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  • Opinion Article   
  • Innov Ener Res 2022, Vol 11(1): 262
  • DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463.1000262

Part of Algae as an Implicit Biomass

Gurkan Kumbaroglu*
Department of Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Gurkan Kumbaroglu, Department of Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, Email:

Received: 03-Jan-2022 / Manuscript No. Iep-22-53308 / Editor assigned: 05-Jan-2022 / PreQC No. Iep-22-53308(PQ) / Reviewed: 19-Jan-2022 / QC No. Iep- 22-53308 / Revised: 21-Jan-2022 / Manuscript No. Iep-22-53308 (R) / Published Date: 28-Jan-2022 DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463.1000262


The term algae firstly refer to submarine shops and it's now astronomically used to include a number of different groups of unconnected organisms. Algae can be either single cell or large cell, multicellular organisms. They can be plant in freshwater or swab water (most sea weeds are algae) or on the wettish shells of soil or jewels. The multicellular algae generally warrant of true stems, leaves or roots, although some of them correspond of apkins that may be organised into structures to serve particular functions. The cell walls of algae are generally made of cellulose and can also contain pectin, which gives algae its muddy sense [1].

Algal biomass, as one of the implicit biomass for biofuel product, is presently gaining important attention. It's considered as the third generation biofuel feedstock. Unlike the first generation biofuel feedstock (comestible crop), similar as soybean, win tree, coconut and rapeseed, algal biomass doesn't produce conflict with the food interest. Either, the utilisation of algal biomass as biofuel feedstock will also reduce the conflict arose by the alternate generation biofuel feedstock (non‐comestible crop), as some of the non comestible crops are used for marketable operation. Piecemeal from biofuel product, algae also play an important part in serving as the biomass feedstock for operation, similar as waste treatment, CO2 mitigation, ornamental product, conflation of medicine and colors, and act as the bio fertiliser, nutrition and food complements.

One of the significant advantages of using algae as the biomass source is that it can be grown veritably fluently, and potentially achieve advanced product rates of biomass compared to land grounded crops in term of the land face area used [2]. Algae are fast growing eukaryotic microorganisms that convert sun, water and CO2 into biomass by photosynthesis, and can be cultivated with affordable water and nutrients, similar as external and agrarian wastewaters. Wastewater which typically hinders the growth of shops rather is veritably effective for growing algae. Algae are generally plant growing in ponds, aqueducts or other washes which admit sun and CO2. They can grow in any kind of the water grounded area, while utilising photosynthesis for biomass product.

Growth of algae varies on numerous factors, including temperature, sun utilisation, pH control, fluid mechanics and others. Man made product of algae tends to replicate the natural surroundings to achieve ideal growth conditions. For algal civilization purpose, several factors that impact the growth rate are listed as below.

Temperature- The culture temperature varies with algae species. The temperatures advanced than 35°C can be murderous for a number of algal species, while temperatures lower than 16°C may decelerate down the algal growth.

Light- Algae need about one tenth of direct sun for the growth in utmost civilization. Bulk algal biomass may block light from reaching into deeper water; therefore light only penetrates the top 7 – 10 cm of water in utmost water systems.

Mixing- Agitation or rotation is demanded to mix the algal societies.

Nutrients- Autotrophic growth needs carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur, iron and trace rudiments.

pH value- Algae prefer a pH from neutral to alkaline growth medium for effective growth.

The number of products that can be produced from algae is nearly unlimited, due to the large multifariousness of species where the composition can be told by varying the conditions of civilization. With only a many marketable algae grounded products available, this resource is largely untapped [3]. The request of implicit microalgae products is wide, including food, protein greasepaint and comestible canvases. Still, the main factors limiting the development of algae requests is the product and processing costs of algal biomass, substantially affected by the complexity of the civilization phase and the downstream processes needed to prize the high value products in a bio-refinery conception. Despite these critical issues, and the photosynthetic effectiveness, algae can (i) be produced on borderline or demoralized lands, avoiding competition with other food crops; (ii) garner a significant quantities of lipids (for biodiesel, green diesel and other processes) or carbohydrates (for bioethanol); (iii) grow effectively without fungicides; (iv) grow in saline waters, hence can avoid effecting fresh water coffers; (v) fix CO2 from stovepipe feasts and (iv) be cultivated on wastewaters conforming nutrients that are demanded for algal growth [4].

The technology of civilization of algae and its donation in reducing CO2 in atmosphere is actually well established. Algae can efficiently convert CO2 into biomass by their photosynthesis process. Some species of algae are suitable to produce up to 60 of dry weight in liquid form (canvas) grounded on former logical studies [5]. The cells grow in waterless suspense, where they can effectively acquire water, CO and nutrients and able to produce huge quantum of biomass and usable canvas in either with the help of print bioreactors or high rate algal ponds.


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Citation: Kumbaroglu G (2022) Part of Algae as an Implicit Biomass. Innov Ener Res, 11: 262. DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463.1000262

Copyright: © 2022 Kumbaroglu G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
