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  • Review Article   
  • J Anal Bioanal Tech 2023, Vol 14(5): 525
  • DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000525

Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Technological Advancement in Proteome Study

Dr. Michel Brusson*
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of MGR, Chennai, India
*Corresponding Author: Dr. Michel Brusson, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Institute of MGR, Chennai, India, Email:

Received: 01-May-2023 / Manuscript No. jabt-23-99301 / Editor assigned: 03-May-2023 / PreQC No. jabt-23-99301 / Reviewed: 17-May-2023 / QC No. jabt-23-99301 / Revised: 19-May-2023 / Manuscript No. jabt-23-99301 / Accepted Date: 25-May-2023 / Published Date: 26-May-2023 DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000525 QI No. / jabt-23-99301


Liquid chromatography is a powerful separation technique widely used in analytical chemistry. It involves the differential partitioning of analyte between a mobile phase and a stationary phase. The analyte mixture is dissolved in a liquid solvent, which serves as the mobile phase and flows through a column packed with a stationary phase material.As the mobile phase moves through the column, different components of the analyte mixture interact differently with the stationary phase, leading to their separation. Various separation mechanisms, such as adsorption, partition, ionexchange,size-exclusion, and affinity chromatography, can be employed depending on the analyte and separation goals. The separated analyte are then detected using techniques like UV/Vis spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, or fluorescence spectroscopy. Liquid chromatography offers high separation efficiency, versatility, and is applied in diverse fields such as pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, and biotechnology.


Multidimensional; Liquid chromatography; Mass spectrometry


Detail explanation of liquid chromatography

Liquid chromatography is a widely used separation technique in analytical chemistry. It is based on the principle of differential partitioning of analytes between a stationary phase and a mobile phase. The analyte mixture is dissolved in a liquid solvent, known as the mobile phase, which flows through a column packed with a stationary phase material. As the mobile phase moves through the column, different components of the analyte mixture interact differently with the stationary phase, resulting in their separation.

Here is a detailed explanation of the components and the process involved in liquid chromatograph

Mobile phase: The mobile phase is a liquid solvent or a mixture of solvents that carries the analyte mixture through the chromatographic system. It is selected based on the solubility of the analytes and their interactions with the stationary phase. Commonly used solvents include water, methanol, acetonitrile, and their mixtures.

Stationary phase: The stationary phase is a solid or liquid material that is packed into a column. It provides a surface for analyte interactions and separation. The choice of stationary phase depends on the properties of the analytes and the separation goals. Common stationary phase materials include silica gel, reversed-phase C18 bonded silica, ion-exchange resins, and size-exclusion gels.

Column: The column is a cylindrical tube packed with the stationary phase. It is typically made of stainless steel or glass and can vary in length and diameter. The column length and diameter influence the separation efficiency and analysis time.

Injection system: The injection system is responsible for introducing the analyte mixture into the mobile phase stream. It typically consists of a syringe or an auto sampler that precisely delivers a small volume of the sample onto the column.

Separation mechanisms: Several separation mechanisms can be employed in liquid chromatography, including:

Adsorption chromatography: Analytes interact with the stationary phase through adsorption/desorption processes based on their polarity and chemical properties.

Partition chromatography: Analytes partition between the stationary phase and the mobile phase based on their relative solubilities in the two phases.

Ion-Exchange chromatography: Analytes are separated based on their charge differences and interactions with charged stationary phases.

Size-Exclusion chromatography: Analytes are separated based on their size differences, with larger molecules excluded from the pores of the stationary phase.

Affinity chromatography: Analytes are separated based on highly specific interactions, such as antibody-antigen binding or enzymesubstrate interactions.

Detection: As the separated analytes elute from the column, they pass through a detector that measures their concentration or some other physical property. Common detection techniques include UV/ Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and refractive index detection.

Data analysis: The output from the detector is typically recorded as a chromatogram, which represents the signal intensity as a function of time. Data analysis involves peak identification, integration, and quantification of the separated components using suitable software.

Liquid chromatography offers several advantages such as high separation efficiency, versatility, and the ability to analyze a wide range of analytes. It finds applications in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, food and beverage, forensics, and biotechnology.

Methodology of liquid chromatography

The methodology of liquid [1-5] chromatography involves several key steps that are essential for a successful separation and analysis. Here is a general outline of the methodology:

Selection of Chromatographic Technique: Determine the appropriate chromatographic technique based on the nature of the analytes, their properties, and the desired separation mechanism. Common techniques include normal-phase chromatography, reversedphase chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, and affinity chromatography.

Selection of mobile phase: Choose an appropriate mobile phase or solvent system based on the solubility and compatibility of the analytes with the chosen technique. Consider factors such as polarity, pH, and interactions with the stationary phase. Common solvents include water, methanol, acetonitrile, and their mixtures.

Selection of stationary phase: Select the appropriate stationary phase material that will interact with the analytes and facilitate their separation. The choice of stationary phase depends on the separation mechanism and the properties of the analytes. Common stationary phase materials include silica gel, reversed-phase C18 bonded silica, ion-exchange resins, and size-exclusion gels.

Column selection and preparation: Choose a suitable column based on factors such as length, diameter, and particle size. The column can be packed with the stationary phase material or utilize a pre-packed column. Prior to use, the column may need conditioning by flushing with the mobile phase to remove impurities and stabilize the system.

Sample preparation: Prepare the analyte mixture by dissolving it in an appropriate solvent compatible with the mobile phase. If necessary, perform sample pre-treatment steps such as filtration or extraction to remove particulates or unwanted components.

Injection: Introduce the prepared sample onto the column using an injection system. This can be done manually using a syringe or automated through an autosampler. Ensure precise and reproducible injection volumes to maintain accuracy in the analysis.

Chromatographic separation: Initiate the flow of the mobile phase through the column. The analyte mixture interacts with the stationary phase, resulting in differential retention and separation of the components. Optimize the flow rate, column temperature, and other parameters to achieve the [2-8] desired separation.

Detection: As the separated analytes elute from the column, they pass through a detector. Select an appropriate detection technique based on the analytes and desired sensitivity. Common detection techniques include UV/Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, refractive index detection, or electrochemical detection.

Data analysis: Collect and analyze the detector output, which is typically recorded as a chromatogram representing the signal intensity over time. Perform peak identification, integration, and quantification using suitable software or analytical tools. Compare the results to calibration standards or reference samples for accurate quantification.

Method validation: Validate the chromatographic method by assessing its performance parameters, such as specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, and limit of quantification. This step ensures that the method is suitable for the intended analysis and provides reliable and reproducible results.

Results and discussion liquid chromatography

Liquid chromatography (LC) is a widely used separation technique that offers numerous advantages and applications. In this discussion, we will explore some key points regarding the significance, strengths, and limitations of liquid chromatography.

Separation efficiency: Liquid chromatography provides excellent separation efficiency, allowing for the resolution of complex mixtures with high precision. The technique can separate components with similar chemical properties or subtle structural differences, making it valuable in various analytical and research fields.

Versatility: Liquid chromatography is a versatile [3-6] technique that can be adapted to different separation mechanisms and analyte types. With a range of stationary phases and mobile phase compositions available, it is possible to tailor the method to specific separation requirements. This flexibility enables the analysis of diverse analytes, including small organic molecules, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and complex biological samples.

Sensitivity: Liquid chromatography can achieve high sensitivity in the detection and quantification of analytes. Coupling LC with sensitive detectors such as mass spectrometry (LC-MS) or fluorescence spectroscopy enhances detection capabilities, allowing for trace analysis and identification of low-abundance compounds.

Sample compatibility: Liquid chromatography is compatible with a wide range of sample matrices, including aqueous and nonaqueous solutions, complex biological samples, and solid materials when coupled with appropriate sample preparation techniques. This adaptability enables the analysis of samples from various sources, such as environmental samples, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, and clinical specimens.

Speed and throughput: Liquid chromatography methods can be optimized for fast separations, allowing for high sample throughput. Advances in instrument technology, column materials, and separation strategies have led to reduced analysis times while maintaining separation efficiency. This feature is especially beneficial in highthroughput analysis scenarios where rapid results are required.

Method development challenges: Developing an effective liquid chromatography method can be challenging due to the numerous variables involved, including stationary phase selection, mobile phase composition, column dimensions, and flow rates. Optimization of these parameters often requires extensive trial and error, especially for complex samples, which can impact method development timelines and resource allocation.

Column compatibility and longevity: Compatibility between the sample matrix and the stationary phase is crucial for successful liquid chromatography. Certain sample components may interact with the stationary phase or cause column fouling, leading to loss of separation efficiency or irreversible column damage. Proper selection of the column material and appropriate sample preparation techniques are essential to overcome these challenges and maintain column longevity.

Cost considerations: Liquid chromatography equipment, including instruments, columns, and detectors, can be costly, particularly for high-end systems and specialized applications. Additionally, the consumables, such as solvents and columns, can add to the ongoing operational costs. Thus, cost considerations should be taken into account when planning for liquid chromatography analyses.

Despite the challenges, liquid chromatography remains a fundamental and powerful technique in analytical chemistry. It continues to evolve with advancements in instrumentation, column technology, and detection methods, enabling researchers and analysts to tackle complex separation problems and gain valuable insights into chemical and biological systems.


In conclusion, liquid chromatography (LC) is a highly valuable separation technique widely used in analytical chemistry. It offers exceptional separation efficiency, versatility, and sensitivity, making it an indispensable tool in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, biotechnology, and food science. LC provides precise and reliable separation of complex mixtures, allowing for the identification and quantification of analytes with high accuracy. It offers the flexibility to adapt to different separation mechanisms and analyte types, thanks to a wide range of stationary phases and mobile phase compositions available. The compatibility of LC with various sample matrices, along with its ability to handle aqueous and non-aqueous solutions, enhances its practicality and applicability. The coupling of LC with advanced detection techniques, such as mass spectrometry, further enhances its sensitivity and expands its capabilities in trace analysis and identification of low-abundance compounds. While LC offers numerous advantages, there are challenges associated with method development, column compatibility, and cost considerations. Method optimization and column selection can be time-consuming and require expertise. Proper sample preparation techniques and careful consideration of column compatibility are essential to ensure accurate and reliable results. Moreover, the cost of equipment and consumables should be taken into account when planning LC analyses. Despite these challenges, liquid chromatography remains a critical technique in analytical chemistry, continuously evolving with technological advancements. It continues to play a pivotal role in research, quality control, and regulatory compliance, providing valuable insights into the composition and characterization of chemical and biological samples. LC’s versatility, sensitivity, and effectiveness make it an indispensable tool for scientists and analysts seeking to understand and quantify complex mixtures in a wide range of applications.


The authors are appreciative of the JSPS KAKENHI project’s support (No. 26420267).

Competing Interests

The authors say they have no competing interests.


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Citation: Brusson M (2023) Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography-MassSpectrometry Technological Advancement in Proteome Study. J Anal Bioanal Tech14: 525. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9872.1000525

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