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Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle
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  • Review   
  • Clin Res Foot Ankle 2023, Vol 11(2): 2

Patient Outcomes of COVID-19 Pandemic Virtual Foot and Ankle Clinics

Mareeb K*
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Gateshead Health Foundation, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Mareeb K, Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Gateshead Health Foundation, Iran, Email:

Received: 01-Feb-2023 / Manuscript No. crfa-23-88834 / Editor assigned: 03-Feb-2023 / PreQC No. crfa-23-88834 / Reviewed: 17-Feb-2023 / QC No. crfa-23-88834 / Revised: 21-Feb-2023 / Manuscript No. crfa-23-88834 / Published Date: 28-Feb-2023


COVID- 19 epidemic has instigated to find indispensable styles of assessing and treating cases with bottom and ankle diseases. We've enforced virtual telephone clinic consultations along with the face- to- face consultations. It has reduced overcrowding in the busy inpatient staying area and therefore limiting close patient contact. The end of this study is to review the case satisfaction issues, assess the feasibility and to find out the implicit fiscal counteraccusations of introducing telephone clinic consultations for bottom and ankle diseases. A aggregate of 426 cases who had telephone consultations for bottom and ankle diseases for a period of one time were included. Cases were given individual time places for the consultations. The patient satisfaction issues were assessed using a structured questionnaire. The issues following the telephone discussion was checked.


Virtual; Foot and Ankle; Consultations; COVID-19


The fiscal cost was calculated for the study period. Following the telephone discussion 35 of the cases were discharged and 36 were given farther face to face movables .97.5 were veritably satisfied or satisfied with the methodology and issues of the telephone discussion. 95 of the cases reflected that they would recommend telephone consultations for bottom and ankle to their musketeers and family. The fiscal savings calculated during the study period was about£ 25000($, 000). Virtual telephone clinic consultations are safe, effective and cost effective with good case satisfaction issues [1-3]. It's an volition or can be conducted peripheral to face to face consultations with acceptable planning, training, good communication chops and properdocumentation.The nimbus contagion complaint 2019 (COVID- 19) is a largely contagious and transmissible complaint caused by severe acute respiratory pattern coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV- 2). It was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019.

It has reached United Kingdom in January 2020 and has been declared by the WHO as a epidemic in March 2020( 1). The transmission of COVID- 19 is by driblets which may be gobbled or may reach the mouth, nose, or eyes of a person direct deposit or particular contact. The threat of infection is loftiest when people are in close propinquity for a long time, particularly outdoors in inadequately voiced and crowded spaces similar as inpatient conventions( 3). Hence social distancing in the sanitarium has come a crucial factor in the forestallment of spread of COVID-19. Face to face movables in the inpatient settings in NHS hospitals dispose to close contact between the cases and hence easing spread of the contagion especially in vulnerable cases withco-morbidities( 4). The idea to have a virtual clinic conducted by telephone discussion was allowed of to maintain the durability of care during this delicate time. We also got the alleviation from the success of conducting the Virtual Trauma Conventions and the follow up operation using telephone consultations in our sanitarium for the last five times( 6). The end of the design was to apply virtual bottom and ankle conventions with telephone consultations in the environment of the current coronavirus( COVID- 19) epidemic in the UK [4-8].

We also looked at the benefits including reducing the cost of running the face to face to conventions similar as reducing the office space and the labor force needed to conduct the conventions and limitations of similar tele-conventions with particular emphasis on the issues and fiscal counteraccusations for the trust to produce and consolidate a platform for unborn virtualconsultations.The study was conducted in Gateshead Health Foundation NHS Trust, UK in our bottom and ankle conventions. Utmost of the cases who were included in the telephone discussion clinic had former face to face discussion and shoot for examinations or had surgical procedures done. The cases who had bottom and ankle fractures were also follow up cases. The new cases included were those appertained for soft towel conditions [9]. All our telephonic conventions were prepared one week in advance. Case's records including their clinic letters and referral letters were available for the responsible clinician to review. A careful selection system was used to include the cases for the telephonic conventions. Only those cases were included who supposed suitable and applicable for telephonic discussion [10].


The follow up cases were generally those who could be discharged following a minor bottom operation (e.g., soft towel lump excision similar as Morton's neuroma, ganglion, post op injectionsetc) or who had an on-invasive modality of treatment and awaiting a review to plan farther treatment (e.g., Plantar fasciopathy cases appertained to activity for stretching exercises, cases with original orthotic operationetc.). New case's selection was grounded on the original referral letter. Grounded on the presenting history attained during the telephonic discussion, they were transferred for applicable examinations similar as CT checkup or ultrasound checkup before their face- to- face movables. This was well appreciated as it avoided gratuitous sanitarium visit for cases for original discussion and were seen with applicable disquisition outcomes formerly available during the first face to face discussion to lay down the correct treatment plan. We believe that this approach could be the stylish approach for unborn telephonicclinics.The cases added on the waiting lists were the follow up cases who were seen after the applicable evaluations(e.g., Morton's neuroma after ultrasound checkup) or who formerly had the applicable examinations in place but were treated non operatively originally withnon-invasive modalities of treatment and had failed to ameliorate(e.g., Plantar fasciopathy cases for medium gastrocnemius release after failed conservative operation).

All the cases who had a telephone discussion in the bottom and ankle clinic from 1st of April 2020 to 31st of March 2021 were included. The cases who didn't answer the telephone call or who didn't speak English and children below the age of 16 times were barred. The telephone consultations were carried out by elderly medical staff which included Adviser bottom and ankle surgeon and Associate Specialist in Trauma and Orthopedics. The telephone clinic was set beforehand the day of the discussion by the medical clerk and elderly medical staff to identify the cases who are eligible for a virtual discussion. A separate clinic distance was generated with the name, sanitarium and NHS, date of birth, contact telephone and issues from the former clinic letters. For cases who had examinations ordered in the former clinic consultations, the medical clerk would cross check to have the reports of the current examinations available. All the cases were given a definite time niche and the appointment time of telephone call was given to the cases in advance.

At the end of the discussion the cases were asked to take part in

The end of this study is to review the efficacity, patient satisfaction and the fiscal counteraccusations following the preface of a new system of inpatient discussion for bottom and ankle diseases by telephone conventions. Indeed though the use of telemedicine was first introduced in 1970 s, the utilisation and establishment of this mode of patient discussion was veritably important limited. In the once two decades there were tremendous new developments in the field of technology and smart telephones, but still face to face discussion remains the standard for patient discussion. In our study we've noted that the case satisfaction scores for the qualitative questionnaires remained veritably high ( 4 and 5 points) in further than 85 of the cases. Only lower than 15 of the cases scored 3 and below. Burvik et al in their study conducted a randomised controlled trail between face to face and videotape discussion. In their study 99 of the cases were veritably satisfied with their videotape consultations. These outcomes are relatively similar with our study. Sinha et al in theirnon-randomised study concluded that only 8 of the cases demanded a face- to- face discussion for farther movables.

In our study for the questionnaire for enhancement of services, 25 of the cases preferred to have a face- to- face discussion for unborn movables . The most important advantage of telephone discussion for the case is to avoid trip to and from the sanitarium with added long staying times in the inpatient department. It also is cost effective for the case because of the plutocrat saved from the trip charges especially senior cases who had to depend on hired private transport. This has been stressed in the studies by conventions can increase the productivity by adding the volume of cases that can be managed by a health service. It enables clinician to convert trip time to clinical time, thereby perfecting productivity. Compared to videotape consultations, telephone clinic is easy to handle by all groups of cases including the senior some of whom doesn t have the technology know how and the ease of using videotape. We believe that meetly set tele- clinic for applicable cases would affect into high case satisfaction and analogous outgrowth when compared to face to face clinic.

We understand that addition of videotape discussion may further reduce the current limitations of tele- clinic and can surely be used as an adjunct in future following successful perpetration of teleclinics on remote discussion for follow up operation of fracture cases, they set up that the satisfaction rates were high. The perpetration of podiatry follow up telephone consultations for rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions also have shown implicit time and cost effectiveness compared to face- to- face consultations.


The disadvantage of telephone consultations is the incapability to perform physical clinical examination of the case and there by not suitable to reach a conclusive opinion especially dealing with new cases or in cases who have developed a complication as a outcome of surgery( 15). This is also true for cases with crack complications and those who sustained injuries. In these clinical settings especially to examine a crack for induration and original rise in temperature or assess bottom and ankle injury including fractures. In similar situations a face- toface discussion is applicable and judicious. This has been expressed by our cases in response to the quality. The perpetration of virtual telephone conventions for bottom and ankle cases is an effective and cost-effective volition to face- to- face consultations with implicit fiscal earnings for the sanitarium trusts. Our study shows that further than 80 of the cases are satisfied with telephone consultations which help gratuitous and gratuitous trip to the sanitarium and avoid face to face contact during the current COVID- 19 epidemic. These conventions can run alongside the normal face to face to discussion conventions. The croakers have acceptable and applicable training in agreement with General Medical Council( GMC) good practice guidelines, with accurate validations, good communication chops, knowledge and experience in the applicable field. unborn randomised controlled study with further than two times of follow up of cases between face to face and virtual conventions looking at the case satisfaction scores and issues are recommended.


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Citation: Mareeb K (2023) Patient Outcomes of COVID-19 Pandemic Virtual Foot and Ankle Clinics. Clin Res Foot Ankle, 11: 393.

Copyright: © 2023 Mareeb K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
