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  • Mini Review   
  • Dent Implants Dentures, Vol 6(1)
  • DOI: 10.4173/did.1000174

Oral Cavity Parasite Prevalence and Risk Factors in Pregnant Women

Amir Hossein*
Department of Periodontics, Islamic Azad University Dental Branch of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding Author: Amir Hossein, Department of Periodontics, Islamic Azad University Dental Branch of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Email:

Received: 03-Jan-2023 / Manuscript No. did-23-86271 / Editor assigned: 06-Jan-2023 / PreQC No. did-23-86271(PQ) / Reviewed: 20-Jan-2023 / QC No. did-23-86271 / Revised: 26-Jan-2023 / Manuscript No. did-23-86271 (R) / Published Date: 30-Jan-2023 DOI: 10.4173/did.1000174


We aimed to study the frequency and threat factors of oral depression protozoa (Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis) in pregnant women in Lorestan fiefdom, western Iran. The current study putatively displayed the high frequency of oral depression spongers (E.gingivalis and T. tenax) in pregnant women in Lorestan fiefdom, Western Iran. Mindfulness of the main threat factors for oral depression spongers especially teeth brushing is necessary in enriching public and oral health approaches in pregnant women. Therefore, dental interpreters and gynecologists must be alert of these threat factors to precisely identify and manage oral health enterprises in pregnant women to help the oral conditions and infections.


Entamoeba gingivalis; Trichomonas tenax; PCR; Microscopy; Lorestan


It has been proven that during gestation, a number of pathophysiological and mechanical variations similar as reduction in the respiratory volumes, hormonal changes, vulnerable System differences, stress, and micro biome markedly increase the vulnerability to infections, like hepatitis E contagion, influenza contagion, and Plasmodium spongers [1].

Studies reported that gestation increase the threat of dental health problems, similar as unseasonable birth, depressions, gingivitis, periodontitis. For illustration, elevating the progesterone and estrogen during gestation results in periodontium hyper-vascularization and latterly revision in product of collagen which makes the goo towel more susceptible to colonization of microorganisms and biofilm conformation [2]. The mortal oral depression contains multitudinous microorganisms so that a set of different bacterial and viral agents, like the oral microbiome, live inside the goo pillars. Entamoeba gingivalis and Trichomonas tenax are considered as anaerobic protozoan spongers observed in mortal oral depression. These spongers have no tubercle forms; therefore, they can transmit between individualities, generally through slaver, kissing or defiled dishes, food, and drinking water, toothpicks, goo or other implements. Both E. gingivalis and T. tenax are oral protozoa that live near teeth, on dental shrine, epoxies and indeed tonsils, which can be an index of oral health status [3].


In the course of gestation colorful physiologic changes be in the women’s body, that may beget serious goods on oral health; so that oral and dental health care should be given special attention in pregnant women. Then, we aimed to assess the frequence and threat factors of oral depression protozoa (E. gingivalis and T. tenax) in pregnant women in Lorestan fiefdom, western Iran. Our results showed that E. gingivalis and T. tenax spongers were set up in 41(20.5) and 46 (23) of the pregnant women by bitsy and PCR test, independently. Frequence of T. tenax in down pattern cases with periodontal complaint appertained to Dental Clinics in Tabriz megacity was18.8 by PCR assay [4]. On the other hand, former studies related to the frequence of these spongers in the area under study showed that, the frequence of E. gingivalis and T. tenax in periodontitis cases was 17.1 and14.5 [5], independently where; this frequence among cases appertained to Khorramabad Dental conventions with at least one decayed tooth was15.4 and10.7, independently. latterly, this difference in frequence indeed in the study area, in addition to the preliminarily mentioned cases( sample size, type of sample collected, and study system), is substantially due to the low position of oral and dental hygiene in pregnant women, which causes an advanced frequence of these spongers. In the present study, there was no significant relationship between age, education, month of gestation, flossing, use of mouthwash and frequence of oral protozoa in pregnant women [6-7]. Still, a significant correlation between was observed among those living in pastoral regions (p<0.001), brushing teeth (p=0.037) and frequence of oral protozoa in pregnant women. In harmonious with our findings, a significant correlation between teeth brushing and the frequence of E. gingivalis and T. tenax. Former studies have reported people living in pastoral regions poor due to lack of attention to oral health; further frequence of tooth loss and goo conditions was observed [8]. Also, our findings showed that there was a significant correlation between living in pastoral regions and the frequence of E. gingivalis and T. tenax; this considerable frequence in pastoral communities may be due to some factors similar as the low compliance with health norms, lower educational position, further contact between people, and lack of access to health services. To understand the oral depression status or conditions of our people, oral examination is the most direct system, but there are still problems that may impact the results of oral examination similar as examination styles, slice styles, slice rates, and fresh budgets. Fortunately, the National Health Insurance (NHI) was enforced in Taiwan in 1995, and the penetration rate has reached 99.9 of the entire population [9-10]. Since the perpetration of NHI, the cases ’ medical records, including the types of conditions, have been stored in the NHI database. Thus, we’ve the occasion to prize the medical records from the NHI database and to dissect the dental use for conditions of pulp and periapical apkins and their charges for the associated dental treatments. We hope that the results of this study can be used as a reference for the expression of a better public oral health care policy in the near future [11]. In the present study, there was no significant relationship between age, education, month of gestation, flossing, use of mouthwash and frequence of oral protozoa in pregnant women. Still, a significant correlation between was observed among those living in pastoral regions and frequence of oral protozoa in pregnant women. In harmonious with our findings, the studies conducted and have reported a significant correlation between teeth brushing and the frequence of E. gingivalis and T. tenax former studies have reported people living in pastoral regions poor due to lack of attention to oral health, further frequence of tooth loss and goo conditions was observed this considerable frequence in pastoral communities may be due to some factors similar as the low compliance with health norms, lower educational position, further contact between people, and lack of access to health services. To understand the oral depression status or conditions of our people, oral examination is the most direct system, but there are still problems that may impact the results of oral examination similar as examination styles, slice styles, slice rates, and fresh budgets. Fortunately, the National Health Insurance (NHI) was enforced in Taiwan in 1995, and the penetration rate has reached 99.9 of the entire population. Since the perpetration of NHI, the cases’ medical records, including the types of conditions, have been stored in the NHI database. Thus, we’ve the occasion to prize the medical records from the NHI database and to dissect the dental use for conditions of pulp and periapical apkins and their charges for the associated dental treatments. We hope that the results of this study can be used as a reference for the expression of a better public oral health care policy in the near future. For conditions of pulp and periapical apkins [12], the out-patient visits, and the medical charges among the 18 age groups showed an analogous trend. The below parameters increased from the low point in the 0–4- time age group to a small peak in the 5–9- time age group, and also dropped suddenly to a lower point in the 10–14- time age group. Still, these parameters increased again to another peak in the 55–59- time age group, and declined latterly in the aged age groups. These findings indicate that the 5–9 times of age is the peak period for treatments of the pulp and periapical towel conditions of the evanescent teeth, while the 50–59 times of age is the peak period for treatments of the pulp and periapical towel conditions of the endless teeth. Root conduit treatment is an introductory part of the comprehensive dental care. Former studies showed that the prevalence of root conduit treatment increases with the age of the people, and the prevalence are 3–6 for the youngish grown-ups and 18–20 for the cases aged than 60 times of age. The loftiest peak for root conduit treatment of all teeth is located in the 55–64- time age group [13-14].


The current study putatively displayed the high frequency of oral depression spongers (E. gingivalis and T. tenax) in pregnant women in Lorestan fiefdom, Western Iran. Mindfulness of the main threat factors for oral depression spongers especially teeth brushing is necessary in enriching public and oral health approaches in pregnant women. Therefore, dental interpreters and gynecologists must be alert of these threat factors to precisely identify and manage oral health enterprises in pregnant women to help the oral conditions and infections. For conditions of pulp and periapical apkins. The out-patient visits and the medical charges among the 18 age groups showed analogous trend [15].


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Citation: Hossein A (2023) Oral Cavity Parasite Prevalence and Risk Factors inPregnant Women. Dent Implants Dentures 6: 174. DOI: 10.4173/did.1000174

Copyright: © 2023 Hossein A. This is an open-access article distributed underthe terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author andsource are credited.
