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  • Review Article   
  • Transplant Rep 2023, Vol 8(3): 183
  • DOI: 10.4174/troa.1000183

Procedures for the Evaluation and Reporting of Multivariable Logistic Regression in Transplantation Literature

Maroun Abou Jaoude*
Department of Surgery, The Lebanese University, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanon
*Corresponding Author: Maroun Abou Jaoude, Department of Surgery, The Lebanese University, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Lebanon, Email:

Received: 01-Jun-2023 / Manuscript No. troa-23-102813 / Editor assigned: 03-Jun-2023 / PreQC No. troa-23-102813 (PQ) / Reviewed: 16-Jun-2023 / QC No. troa-23-102813 / Revised: 21-Jun-2023 / Manuscript No. troa-23-102813 (R) / Published Date: 28-Jun-2023 DOI: 10.4174/troa.1000183 QI No. / troa-23-102813


Multivariable logistic retrogression is an important system to estimate threat factors and prognostic in solid organ transplant literature. We aimed to assess the quality of this system in six major transplantation journals. Eleven logical criteria and four attestation criteria were anatomized for each named composition that used logistic retrogression. An aggregate of 106 studies out of 1,701 original papers used logistic retrogression analyses from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2006. The logical criteria and their separate reporting chance among the six journals were Linearity( 25); Beta measure( 48); Interaction tests( 19); Main estimates Ovefitting forestallment(84);Goodness‐of‐fit(3.8); Multicollinearity Internal confirmation(3.8); External confirmation(8.5). The attestation criteria were reported as follows Selection of independent variables Coding of variables (9); befitting procedures (49); Statistical program. No significant differences were set up among different journals or between general versus subspecialty journals with respect to reporting quality. We set up that the report of logistic retrogression is wrong in transplantation journals. Because our findings may have major consequences for the care of transplant cases and for the design of transplant clinical trials, we recommend a practical result for the use and reporting of logistic retrogression in transplantation journals. Arterial hypertension is a leading cause of both vascular conditions and habitual renal failure. With the adding prevalence of cases suffering from hypertension, an adding number of cases with hypertensive vascular complaint are reported, videlicet aortoiliac atherosclerosis and aneurysms, demanding order transplantation (KT). Offered or contemporaneous surgical form of aortoiliac lesions with KT have long been described and studied. In this report, we bandy the case of a case with infra- renal abdominal aortic aneurysm, having an endovascular bifurcated aorticbi-iliac stent (EVBAIS) introduced, who passed a KT 3 months after his vascular surgery without any post-operative complication. This case, as well as other former studies supports the fact that the presence of an EVBAIS doesn't contraindicate KT.


Logistic; Multivariable; Retrogression; Transplantation; order transplantation; Vascular endograft


‘We live in a multivariable world’ (1) and most events in life are multifactorial, that is, numerous different factors (i.e. variables) are associated to a specific outgrowth. Multivariable logistic retrogression is one of the tools that help to determine the donation of each of these factors to a single outgrowth. Multivariable logistic retrogression is an important statistical system generally used in all fields of drug and Surgery, as well as in the solid organ transplant literature. This system is substantially used to either understand the effect of several variables(e.g. threat factors) that may ‘ explain ’ changes in specific issues(e.g. allograft rejection) — also called explicatory modeling, or that may ‘ prognosticate ’ changes in specific issues(e.g. case survival) — prophetic modeling [1]. Of note, while the explicatory or predictor variables being anatomized can be nonstop — also called numerical due to the presence of multiple situations(e.g. tacrolimus situations), or dichotomous, also called binary due to the presence of two situations(e.g. gender manlyvs. womanish), the outgrowth variable must be dichotomous for utmost logistic retrogression analyses. Landmark studies assessing this methodology in four major medical journals — NEJM, JAMA, ANNALS, and BMJ have constantly demonstrated important logical and reporting problems (2, 3, 4) concerning the reporting of multivariable retrogression analyses. These problems have important bedside counteraccusations considering that the retrogression analyses results from published studies may be inaccurate and lead to unhappy operation to the clinical or surgical care of transplantpatients. Kidney transplantation( KT) flourished since the 1970s, 1 and despite being technically learned beforehand on, it started to be particularly successful since the 1990s with the arrival of numerous new, clinically approved, immunosuppressive agents with dropped nephrotoxicity [2]. This has mainly redounded in declining rejection rates and dragged graft survival.2 The 3 most common conditions leading to habitual renal failure( CRF) and treated by KT are insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis and hypertensive nephrosclerosis.2 also, advanced atherosclerosis which occurs in haemodialysis cases can be related to either haemodialysis treatment orCRF.3 The progression of atherosclerosis lesions is enhanced by arterial inflammation performing from autoimmune complaint.4 Accordingly, long- term dialysis and aortitis are able of causing aortoiliac occlusive complaint. Over the last many times, we've witnessed an increase in the number of cases with vascular conditions who are campaigners forKT.5 We describe, in this paper, the case of a case who passed a KT and who had preliminarily experienced an endovascular bifurcated aorticbi-iliac stent( EVBAIS) for an infra- renal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The opinions taken concerning the presence of the endovascular stent, thepre-transplant case’s assessment, and thepost-operative course will also be addressed [3].

Material and Method

The case was a seventy-time-old Caucasian joker, who was appertained to our university medical centre, in December 2007, for KT. His once medical history revealed the presence of an essential arterial hypertension for over 10 times performing in a hypertensive nephrosclerosis and stable CRF. In June 2007, the case has experienced a coronary roadway bypass grafting (CABG) for 4- vessel- ischemic heart complaint with mild mitral stopcock regurgitation. Accordingly, the patient suffered from a severe deterioration of his renal function and started haemodialysis one month after his CABG. During the work- up of his CRF, and because of the circumstance of a ‘ blue toes pattern ’ performing from cholesterol embolization, a5.5 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm has been discovered and treated successfully in September 2007 by insertion of an EVBAIS [4]. Besides being a heavy smoker, the case didn't suffer from diabetes or any ischemic cerebrovascular complaint. His physical examination was normal except for severe weight loss related to his CRF and recent surgeries. His blood pressure was normal and his femoral and distal beats were palpable without substantiation of any sign of arterial insufficiency including trophic changes, supplemental edema or pain upon exercise. Thepre-transplant work- up didn't contraindicate the surgery as the echocardiography has showed good systolic function of the left ventricle with a grade II/ III mitral stopcock regurgitation and moderate pulmonary roadway hypertension with an ejection bit of 68. A glamorous resonance angiography was performed and revealed a patentintra-aortic stent ending distally at the medial common iliac highways bilaterally with the substantiation of a separate atheroma at the position of the descending thoracic aorta. As for the Doppler ultrasound of the lower branches, it showed a good arterial perfusion but a dropped venous return [5].


The transplant was performed in December 2007 after anon-related living patron was linked. The graft was installed into the right iliac gutter using the standard fashion. Two highways were linked in the order graft and were reconstructed side- to- side on the reverse table before doing the anastomoses with the right external iliac vessels distal to the vascular endograft. A gelcap of 5000 UI of heparin was given to the case previous to arterial setting performed just below the bifurcation of the common iliac roadway to help any stent thrombosis. The total vascular anastomosis time was 35 min. After the vascular clamps junking, the order began to produce urine incontinently [6].


At anaesthesia induction, the case entered 2 vials of Daclizumab (anti-CD25 antibodies), to which the case developed an anaphylactic shock and demanded reanimation. This state of shock lasted for some hours after surgery and responded favourably to hydration and adrenaline (epinephrine) intravenous perfusion. Still, thepost-operative course was uneventful as the serum creatinine position had fleetly dropped to0.7 mg/ dl within 48 h. The case entered cyclosporine micro emulsion, mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone as conservation immunosuppression. Cardiovascular protection was done by giving the case a nonstop intravenous perfusion of 15,000 units/ day of heparin started 6 h after the surgery and continued during all his sanitarium stay. Later, heparin was replaced by baby aspirin and pravastatin given orally. An echo- Doppler of the order graft was done before the case’s discharge from the sanitarium which has shown a normal order graft with a good renal indicator of0.69. Upon discharge from the sanitarium, the case had a serum creatinine position of0.7 mg/ dl. The case was nearly followed in the transplant inpatient clinic; his medical condition was stable with excellent renal function and free from any vascular problem related to the endovascular stent or his supplemental emboli which has resolved under proper treatment [7, 8].

Transplantation journals named for data birth

All original papers including the keywords ‘ multiple, multivariable, multivariate, logistic, direct, retrogression, model, system, pitfalls, vaticination, rules ’, and published from January 1, 2005 to January 1, 2006 were searched in PubMed for the following journals General transplantation journals American Journal of Transplantation; Transplantation; and Clinical Transplantation. Subspecialty journals Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation; Liver Transplantation; and Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. The reasons for choosing the time of 2005 – 2006 were the following( 1) to allow PubMed enough time to correct reporting miscalculations generally seen after papers ’ release;( 2) to not miss papers which were retroactively placed in PubMed;( 3) to allow time for implicit papers reclamations from each journal;( 4) to allow time for the PubMed objectification of crimes discovered after final publications; and( 5) to allow time for us to assess letters to the editor concerning each named composition [9].

It's of significance to remind the anthology that what was reported in handwriting may not have always reflected what was actually done in its wholeness. Still, reporting itself was the main focus of our study, therefore we assumed that the published reports encompassed and represented utmost of what was performed for their retrogression analyses.

Both Fisher's exact test and Chi ‐ squared test were performed for all criteria comparisons between journals. A destined nascence error threshold of 0.05 (two ‐ tagged) was used. Due to the small sample size of each order and the anticipated frequence of some cells being lower than 5, which makes Chi ‐ squared test results less dependable, we only report results from Fisher's exact test.


Our findings demonstrate that logistic retrogression analyses are lousily reported in transplantation exploration, both in general and subspecialty journals. The report of main estimates and the forestallment of model over fitting were the only logical criteria reported by the maturity of journals (84 – 98), and the selection of independent variables was the attestation criterion with the loftiest reporting rate (65 – 78). While 10 or further outgrowth events per variable is a traditional rule to help model over fitting( 6, 118, 119), there's recent substantiation that a minimum of eight events per variable should produce models as well fit as the bones with 21 events per variable( 120). These befitting rules are veritably helpful but aren't perfect since applicable variables may end barred by following these guidelines too rigorously [10].

Order transplantation has come the treatment of choice for end- stage renal failure. The pool of implicit donors for KT is adding continuously and this is related substantially to the fact that CRF and haemodialysis are associated with hypertension and lipid diseases that dispose to accelerated atherosclerosis.6 also, bettered results have extended the suggestion for renal transplantation to include cases of nearly any age group as well as cases with diabetes. As a consequence, we're facing an adding number of cases suffering contemporaneously from end- stage renal complaint and aortoiliac atherosclerotic and aneurysmal diseases7 which bear surgical form of atherosclerotic highways. This adding combination had caused problems regarding the operative strategy and suggestions for aortoiliac reconstruction andKT.8 Some authors recommend that aortoiliac angiography should be performed as a routine before KT in the high age donors, substantially over 40 times of age, because it frequently provides the surgeon performing the transplantation with precious information.5, 9 This station isn't championed by numerous surgeons since angiography is an invasive procedure and involves case’s exposure to irradiation. Also, as vascular complaint is a systemic reality, aortoiliac atherosclerosis or aneurysm may be one of the vascular events that the cases suffer from. In a Norwegian study conducted by Brekke, it was recommended that special attention needs to be given to coronary atherosclerosis when assessing aortoiliac cases forKT.9 Ischemic heart complaint, in case not addressed, may put the eligibility of KT in question.

Conflicts of Interest





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Citation: Jaoude MA (2023) Procedures for the Evaluation and Reporting of Multivariable Logistic Regression in Transplantation Literature. Transplant Rep 8: 183. DOI: 10.4174/troa.1000183

Copyright: © 2023 Jaoude MA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
