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  • Research Article   
  • J Fisheries Livest Prod 2022, Vol 10(11): 373

Livestock Feed, Feed Balance and Chemical Composition of Major Livestock Feeds in South Ari District South-Western Ethiopia

Denbela Hidosa*
Livestock Research Directorate, Jinka Agricultural Research Center, Jinka, Ethiopia
*Corresponding Author: Denbela Hidosa, Livestock Research Directorate, Jinka Agricultural Research Center, Jinka, Ethiopia, Email:

Received: 01-Oct-2022 / Manuscript No. JFLP-22-76786 / Editor assigned: 03-Oct-2022 / PreQC No. JFLP-22-76786(PQ) / Reviewed: 17-Oct-2022 / QC No. JFLP-22-76786 / Revised: 21-Oct-2022 / Manuscript No. JFLP-22-76786(R) / Accepted Date: 24-Oct-2022 / Published Date: 28-Oct-2022


The lack of adequate information on livestock feed basis, feed balance, and quality parameters of major feeds is a critical livestock production constraint in the South Ari district. This study was conducted to identify the livestock feed basis, feed balance, and quality parameters of major feeds. Two Kebeles from the South Ari district were selected based on the local experience in livestock feed production and potential availability of diversified livestock feeds. One focus group discussion (FGD) per Kebele, which comprised 25 livestock keepers, was established with the aid of Kebele experts and local administrative bodies. The respondents were asked about the major livestock feed bases, livestock feed categories, and purpose of feeding values. After conducting FGDs, all FGDs members collected samples of major livestock feed that were listed during the FGDs and the samples were quantified for quality parameters. The results from the present study elucidated that there were 20 herbaceous and 16 browse forage species identified as livestock feeds. The estimated total dry matter required for livestock species per year was 857, 307 tons and produced was 115, 857.6 tons per year. The feed balance calculation showed that total deficits of 789, 427.9 tons of dry matter per year. The ash and crude protein contents of herbaceous species ranged from 38.6-315g kg-1, DM to 44.3-224.5g kg-1, DM, respectively, while they ranged from 97-330g kg-1, DM to 104-222 g kg-1, DM for browse species. Based on results from this study it was suggested that the primary emphasis is need to be improving the livestock feed basis through introducing productive improved forage species, improving poor quality-feeds and enhancing the utilization of indigenous forage species as protein supplements.


Livestock; Feed basis; Feed balance; Quality parameters


Ethiopia has about 70 million cattle, 42.9 million sheep, 52.5 million goats, 8.1 million camels, 2.15 million horses, 10.8 million donkeys, 0.38 million mules, and 57 million chickens [1]. Livestock have contributed tremendously to generating immediate cash income, food (meat, milk, and eggs), fulfilling cultural obligations, and providing about 68 million tons of organic fertilizer and almost 617 million days of animal traction in Ethiopia [2-4]. Despite this tremendous role for rural communities, the yields obtained from livestock production in Ethiopia are generally very low as compared to other countries in Africa [2, 3, and 5]. The low livestock productivity is happening because the livestock feeding system is based on low-quality feed from natural-pasture (56.2%) and crop-residues (35%) and the year-round feed supply from this feed-base is inadequate to meet the requirements of animals [1, 4, and 6]. Similarly, in the study area, the livestock production system follows the fashion of a low-input/low-output system, and the feeding system is based on natural pasture and crop residue. The adequate information on livestock feed sources, feed balance, and chemical compositions of major feeds are critical-lacked in the study area. This is due to smallholder farmers’ lack of understanding of the feed source, feed quality, and amount of feed needed for their livestock [7]. Understanding the livestock feed availability, feed balance, and quality of feeds adds credibility to smallholder-farmers’ how and what will be provided to their livestock for maximized benefits from the livestock [3, 4]. Moreover, assessing the livestock feed balance, which is defined as the balance between availability of feed produced and demand of livestock, is used as a potential indicator to assess sustainability and profitability of livestock production [8, 9]. Moreover in the study area, livestock keepers have developed indigenous knowledge on how and for what purpose they use the indigenous forage species for livestock. Therefore, understanding their indigenous knowledge gives a clue to conglomerate it with scientific knowledge to generate recommendation for further utilization of indigenous forage in livestock diet. Likewise, the understanding of the indigenous forage species’ quality parameters is quite indispensable for the designing of the long-term utilization of species which will be targeted to properly balance their uses in livestock nutrition. Therefore, this study was aimed at (1) assessing the major livestock feed resources; (2) calculating livestock feed balance; and (3) evaluating the chemical composition of major livestock feeds.

Materials and Method

Description of the study area

The assessment study on livestock feed source, feed balance and quality parameters of major livestock feeds was conducted at Seda and Shapi Kebeles (lowest administrative sub-unit) of South Ari district based on the diversity of feeds and better experiences of livestock keepers on feed production. South Ari district is among the ten districts in the south Omo, which located between latitude of 5o44’0’’N latitude and 36o16’0’’E and 36o40’0’’E longitude direction. The altitude of district ranges between 1400-3418m above sea level and bordered on the south by Bena-Tsemay, on the west by the Mago-River, on the north by the Basketo and North Ari, on the north-east by the Gamo-Gofa and on the east by Malle district [10]. The district is predominantly Dega (37%), Woyina-Dega (60%) and Wirch (3%) with annual temperature and rainfall which averaging 20oC and 900mm, respectively [10]. The rainfed- mixed crop-livestock production system is dominant production system in the study district primarily to meet the subsistence food requirements of the smallholder-farmers. The major cereal crops such as maize, sorghum, barley, wheat, finger millet, from pulses haricot bean, faba bean, field pea, ground nut and cash crops such as coffee, kororima and chat are major food-feed-crops have been growing in study area [10, 11]. Moreover, the cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and equines are major livestock species have reared in the study area [12].

Data collection methods

The focus group discussions (FGDs), on-farm field observations and sample collection had used to enrich the primary data on livestock feed source, feed balance and quality parameters of major indigenous forage species used as livestock feed.

Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)

The FGDs were conducted in Seda and Shapi kebekes of South Ari district based on the better local experiences of livestock keepers and availability of diversified livestock feeds. One focus group discussion (FGDs) per Kebele, which had comprised 25 smallholder- livestock keepers, was selected with aid of Kebele development experts and local administrative bodies. The disscants were asked about the major feeds utilized by livestock (cattle, sheep, goats), livestock feed categories (herbaceous and browse) and purpose of feeding values (milk and meat improvement and diseases control).

On-farm field observations

The most experienced livestock keepers from the each FGDs member were voted by the FGD participants, for the purpose of collecting and identifying samples of the major indigenous forage species which have utilized by livestock species (cattle, sheep and goats). The experienced-livestock keepers were collected major indigenous forage species from the communal grazing area and organised in to grasses, herbaceous and browse species. The all selected indigenous species were photographed using smart phone and coded with local names. The collected indigenous forage species were scientifically identified by using Ethiopia Flora identification Book [13], while for those which were difficult to easily identify their scientific names were identified by using the plant net software.

Source of secondary data

Secondary data on livestock number and total areas covered with grazing land and cropping was sourced from the South Ari Agricultural Office to calculate livestock feed balance.

Estimation of feed supply

The figures obtained from agricultural office were used to estimate the quantity of feed produced per year for livestock species based on each land-use-category system. The annual dry matter production from the each grazing-land-category was calculated by recommendation of [14], while the feed production from crop-residues was estimated using conversion factors developed by [15].

Estimation of dry matter demands

Livestock species reported from the study area was aggregated into tropical livestock units (TLUs) by considering the annual average livestock species numbers by using species-specific TLU conversion factors of 0.7 for cattle, 0.1 for sheep and goats, 0.5 for donkeys and 0.8 for horses and mule [16-18]. The estimation of dry-matter-demand of livestock species was calculated based on the expected daily dry matter intake suggested for the standard TLU of 250kg at 2.5% of the body weight, which is equivalent to 6.25kg/day for tropical condition.

Livestock feed balance

The livestock feed balance in the study area was determined as the difference between the total annual feed produced from different landuse- category and the total annual feed demands for different livestock species.

Sample processing and laboratory analysis

The samples of selected indigenous forage species in three replicates per plant were processed by handpicking and air-dried at room temperature in livestock feed and nutrition laboratory of Jinak Agricultural Research Center. The different quality parameters of selected indigenous forage samples were analyzed at Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center. Accordingly, the dry matter percentage (DM %), crude protein (CP) and ash content were analyzed according to the methods of [19]. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) vale was calculated according to the procedure of [20], while the acid detergent fiber (ADF) value was analyzed by the method described by [21].

Results and Discussion

Major herbaceous livestock feeds

The major herbaceous indigenous forage species utilized as livestock feed in the South Ari district is listed in Table 1. The livestock keepers were reported about 20 different herbaceous forage species (grasses and legumes) utilized by different livestock species. The respondents were categorized each of the listed forage species based on the feeding purpose to livestock. The Stenotaphrum secudatum, Cyperus bulbosus, Armoracia rusticana, Galinsoga quadriradiata, Symphytum officinale, Cleome rutidosperma, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk, Alliaria petiolata and Digitaria sanguinalis were reported as meat and milk enhancers, whereas Cynodon dactylon (L.), Mentha suavelens, Arthraxon hispidus and Commenlina erecta were used to fatten cattle, sheep and goats. The Armoracia rusticana, Alliaria petiolata and Geranium endressii reported as forages species that used to treat animals that infected by the Antrax, whereas forage like Sison amomum (L.) is used to treat calf exhibited diarrhea mixed with blood.

Local name (Aregna) Scientific name Family Purpose of feeding  Remark
Meat Milk Disease control
Gilima Arthraxon hispidus Poaceae **     XXX
Gilima-Kasimis Commenlina erecta (L.) Poaceae **     XXX
Ganta Commelina diffusa Burm.f. Commelinaceae ** **   XXX
Serda Cynodon dactylon (L.) Poaceae **     XXX
Donkey Mentha suavelens Lamiaceae **     XV
Bucha Stenotaphrum secudatum Poaceae ** **   XXX
Tsetsi Cyperus bulbosus Poaceae ** **   XXX
Tsokorsi Armoracia rusticana Brassicaceae ** ** **(Anthrax) XXX
Abayile Galinsoga quadriradiata Compositae ** **   XXX
Achinti Symphytum officinale Boraginaceae ** ** ** XXX
Kaya Geranium endressii Geraniaceae     **(Anthrax) XXXX
Dia Cleome rutidosperma Cleomaceae ** **   XX
Topi Sison amomum (L.) Apiaece     **(trt. calf) X
Sakita Ipomoea aquatica Forssk Conovolvulacea ** **   XXX
Singa Phleum pretense L. Poaceae ** **   XXX
Lushi Tilia platyphyllos scop Malvaceae       XXX
Ayikenton Veronica persica poir Plantaginaceae       XXX
Besita Alliaria petiolata Brassicaceae ** ** **(Aba senga) XXX
Zersi Digitaria sanguinalis Poaceae ** **   X
Turina Indigofera spicata spira Malvaceae ** **   XXX
Key note: X= cattle; XX = Cattle and sheep; XXX= Utilized by cattle, goats, sheep; XXXX = equines; XV = cattle and equines

Table 1: The list of major herbaceous forage species used as livestock feed and their purpose of feeding by small-holder-livestock keepers in South Ari district.

Major browse forages for livestock

The major indigenous browse forage species used as livestock feeds in study district are listed in Table 2. The respondents were identified about 16 different indigenous browse forage species that have been utilising by livestock for the purposes of livestock feeding. They categorized as meat and milk enhancer (Perilla frutescens, Gliricidia sepium, Microsorum punctatum, Vriesae splendens, Ficus sur Forssk, Ficus nymphaeifolia, Mill Commelina virgicinica (L.), Ficus carica, Cajanus cajan, Cassava, Argemone mexicana L. and Stachytarpheta cayennensis), disease controlling immunity enhancer (Hydrangea macrophylla), meat, milk and immunity enhancer (Actinodia deliciosa, Reynoutri sachalinensi and Cochlistema odoratissimum lem.). They were reported that, they were supplemented their livestock like goats, sheep and cattle with either leaves or pods of browse species, to boost growth rates, weight gains and milk production due to these plants are highly palatable by animals and have higher crude protein contents as compared to grass species. Similarly, the smaller-holders farmers from Western and Eastern-Africa were supplemented West-Africandwarf sheep and small-East-African goats with different browse leaves and pods to improve growth rate and weight gain performances [22- 24]. Also, [25] reported that farmers from the central Tanzania were supplemented goats with Ecborium spp, Tamarindus indica, Acacia tortilis and Delonix elata to improve intake and promoting growth performances in goats which is concord to the practices reported from present study. Similarly, farmers of Mieso district from Ethiopia reported that they were supplemented milking cow with leaves of Grewia ferruginea to get higher milk yields due to the plant has high crude protein content which is responsible to stimulate more milk yield than control one [26]. The other important benefit of using the browse species to livestock in the study area is as source of medicine for treating several diseases and parasites. Also farmers were reported very few indigenous forage species such as Hydrangea macrophylla, Actinodia deliciosa and Reynoutri sachalinensis were used to control diseases like Pneumonia in goats, sheep and cattle. The other important browse species reported by respondents in study area is Cochlistema odoratissimum lem, which is used to treat different Leech species that leads itching of skin in goats, sheep and cattle. Similar to result from the present study, [27] reported that goat keepers from the South Africa were used the browse plants such as Aloe ferox, Acokanthera oppositifolia and Elephantorrhiza elephantine to control diseases and parasites in goats. The similar study was also reported by [26], which demonstrated that the Ethiopian farmers were used the leaves of browse species such as Grewia species to cure wounds in animal and human. The [28] also reported that the aqueous and organic leaves extracts of C. hereroense used to fight free-living nematode in animals and [29] and [30] reported that browse species (Fabaceae family) are used to treat various livestock diseases caused by internal and external parasites.

Local Name Scientific Name Family Purpose of feeding Remarks
Meat Milk Diseases control
Gara Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae ** ** XXX
Kulitibi Perilla frutescens Leguminosae ** ** VII
Chubisha Stachytarpheta cayennensis Verbenaceae ** **
Lagi Actinodia deliciosa Deliciosae ** ** ** XXX
Doblish Reynoutri sachalinensi Polygonaceae ** ** **(trt Pneumonia) XXX
Zagi Gliricidia sepium Leguminosae ** ** XXX (dry season)
Wusha Cochlistema odoratissimum lem. Odoratissimum ** ** **(trt Leech) X
Washa Microsorum punctatum Polygonaceae ** ** XXX (dry seasons)
Wachi Vriesae  splendens Splendens ** ** XXX
Sema Ficus sur Forssk Forssk ** ** XXX (pods, seeds)
Wala Ficus nymphaeifolia Mill Phaeifolia ** ** XX (dry seasons)
Asha Commelina virgicinica (L.) Commelinaceae ** ** XXX
Tseka Ficus carica ** ** XXX
Sharing Cajanus cajan Leguminosae ** ** XXX
Fakalis Cassava Leguminosae ** ** XXX (dry season)
Kuma Argemone mexicana L. Mexicana (L.) ** ** VIII
Key note: X= cattle; XX = consumed by cattle and sheep; XXX= consumed by cattle, goats, sheep; XXXX = consumed by Equines; XV = Cattle and Equines; VII= consumed by goat and sheep; VIII = Consumed by livestock species

Table 2: The list of major browse species used as livestock feed and their purpose of feeding in South Ari district.

Quality parameters of herbaceous species

The quality parameters of major indigenous herbaceous forage species utilized by livestock species in the study district are presented in Table 3. The herbaceous species’ ash and CP contents ranged from 38.6-315g kg-1, DM and 44.3-224.5g kg-1, DM, respectively. Stenotaphrum secudatum had higher ash, while Digitaria sangunalis had lowest ash content. The Tilia platyphyllos scop had a higher CP, while Cynodon dactylon (L.) had a lowest CP, and CP values varied from 44.3g kg-1 to 224.5g kg-1, DM. The Commelinaceae had higher NDF and ADF contents, while Tilia platyphyllos scop had lowest NDF and ADF contents. The NDF values ranged from 444-680g kg- 1, DM and the ADF values ranged from 227.9-574.5g kg-1, DM. The CP is essential for the development of muscles and tissues, hormones, enzymes, and hemoglobin [31, 32]. Thus, the CP levels obtained in this study (84.4 g/kg–224.5 g/kg, DM) except for Commelinaceae, Digitaria sanguinalis, and Commelina erecta L. species were higher than the required CP levels (70-80 g/kg-1, DM) for normal microbial digestion [33-35]. Furthermore, the CP levels obtained from this study for all herbaceous species except Stenotaphrum secudatum, Symphytum officinale and Cleome rutidosperma were higher than the minimum CP levels required for proper growth (113 g/kg, DM). In addition, [36] categorized livestock feed sources into three categories based on CP content, as low-quality feeds (CP < 40 g/kg-1, DM), medium-quality feeds (CP = 50-100 g/kg-1, DM) and high-quality feeds (CP> 100 g/kg- 1, DM). Accordingly, Cynodon dactylon, Commelinaceae, Digitaria sanguinalis, Stenotaphrum secudatum, Digitaria sangunali, and Commelina erecta L were classified as feeds of medium quality, and the rest of species were categorized as high-quality-feeds that have the potential to be used as protein supplements to the ruminant animals.

Local Name Scientific Name DM Ash CP NDF ADF
Gilima Commelinaceae 900 105.3 59 685 574.5
Zersi Digitaria sanguinalis 900 55 55.3 650 460
Wusha Cochlistema odoratissimum 930 107.5 164.9 550 451
Ganta Commelina diffusa Burm f. 940 308.5 194.1 555.6 446.8
Serdo Cynodon dactylon (L.) 900 65 44.3 650 446.7
Donkey Mentha suavelens 940 180.9 108.3 645 479.6
Bucha Stenotaphrum secudatum 950 315.7 84.8 550 436
Tsetse Cyperus bulbosus 940 159.5 153.7 654 531.9
Tsokorsi Armoracia rusticana 940 74.5 132.1 500 361.7
Abayila Galinsoga quadriradiata 940 266 174.5 546.3 468.1
Achenti Symphytum officinale 930 96.8 121.3 656.7 566
Kaya Geranium endressii 910 103.4 133.2 550 389
Dia Cleome rutidosperma 900 98.8 123.3 503.4 355.5
Topi Sison amomum L. 940 74.5 182.3 444 340.4
Sakita Ipomoea aquatica Forssk 940 202.1 146.8 522 425.5
Singa Phleum pretense L. 900 38.6 53.2 625 456
Lushi Tilia platyphyllos scop 950 136.8 224.5 387 297.9
Ayikenton Veronica persica poir 930 258.1 142.6 593.6 489.4
Besita Alliaria petiolata 930 129 175.3 650 419.8
Gilima-kasimis  Commelina erecta L. 950 105.3 59 685 574.5
Key note: CP = Crude Protein; NDF = Neutral Detergent Fiber; ADF = Acid Detergent Fiber

Table 3: Quality parameters (g kg-1, DM) of indigenous herbaceous forage species in South Ari.

Chemical composition of indigenous browse forage species

The chemical composition of indigenous browse forage species utilized by different livestock species in the study district is presented in Table 4. The ash and CP contents of browse species ranged between 97-330g kg-1, DM and 104-222 g kg-1, DM. The Gliricidia sepium had higher ash content of 330 g kg-1, DM, while Argemone mexicana L had lowest ash content of 97g kg-1, DM. The Manihot esculenta had a higher CP content of 222 g kg-1, DM, while Microsorum punctatum had a lowest CP of 104 g kg-1, DM. The Ficus sur Forssk had higher NDF content of 655 g kg-1, DM, while Ficus carica had lowest ND content of 344 g kg-1, DM. The NDF values ranged from 344-655g kg-1, DM and the ADF values ranged from 231-553g kg-1, DM. The CP is essential for the development of muscles and tissues, hormones, enzymes, and hemoglobin [31, 32]. Thus, the CP levels obtained in this study (104 g/kg-222 g/kg, DM) were higher than the minimum required CP levels (70-80 g/kg-1, DM) for normal microbial digestion [33-35] and were characterized as high-quality feeds (CP > 100 g/kg-1, DM) with the potential to be used as protein supplements to ruminant animals.

Local  name Scientific Name Family quality parameters
Gara Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae 950 142 190 600 480
Kulitibi Perilla frutescens Leguminosae 930 140 206 500 407
Chubisha Stachytarphetacayennensis Verbenaceae 940 106 157 437 340
Lagi Actinodia deliciosa Deliciosae 950 136 164 500 404
Doblish Reynoutri sachalinensis Polygonaceae 930 161 131 566 453
Zagi Gliricidia sepium Leguminosae 910 330 145 594 489
Wusha Cochlistemaodoratissimum Odoratissimum 930 107 165 655 450
Washa Microsorum punctatum Polygonaceae 940 159 104 601 468
Wachi Vriesae  splendens Splendens 950 105 171 499 404
Sema Ficus sur Forssk Forssk 940 234 202 655 532
Wala Ficus nymphaeifolia Mill Phaeifolia 950 157 149 455 362
Asha Commelina virgicinica (L.) Commelinaceae 940 117 128 491 383
Tseka Ficus carica 940 202 173 344 231
Sharing Cajanus cajan Leguminosae 920 126 167 562 359
Fakalis Manihot esculenta Asparagaceae 900 112 222 489 333
Kuma Argemone mexicana L. Mexicana (L.) 900 97 118 622 510
Key note: CP = Crude Protein; NDF = Neutral Detergent Fiber; ADF = Acid Detergent Fiber

Table 4: Quality parameters (g kg-1, DM) of major browse species as livestock feed in South Ari.

Annual dry matter produced for livestock

The total estimated annual dry matter yields produced from different land-use-systems and major crops in the South Ari district is presented in Table 5. The highest dry matter yields for livestock from the different land-use systems came from the private-grazing-lands (50,160 tons/year), while the lowest dry matter yield came from the fallow-land (1,800 tons/year). In the study area, the higher dry matter produced from the private grazing land than from communal land is due to the fact that the study area is crop-dominated and has a large area of privately-owned land with higher productivity(ton/ha) as compared to communal-grazing-land. The studies reported by [7] and [37] from Salamago and Maalee districts of South Omo indicated that the higher annual dry matter yield (1502, 156.8 tons/year) and (312, 876 tons/ year) were produced from open communal-grazing-land, respectively, than from private grazing-land, which was in agreement with the result from this study. The higher dry matter yields come from maize-stover, followed by sorghum-stover and wheat straw, whereas the lowest dry matter yields come from groundnut and sunflower. Similarly, the studies reported by [7] and [37] from Salamago and Maalee districts of South Omo indicated that the highest annual dry matter yield (1770.80 tons/year) and (15,681 tons/year) were produced from maize-stover and the lowest was obtained from sunflower seed.

Land -use-system Amount land covered  (ha) Productivity/ha TDMY (tons/year)
Private-grazing land 16,720 3 50, 160
Communal grazing land 4, 200 2 8,400
Road side  grazing land 1428 1.8 2, 570.4
Fallow land 1,200 1.5 1, 800
Forest/woody land 8,500 0.7 5, 950
Sub-total - - 68, 880
Major crops
Maize 17, 665 2 35,330
Sorghum 1, 240.50 2.5 3,101
Wheat 2,008 1.5 3,012
Barely 1, 033 1.5 1, 549.5
Teff 648 1.2 777.6
Haricot bean 700 1.2 840
Bean 446 1.2 669
Ground net 300 1.2 360
Field pea 719 1.2 862.8
Sunflower 30 1.2 36
False banana Leaves and  stem 55 8 440
Sub-total - - 46, 977.90
TDMY/t/year 115, 857.6

Table 5: The total estimated annual dry matter yields from different land-usesystem and major crops in South Ari district.

Feed balance

According to 2021 report of South Ari office of agriculture, the district had about 512, 772 cattle, 104, 216 sheep, 62, 229 goats, 21, 661 horses and 13, 300 mules, which were equivalent to 358, 940.39, 10,421.60, 6, 222.9, 2,166.1 and 1330 TLU (Table 6). These livestock species needs total of annual dry matter per year was about 857, 307 tons (Table 6). The feed balance calculation in the study district revealed that total deficits of 789, 427.9 tons of dry matter yields per year which indicated that livestock species that have reared in the study area have more nutritional suffered by low supply of feed. Moreover, overall livestock dry matter demands for maintenance and dry matter yields that supplied is generally found to be negative which indicated that feeds produced from different grazing-types and crop residues for livestock species in the study district was even not enough to satisfy the maintenance demands of feed. In support to result from the present study, the study reported by [7] and [37] from Salamago and Maale districts were demonstrated that estimated feed balance for livestock was negative. Likewise, the other study reported by [3] demonstrated that availability of feed and nutrients (ME and CP) showed the feed deficiency in Ethiopia by 9% as DM and 45 and 42% of ME and CP deficiencies, respectively.

Livestock species Livestock species CF Livestock species in TLU DMY required  (tons/day) TDM  required (tons/year)
Cattle 512, 772 0.7 358, 940.39 2.28 818, 384
Sheep 104, 216 0.1 10,421.60 2.28 23, 761
Goat 62, 229 0.1 6, 222.9 2.28 14, 188
Horse 21, 661 0.5 10, 830.5 2.28 24, 693.5
Mule 13, 300 0.8 10, 640 2.28 24, 259
Total DMY required 905, 285.54
TDMY 115, 857.6
Feed balance -789, 27.90
TDMY = Total Dry Matter Yield, CF = Conversion Factor

Table 6: Annual dry matter required by livestock species and feed balance in South Ari district in 2021.


This study was conducted to identify the livestock feed basis, feed balance, and quality parameters of major feeds. Two Kebeles from the South Ari district were selected based on the local experience in livestock feed production and potential availability of diversified livestock feeds. One Focus Group Discussion (FGD) per Kebele, which comprised 25 livestock keepers, was established with the aid of Kebele experts and local administrative bodies. The disscants were asked about the major livestock feed bases, livestock feed categories, and purpose of feeding values. After conducting FGDs, all FGDs members collected samples of major livestock feed that were listed during the FGDs and the samples were quantified for quality parameters. The results from the present study elucidated that there were 20 herbaceous and 16 browse forage species identified as livestock feeds. The estimated total dry matter required for livestock species per year was 857, 307 tons and produced was 115, 857.6 tons per year. The feed balance calculation showed that total deficits of 789, 427.9 tons of dry matter per year. The ash and crude protein contents of herbaceous species ranged from 38.6- 315g kg-1, DM to 44.3-224.5g kg-1, DM, respectively, while they ranged from 97-330g kg-1, DM to 104-222 g kg-1, DM for browse species. Based on results from this study it was suggested that the primary emphasis is need to be improving the livestock feed basis through introducing productive improved forage species, improving poor quality-feeds and enhancing the utilization of indigenous forage species as protein supplements.


This study was made possible with funds from the Regional Agricultural Growth Program II (AGP II) to enhance smallholder livelihoods in the South Omo Zone. The author is extremely thankful to the AGPII Coordination Office at Hawassa for fully supplying funds for this study. The author is also grateful to acknowledge Seda and Shapi kebekes Developmental Agents and farmers who fully participated in data collection and local name identification. Finally, the author would like to acknowledge a laboratory technician, Mr. Ashenafi Kebede Hailemariam, from the Debre Birhan Agricultural Research Center for his on-time sample analysis.


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Citation: Hidosa D (2022) Livestock Feed, Feed Balance and Chemical Composition of Major Livestock Feeds in South Ari District South-Western Ethiopia. J Fisheries Livest Prod 10: 373.

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