Methods and Organization of Events in Transition to Sites Protection Penal System
Received: 10-Jan-2019 / Accepted Date: 24-Jan-2019 / Published Date: 31-Jan-2019 DOI: 10.4172/2169-0170.1000260
The Article is devoted to topical issues of organization and implementation of transitional measures in pre-trial detention centres and correctional institutions. The article deals with the methodology of measures for the preparation of forces and means of institutions of the penal system to perform official tasks in winter and summer. The activities of the preparatory stage for the planning and preparation of forces and means of institutions of the IPU, the main stage, the final stage of the event.
Keywords: Penal system; Protection of objects; Transitional period; Prisons; Detention centres; Commission examination
Short Communication
Main task services protection agencies criminal executive system (hereinafter - CCS) is to ensure a reliable protection of MIS facilities. The state of affairs to prevent escapes of prisoners and persons custody directly affects the quality of work for the preparation of protected objects, forces and resources to carry out tasks in the transition period. Analysis shoots committed from correctional facilities and investigative insulators, shows that over 54% of these were made possible due to a formal approach to carrying out these activities. Wherein an integrated approach to the organization and conduct of the transition period. In a number of MIS territorial bodies planning these events continue to be engaged in the organization of security service departments. A study of performance management entities of the MIS showed that in carrying out the commission surveys of protected sites, work on repair and maintenance of engineering resources, the preparation of places incurring Service to work in winter conditions of employees and operational regime supply services did not take sufficient participation. Fundamentals of organization and holding of training activities protected sites, manpower and resources to carry out tasks in the transition period laid down in the Regulations on the Protection of correctional institutions, remand the penal system (hereinafter - Instructions) Where defined responsibilities officials persons territorial authority of MIS for their implementation. The instruction is a sample order of the chief of the territorial MIS body for planning and organizing the preparation of protected objects, forces and means to serve in a transitional period where painted set of exemplary events held leadership territorial authority of MIS, structural subdivisions of management, leadership institutions in the preparatory phase. The basis organizing and conducting these activities laid down a comprehensive plan. Carrying out these activities is organized in three stages. At the preparatory stage (during the spring and summer - this January February, in the autumn-winter period - this July-August) is organized and It is prepared the above order and comprehensive plan strength training, resources and facilities to serve in a transitional period [1]. In the working out of these documents involves all structural units of territorial body UIS within its competence, feed for this their proposals. The order reflected the following highlights: to whom, by when and in what form to submit their proposals to prepare a comprehensive plan; who carry out the preparation of a comprehensive plan; composition of the commission that investigated the heads of protected sites institutions for the transitional arrangements by stages. (Personally should be painted the chairman and members of the Commission); timing of the surveys and submitted for approval to acts commission a survey and a plan to eliminate the identified deficiencies the problem head of the institution for the events transition in stages. Preparation of this order may exercise the organization department Security Service, after it is signed is organized bringing claims set out therein, to the immediate perpetrators [2].
Further, in the preparatory phase the following activities are carried out. Comparison of plan preparation facilities forces and means territorial authority of the MIS to perform service tasks in the summer (winter) period. Its organizational training exercises Analytical management department, as the main structural unit performing planning any events in the territorial organ MIS and monitoring their implementation, rather than parts of the service organization protection. They only served to him their proposals, as well as other structural subdivisions of the territorial authority of the administrative apparatus MIS. Extracts from the plan forwarded to the institution for the training there similar plans. Scheduling of the preparation and conduct semi-annual plan service engineering and technical means of protection and supervision. The plan is developed division of engineering and technical support. Extracts from it as directed in the agency. Commission a survey of protected sites - one of the most important events in the complex preparation of forces and means to implement the problems during the transition period. Carried out a comprehensive Commission, is attended by the most trained staff administrative staff of the territorial body of the penal system, not below the post Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department, representing the main directions of performance: operational work, supervision and the regime, security, engineering and technical support, logistical and energy services, as well as the management of institutions. Heads the work of the commission deputy chief of territorial authority MIS, who oversees security service, in case of his absence (illness, trip), Chairman of the Commission appointed one of the deputy Head of territorial body of the MIS. For the purpose of verification commission special vehicles for transportation state must convicted attract specialists from Units escort. Comprehensive survey exposed as outlined in state and municipal medical institutions for the House treatment of patients with convicts and persons in custody. Commission survey planned taking into account climatic conditions of a particular area. If their conduct is taken into account as well state weather at necessity can carried corresponding postponement commission surveys in the first half of the commission examination is advisable to plan in March and April, in the period of implementation of the activities of the main stage, where the snow cover disappears completely. In the second half it makes sense to hold them as early as possible in August, not to rectify deficiencies in the time when the fly “white flies”. During the due diligence focus it focuses on determining the areas of the most dangerous in sprout and develop respect for their reliable overlapping measures. TO Among these are: the joints between the sections and between the main fencing and administrative buildings, the place where the objects of the building life support, a 15-meter strip adjacent to the internal restricted area or adjacent closely to their guards. During commission surveys are another important event, such as a refinement of the system and methods of protection of objects and special contingent at his convoy. Based on this boss Territorial Authority submitted proposals for changes in plans for protection of objects and escorting special contingent. According to the results of surveys compiled acts and plans to eliminate short comings which specify the time frame for their implementation, officials responsible for the administration and monitoring. Persons exercising control over the deficiencies in each particular institution, it is advisable to appoint curators of these institutions such as the leadership of the territorial body of the MIS, and from relevant services. Thus personal factor will be amplified liability of official’s administrative staff. Statements of the plans deficiencies are sent to the institution [3].
During the events of the first stage is carried out Also: update action plans of institutions and the territorial authority MIS in the event of emergencies; publishing the order on carrying out teaching duties, scheduling, preparation for the busy executive and training facilities; carrying out teaching duties to deputy chiefs institutions for the protection, conservation department heads and their deputies, senior inspector and inspector of protection; hour operators consoles technical security specialists services technical maintenance.
In the first stage of facilities conducted:
• Commission examination of protected objects, special vehicles such as “AZ”, a guard-house, place of service, state funds communications, engineering and technical means of protection, post guard dogs, ground and air communications, places the likelihood of shoots, undermining, taranoopasnyh directions with the preparation of legislation;
• Develop a plan for the preparation of protected objects, forces and means to Implementation problems in summer (winter) conditions in which define event, the sequence and timing of their implementation;
• The objects of material and technical procurement and distribution tools and necessary materials;
• Testing and refinement of the organization of admission;
• Assigning tasks to employees and experts involved in The work carried out studies on the safety regulations at the bearing of service, handling of weapons and ammunition, operation of communication facilities and engineering and technical means of communication, with the operation of electric appliances acceptance tests;
• Update agencies contingency plan circumstances, including the calculation of forces and means of temporary performance Alert and collection personnel. The special units for escorting held commission examination special wagon type “ST” type special vehicles “AZ”.
On the main stage, the main efforts in the focus on organizing and conducting the following activities. Teaching fees commander of the guard, their assistant’s hour checkpoints institutions specialist service dog.
At the final stage of the fees being received credits, both in knowledge of their duties and for the ability to virtually operate in a complication of the situation. In developing practical action use regulations.
At the end of duties carried preparation of the order of admission to the independent performance of duty these categories of employees.
At the same time necessary to ensure control over the implementation in institutions and special units on escorting transitional arrangements and organize the provision of them practical assistance.
At the same time carried out the scheme specification personnel warning administrative staff of the territorial body of the MIS (hereinafter - Office).Collects personnel on alert, organizing learning and shakedown groups Office and created elements groups to act in “CHO”.
It should be noted that at this time and in special institutions by escorting units carried out to:
• Conducting classes with the staff to study: tricks, used by convicted persons in custody for commit escape, methods for their recognition; characteristics of service a summer (winter) period, guard action at complication situation, maintaining interaction with the duty shift institutions and bodies Interior on convoy routes;
• Clarifying regulations on the nomination of standby groups on guard the perimeter of protected objects; conducting training with the staff of existing institutions at “PR”;
• Preparation guard the premises and places of service, lines security lighting, special vehicles, guard clothes and shoes to operation in summer (winter) conditions;
• Check of serviceability, seasonal maintenance service and repair weapons and special means;
• Carrying out maintenance engineering means of protection and supervision on protected sites in the amount of regulation number 3, seasonal maintenance of communication facilities in volume regulation № 2;
• Preparation of nurseries, service dog towns in the summer (winter), Veterinary and preventive measures;
• Preparation of educational material base, office space to operation in summer (winter) conditions;
• Provision of staff of divisions of protection and convoy clothing and equipment outfit on the established norms.
At the final stage of the territorial body of the MIS the following activities are organized and conducted. Check readiness of objects, forces and resources to carry out tasks in year (winter) conditions, which is implemented on a commission Based on compiled during the survey plan deficiencies. Summing up the results of the implementation of measures planned in the transition period, which is held at the operative meeting or Board at the head of the territorial body of the penal system, in which mandatory invited all the heads of institutions, heads of structural divisions of the administrative staff members Commission to carry out a comprehensive review of institutions. By summarizing the results of an order is issued, which reflects a multiple analysis of the work, encourage employees took actively participate in the implementation of transitional arrangements. After completion of the above measures is carried out a report on the readiness of facilities for duty in the summer (winter) conditions FSIN in Russia, with a copy of the relevant order.
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- Golubtsov VA, Machekhin MS (2017) Organization and implementation of measures on preparation of forces and means of penal institutions executive system to perform tasks on the convicts and protection, detained during the transition period (summer and winter).
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Citation: Tsaplin IS, Abdurashidovna MF (2019) Methods and Organization of Events in Transition to Sites Protection Penal System. J Civil Legal Sci 8: 260. DOI: 10.4172/2169-0170.1000260
Copyright: © 2019 Tsaplin IS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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