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Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health
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Prosthodontic Management of Diabetic Patient using Liquid Supported Complete Denture

Manu Rathee*

Senior Professor and Head, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana, India

*Corresponding Author:
Manu Rathee
Senior Professor and Head
Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences
Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences
Rohtak, Haryana-124001, India
Tel: 91 1262 213876

Received Date: July 07, 2014; Accepted Date: July 07, 2014; Published Date: July 14, 2014

Citation: Rathee M (2014) Prosthodontic Management of Diabetic Patient using Liquid Supported Complete Denture. J Oral Hyg Health 2:144 doi:10.4172/2332-0702.1000144

Copyright: © 2014 Navi F, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Figure A: Intraoral View Showing Resorbed Maxillary Residual Ridge
Figure B: Intraoral View Showing Resorbed Mandibular Residual Ridge
Figure C: Impression Surface of Maxillary Complete Denture Showing Vacuum Heat-Processed Ethylene Sheet
Figure D: Impression Surface of Mandibular Complete Denture Showing Vacuum Heat-Processed Ethylene Sheet
Figure E: Intraoral View of Liquid Supported Denture In Maximum Intercuspation

Clinical Images

Maxillary arch is edentulous. The residual ridge in the maxillary arch is resorbed. The maxillary tuberosities are very small. The incisive papilla is near the crest of the ridge. The residual ridge is unevenly resorbed.

Mandibular arch is edentulous. The residual ridge in the mandibular arch is resorbed. The floor of the mouth is closer to the crest of the ridge. The facial and lingual sulci are shallow. The residual ridge is highly resorbed.

Impression surface of maxillary complete denture is lined with heat-processed ethylene sheet. The peripheral denture border and posterior palatal seal area of the denture is heat cured acrylic resin. There is uniform intervening space between the acrylic denture base and the ethylene sheet.

Impression surface of mandibular complete denture is lined with heat-processed ethylene sheet. The peripheral denture border and retromolar pad area of the denture is heat cured acrylic resin. There is uniform intervening space between the acrylic denture base and the ethylene sheet.

Heat cured acrylic resin complete denture with anatomic teeth in maximum intercuspation position inside oral cavity.
