX 77230, U.S.A
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Tyurin Michael, Saratov State Medical University, Molecular Biology, Molecular Pharmacology, Microbiology from the USSR Research, Houston TX 77230, U.S.A, Email:

Received: 01-Aug-2023 / Manuscript No. abt-23-110941 / Editor assigned: 03-Aug-2023 / PreQC No. abt-23-110941 (PQ) / Reviewed: 17-Aug-2023 / QC No. abt-23-110941 / Revised: 21-Aug-2023 / Manuscript No. abt-23-110941 (R) / Accepted Date: 25-Aug-2023 / Published Date: 28-Aug-2023 DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000550


That sounds very reasonable to us and we will try to convince all of our readers, might be they will convince the Governmental officials that the shortage of fresh water is really coming very soon, it has already started now from the global changes of the weather, named as Global Warming [1].What the shortage of the fresh water means and why it is that dangerous since it deserves the quick economic actions of the Senior Executive branch of the US Government to act properly? Shortage of the fresh water means no crops and livestock production. And that is the Global Starvation on Earth to which we have to be prepared. That is why we are addressing this article to the global international and national policy makers.


Sea water; Distillation; Space


Now, to the details of my concern this is a global environmental problem which is determined the by the level of the air CO2. Who emits air CO2 and why it is dangerous for the Earth environment? All living beings emit the air CO2. All transportation means emit the air CO2. Who emits more? Obviously, not the living beings. The transportation is the general producer of the air CO2. That appears that burning of any kind of fuel in the engines produces the air CO2. Literally the revolution was the decision of Mr. Elon Mask some time back to initiate the manufacture of the electrically driven car Tesla. That is the solution compared to the internal combustion engines and diesel engines. Dr. Rudof Diesel who has invented the Diesel engines at the beginning of the 20th century never anticipated that his invention brings molecules detected the air CO2 level as 410 ppm. Now it exceeds 450 ppm [1]. What the chemistry tells us about ppm? It tells us that per 1 million of air gas blends molecules 450 molecules are the air CO2 molecules [1-3]. And we not discussing the increased air jet turbines use as the source of the air CO2 production. The transportation burns fuels produced by the international petroleum corporations from petroleum as the major source of the air CO2 levels. In weight of solute per volume of solution (w/v or m/v) terms, 1 ppm = 1g m-3 = 1 mg L-1 = 1 μg ml-1. In weight of solute per weight of solution (w/w or m/m) terms, 1 ppm = 1 mg kg-1 = 1 μg g-1. Sometimes when researching concentrations of ghgs, scientists will talk about concentrations of CO2 or CH4 in terms of parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) because the amounts are so small. For example, a concentration of 1 ppm corresponds to 1 part material per 1 million parts of the gas, liquid or solid it is found in [3]. For years scientists have said that if atmospheric levels of air CO2 reach 450 parts per million (ppm) the planet would heat up by an average of 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. They have also said that if the world crosses that threshold, ecosystems worldwide would suffer serious damage. The IPCC data, however, indicated that levels of 425 to 485 ppm would correspond to a temperature increase of 1.3 to 1.7 degrees C by 2100 [1, 2]. CO2 selectively absorbs the solar infra-red energy converting it to heat [1-5] “CO2 selectively absorbs solar infra-red energy since it has a certain resonance frequency that corresponds to the energy of light. When infra-red light hits a CO2 molecule it excites the molecule and causes the molecule to vibrate. Tis vibration energy is converted to heat. The following explain my concern in detail. The last image (Figure 1) is solely for the Ground in touch with the bottom layer of CO2 in the atmosphere air blend.

Is the Governmental understanding of the water Reserves on Earth. Fresh water is painted like very small balls compared to the size of the ocean water bigger ball. Explains our understanding how fresh water evaporates from the Ground the refuge of the fresh water on Earth. Fresh water evaporates to the Space vacuum which is the other side of the atmosphere which is only 400 miles wide layer over the Ground and the ocean/sea salty water. Does not explain the fresh water evaporation from the ocean / sea salty water. We might explain this via the changes in the Houston weather. The Author came to Houston for the first time 25 years back. He was absolutely surprised with the bottomless blue Houston sky which was quite different from the places the Author lived before. Now, 25 years later, we might watch the blue bottomless sky early in the Morning, at about 5- 5:30 AM. The sky starts getting covered with the clouds. The clouds are small but in the multitude, then they get condensed into the bigger clouds and such bigger clouds often render atmospheric electricity discharges (thunder, sparks during the thunder). Often rain becomes possible and this is not like that was observed by the Author 25 years back when he came to Houston from Moscow, the Russian Federation. Where said clouds come from? This is a good question with the especially Southern wind accompanying said change of the Houston weather. Apparently said clouds are the result of the condensed evaporated from the Gulf of Mexico fresh water. The Author is not competent now on the salty water becomes boiling or not, the phenomenon at the excess of the air CO2 like blanket covering the salty water of the Gulf of Mexico. Rain if possible is always good for the fresh water collection to the Ground but the main issue is the amount of the fresh water evaporated under said conditions from the Gulf of Mexico. With the increase of the air CO2 over said 25 years to and above 450 ppm causes this change of Houston weather. Similar changes are typical for other locations on Earth. The overall amount of evaporated from Ground and sea / ocean fresh water is tremendously higher than 25 years back. Why 25 years sows up her and there again and again? Because we claim now that the environmental catastrophe on Earth is anticipated in the next 10-25 years from now. This repeated 25 years is given as the example how the global international petroleum corporations increased the air CO2 level to environmentally critical levels. This is our explanation of and not painted herein in this article fresh water collection from over the ocean / sea water around the globe. Let us cite the internet again and in relation on how much Solar light energy and where is applied. Sells solar panels to customers around the world, with the special notes on where the sun energy in the most intensive. Shows the areas of the most available and the strongest one. As per the recent measurements done by NASA, the average intensity of solar energy that reaches the top atmosphere is about 1,360 watts per square meter in the Equatorial areas of Earth. The solar light energy decreases substantially to the poles of our planet. For instance when the Author joined Celanese Chemicals Research Center in Corpus Christi, TX, the workers he spoke with mentioned him that in Houston area it was possible to collect two harvests of corn per year. While down South from Houston in mcallen, TX area the farmers already collect three harvests of corn over a year. The 60-cell solar panels are 5.4 feet long and 3.25 feet wide. They possibly give an output of about 270 watts to 300 watts. They are suitable for residential areas. The size of a 72-cell solar system is the same; just they have an extra row of cells. The average output from 72-cell solar panels ranges between 350 watts to 400 watts. They are used in commercial solar projects and large buildings. The conversion rate of silicon-based solar panels is between 18% and 22% of the total sunlight received by them. It led them to exceed 400 watts of power. The solar panels with the highest efficiency up till now were developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). It has 39.5% efficiency. Until now we mainly wrote about the fresh water losses. The corporate goal of the corporation’s owner by the Author is to supply enough distilled water made up from the sea water to compensate the coming fresh water shortage projected in the next 10-25 years due to the overproduction of the air CO2 as discussed above. As we have discussed before we will have the Gasoline and the Diesel fuel replacements at our new type of gas stations. The Gasoline replacements were discussed before; the Diesel fuel replacements will be as we have discussed that before [6].

Materials and Methods

The geographical place to get the most possible sun light for powering of the solar panels

We projected our corporate facilities near town Brownsville, TX. There is also the University of TX system there which will bring to us all the necessary for business operations staff if any will be necessary. The area near Brownsville is still in the USA and we very much appreciate the presence of the acting federal and local laws in the area. Obviously down South in Mexico the Sun light is absolutely stronger however the absence of the US laws will not encourage us to have our corporate location outside of the US.

The set of the new the of the gas stations

As we have discussed that before we have the intent to find the investor’s funds sufficient enough to organize initially in this area, then Nationwide the set of the new of the gas stations shown in. The new gas station will be selling only Carbon negative fuels to power gasoline and diesel fuel cars / trucks. It has the areas for selling of the Carbon Negative Gasoline replacement and the Diesel fuel replacement mixtures. We have discussed the composition of said fuel mixtures before. It is important that the new type of our gas stations will sell foods from the home cooking of our valuable customers to save their time for visiting additionally the grocery stores. The food will be presented the regular one and the Carbon Negative genetically engineered food. In the time of the severing of the ecological crisis there will be the shortage of the livestock and the crops manufacturing. To compensate that we plan to organize our corporate efforts to develop the technologies of the manufacturing of the genetically engineered foods which will be Carbon Negative? To do that we plan to use the regular mushroom cells and to introduce inside them the genes responsible for production of the muscle fibers of lambs and beef. The mastery which we have achieved in the development of the Acetogen-based biocatalysts to manufacture the Carbon Negative fuels, that mastery gives us the promise to create the Carbon Negative mushroom-based genetically engineered foods for sales at the new type of the gas stations for the home cooking of our valuable customers. We are sure that the success in any our direction towards our mail purpose to substitute the missing products due to the worsening of said environmental crisis on Earth. Speaking of the genetically engineered meats we plan also the organizing of the muscle constructions efforts (muscle tissues will become stronger - more meat-kike structures) in our aseptic corporate facilities in the stated Brownsville area. As Figure 1 shows we will have the Distillation Boats. The main idea is that the equator area is mostly sea / ocean based and the distilled water manufacture has to be in the floatable form. For that purpose we do not plan to have the sea/ ocean locations of said boats far away from the ground where we will be storing our distilled water for shipping to the new type of the gas stations. The shipping on the ground and in the sea / ocean areas will be done using the transportation tools we will have to create using the DC motors we will get at the discounted prices at the US Shipyards from the decomposed submarines. Therefore the transportation will all be Carbon Negative for our business ventures. That indeed needs the investors’ money. As you could see from Figure 1 there is the storage area in each new type gas station. This area is designed on purpose that we plan to do the system of on-line ordering of goods not currently sold at the new type of the gas stations but needed for our valued customers. The fresh water shortage is already discussed above and we will sell distilled water in excess to the valuable customers. This is for drinking. We are not sure yet where we will get enough fresh water for bathing and laundry purposes. Apparently this will require tremendous amount of investments and we are ready to look for that.


Figure 1: Water reserves of earth.


As discussed before will have the corporate facilities nearby the TX town Brownsville very close to the state Mexico and therefore in in the equator area as we have noticed per the amount of the Sun light available for the solar panels sating the corn harvests near mcallen TX area. This seems to be the best location since in Florida the environment is not organized well enough to survive the storms caused by Atlantic Ocean. As discussed before the sales of the Carbon Negative fuels will help to reduce the air CO2 level proportional to the use of said Carbon Negative fuels. Burning f said fuels produces the air CO2 as well as the use of the fuels originating from petroleum. The main question we have to discuss at the level of the Executive Branch of the US Government is the balance of the air CO2 use for the Carbon Negative fuels manufacture and the amount of the Carbon Negative fuels used for the Gasoline and the Diesel fuel engines. The balance has to be on the side of the Carbon Negative fuels overproduction. We do sincerely anticipate the wide distribution of the new type of the gas stations we have proposed herein. Said gas stations will not only sell the Carbon Negative fuels near Brownsville TX but possible Nationwide and then if successful world-wide. That obviously depends on the availability of the investor’s funds. The Carbon Negative foods manufacture depends on the availability of the proper Ph. D.-students we plan to have. That amounts determined by our capability to invest our corporate funds into the efforts to invite the successful graduates from the Moscow State University we already tried to make and will continue to do that. The need for the facility to house said Ph. D. Students is obvious. The housing has to be with the perfect surveillance systems installed and working to monitor the life of said Ph. D. Students during their rest time or the time out of the corporate work. No alcohol consumption or other not pleasant and health damaging habits will be tolerated in the residential area of said students, and the surveillance personnel has to be funded well.


As we have stated already our purpose is to resolve the global environmental problem outlined before. Another part of said problem is the existence of the international petroleum corporations on the US soil. Said corporations actively produce air CO2 at their refineries (the total amount of petroleum refineries on the territory of the continental US is 80) and produce fuel by distilling petroleum at said refineries to manufacture Gasoline and Diesel fuel which will be used at cars / trucks to produce the air CO2. The United States of America was founded by the immigrants from England, Ireland, Scotland and similar countries. And people eventually had everything to contribute to their country as it is written in the Declaration of Independence accepted for ruling on July 4th 1776. Therefore, the task is now to explain how said international petroleum corporations affect the environment with the purpose to get rid of them. That has to be done by the Executive Office of the US Government since the efforts of ordinary people are not effective. Yu might take a look at the declaration section of this original article to learn about the attempted murder SHELL subjected the Author in response to his proposal to SHELL to commercialize his proprietary technology of gasoline manufacture from the air CO2. The solution to the global environmental crisis is the replacement of the international petroleum corporations by the Carbon Negative corporations headed by the author.


This figure contains the image of the horizontal bioreactor for the manufacture of the Carbon Negative fuels, the new type of the gas stations for sales of carbon negative fuels and Carbon negative genetically engineered foods, solar panels for powering the horizontal bioreactors, corporate infrastructure, transportation tools inside the corporations, sea water distillation boats with solar panels from the sea water distillation, alkaline batteries for the overnight operations, DEC motors for the movement purposes, the DC electric engines from the US shipyards, the storage facilities for the distilled water, and the distilled water at the new type of gas stations.


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Citation: Michael T (2023) Sea Water Distillation as the Way to Fight Fresh WaterLoss to the Outer Space. J Anal Bioanal Tech 14: 550. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000550

Copyright: © 2023 Michael T. This is an open-access article distributed under theterms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author andsource are credited.
