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Mystery Surrounds Homoeopathic Medicine: Wherein Lies its Medicinal Value?

Tanmoy Maity*
Assistant Professor, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
Corresponding Author : Tanmoy Maity
Assistant Professor, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
Received January 25, 2012; Accepted January 26, 2012; Published January 28, 2012
Citation: Maity T (2011) Mystery Surrounds Homoeopathic Medicine: Wherein Lies its Medicinal Value?. J Homeopat Ayurv Med 1:e101. doi: 10.4172/2167-1206.1000e101
Copyright: © 2011 Maity T. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Avogadro number puts 12 as the potency-limit beyond which a homoeo-medicine cannot even theoretically contain any atom/ molecule of the original substance with which potentisation starts. This raises two most fundamental questions: (1) wherein lies their medicinal value? (2) How do they affect cures?
Therefore, absence of any active ingredient in homoeo-medicines above 12th potency is the reason for sceptics’ denial of cures by such medicines and advancing placebo-cure hypothesis. It is regrettable that they overlook certain fundamental and logical inconsistencies in advancing their placebo-cure hypothesis. They are as follows:
(1) Mind, to which they attribute cures, does not have any quantifiable active ingredient. So, bringing mind to explain cures turns out to be a self-defeating argument for them. (2) Homoeopathy benefits not only ordinary mortals, but also celebrities, babies, animals and plants. Cures in all these cases can not be attributed to power of mind. (3) Cures by power of mind are stray intrusions into our day-to-day life giving us a glimpse of mind-matter duality realized by yogis and saints. Even accepting mental cures it is unreasonable to say that only the patients cured by homoeo-medicines (and not by main stream medicines) had the capability to invoke this duality principle. (4) Skeptics argue that a patient thinks that homoeopathic pills will be curative and that thinking cures him/her. The point is, such an effect was expected to be much stronger for pills of mainstream medicines. For, qualification of doctors, glamour of testing gadgets, medicines etc. all go in favour of the main stream. So, diagnosis, prescription etc. would have been irrelevant issues. But, the reality is different. (5) Nobody depends on placebo for curing his/her own illness. It implies that nobody ‘really’ believes in placebo-cure. We appreciate the limit posed by Avogadro number. But, we are not in favour of bluntly denying the two-century old homoeo-system of medicine. Rather, we may proceed with serious investigation on the fundamental question of homoeopathy: Wherein lies the medicinal value of potentised homoeo-medicines? In other words, how one of such medicines differs from another? Chemical presence of the original medicinal substance (with which potentisation starts) is ruled out. So, chemical test for identifying these drugs will be of no avail. So, it is the need of formatting suitable scientific technique which can strongly fight this two century old challenge.
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