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  • Research Article   
  • J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2023, Vol 12(6): 404
  • DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555.1000404

Little Golden Key: A Case of Eupatorium Perfoliatum

Antonina Matsuk*
Neurologist, LFHom (med) Ukraine, Kherson, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author: Antonina Matsuk, Neurologist, LFHom (med) Ukraine, Kherson, Ukraine, Email:

Received: 03-Oct-2023 / Manuscript No. jham-23-110849 / Editor assigned: 05-Oct-2023 / PreQC No. jham-23-110849 (PQ) / Reviewed: 19-Oct-2023 / QC No. jham-23-110849 / Revised: 23-Oct-2023 / Manuscript No. jham-23-110849 (R) / Published Date: 30-Oct-2023 DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555.1000404


In this era of scientific research, a practical case is still important in maintaining the reputation and need for homeopathic treatment. After all, it is the homeopath who, using his knowl- edge, experience in contact with the patient, often receives a miracle of healing and thus proves the right of Homeopathy to life. Therefore, His Majesty the clinical case should, as before, take its rightful place in the ranks of evidence-based Homeopathy.


Covid-19 treatment; Eupatorium perfoliatum


2021 was a productive year for the homeopathic community. The successful 99th London Faculty Congress, Summit-21 and LMHI Colloquium showed not only the great desire of homeopaths of the world to join forces, but also presented great achievements in evidence-based homeopathy, inte- grative medicine, standardization of homeopathic education. These were speeches by famous home- opaths such as Dr Jeremy Sherr Tanzania with his statistical analysis of data on COVID-19, col- leagues from Australia, USA, South America, South Africa, Europe, Asia, etc., from all regions of the world. Since homeopathy is supported at the state level in India, Development Programs (e.g., AYUS) are successfully operating there. The topic of the first day of the LMHI Colloquium was de- termined by the relevance of the problem: Experiences of Acute And Long Covid-19, it was voiced by such famous speakers as Dr Anil Khurana India (An Overview of Covid related activities of CCRH), Dr Alex Tournier United Kingdom (A fresh look at the concept of Genus Epidemicus in the light of the Clificol Project Kingdom). Dr Rajan Sankaran India (Homoeopathy as an adjuvant to standard treatment protocol in management of coronavirus infection- a randomized, placebo). Dr Lex Rutten Netherlands (COVID-19 and homeopathic experience; a worldwide communication and learning experiments). Mr Rachel Roberts United Kingdom, who represented the interests of the people of the country in the House of Commons of Great Britain, and many other respected profes- sionals. Prof. G.Vithoulkas Greece spoke about the need to be true to the principles of classical homeopathy and unified training of homeopaths. Data were presented with quality provings and standards, results from dual, placebo-controlled and cohort studies. Interesting poster presentations. There are research articles in the latest journal Homeopathy 2021 (e.g., on p. 236- Marc Lluis etc. (Analysis of Homeopathic Genus Epidemicus for COVID-19 patients in Spain).

Along with the scientific justification for the effectiveness of homeopathy, our colleagues gener- ously Indian homeopaths also shared their invaluable experience in clinical healing. Indian homeopaths also spoke about their success in hospital treatment. Nobody, in any speech, canceled the im- portance of a successful clinical case. A practical case is still important in maintaining the reputa- tion and need for homeopathic treatment. After all, it is the homeopath who, using his knowledge, experience, in contact with the patient, often receives a miracle of healing and thus proves the right of Homeopathy to life! [1-3]


Below is a case from my practice, where I used a small preparation of Eupatorium perfoliatum.

It was a women- tall, with expressive, brown eyes, a little tired, in which a question mingled with a note of uncertainty, some kind of hidden doub. She entered the office promptly.Her chronic fatigue, tormenting worries and dislike, some kind of inner concentration and sadness were felt. Although, when she smiled pleasantly, her eyes shone with a soft light from the depths of her suffering, that very secret, inner space, where she usually does not let anyone in. The woman became worried again, began to move to another chair, take out paper, a pen, touch the phone, etc., rustle her bags, as if she could not find a place for herself. And I once again thought, if it is important to look at the patient only through the eyes of a doctor, a kind of artisan, to assess his suffering, problems de- tachedly, putting points on the identified signs, bringing it all into a scoring table, sorting it out, as they say, “on the shelves”, and looking for an answer in scientific discussions, evidence. Here she is in front of me - a living person with vital energy, and I undertake to help reduce his suffering. And at this moment I am guided by only this motivation. Undoubtedly, the doctor must be prepared, the science of Homeopathy must develop and reasonably defend its right to exist, but no less important is the warmth and that invisible interaction, the subtle energies that help in this incredibly difficult, magnificent and often fantastically productive work. Therefore, His Majesty the clinical case should, as before, take its rightful place in the ranks of evidencebased Homeopathy. What, if not a cured case, will best do this? It can visually and immediately convince the patient and others, re- move rumors and doubts [4-6].

Case. Woman, born in 1950 The main reason for contacting: reinfection with Covid-19. Main complaint: bone pains and chills. Her husband was the first in the family (also repeatedly) to fall ill, although he had been vaccinated twice. He was admitted to the intensive care unit in critical condi- tion. In 2021 (six months ago) the patient had already had a coronavirus infection and was in a seri- ous condition, she had a long temperature. This was accompanied by panic attack with a fear of death, cancer, she developed depression. And after the treatment, she went through the 2nd stage of rehabilitation. In October, the patient's illness began in the form of an unclear viral infection bones (the 1st wave lasted about a week, it was milder), accompanied by a sore throat, catarrhal discharge from the nose; body temperature was normal, saturation 97-98. PCR - positive. Against the backgroundof her depression and stress (anxiety about her husband’s condition and lack of proper sleep, over- strain, recent loss of a loved one), she experienced a sharp deterioration in her condition (2nd wave): a rise in temperature to 38.5, severe pain in the back of her head, back, limbs. She described them "as if the bones had been ground with a mill". Tearfulness appeared, irritability increased, mood worsened. I regarded this case as an acute condition, I needed to act immediately, so I chose a prescribing strategy based on key symptoms [7 ,8].

Symptoms were as follows:

Pain in the bones of the back, limbs ("as broken")

The whole body is as if "beaten"

Eyes hurt

Headache intermittently

Dizziness relieved by vomiting

Vomiting bile

Tongue covered with yellow coating

Intermittent fever

Strong anxiety, tossed about all the time, could not find a place for her, but did not receive re- lief.

The results were as follows:

Mind - restlessness - heat - during: eup-per.

Mind - prostration of mind - influenza - during: - bapt. eup-per. 3.mind - weeping- eup-per.

Mind - irritability: ( eup-per.

Vertigo - vomiting - bile - amel.: eup-per. 6.eye - pain - sore: eup-per. Stomach - vomiting; type of - bile: - eup-per.

Back- pain- bruised pain in the back as if beaten: (look sore): eup-per. Pain - sore: eup-per.

Back - pain - lumbar region - motion - agg. - sore: eup-per. 10.back - pain - lumbar region - sore: eup-per.

Back - pain - sacral region -sore: eup-per. 12.back - pain - spine - sore: eup-per.

Back - pain - cervical region - extending to - occiput: eup-per. 14.extremities - pain - feet - chill - during: eup-per.

Chill - trembling and shivering: eup-per.

Fever - infection; from: eup-per.

Generals - pain - bones - fever - during - agg.: eup-per.

Generals - pain - bones - broken; as if: eup-per.

The patient was urgently delivered homeopathic medicine. I used the technique of underlining and congruence with the headings of the "Synthetic Repertory" in the "Radar opus" Program and data from Eupatorium perfoliatum - Boneset - - In the Southwest and the West, in the valleys of the great rivers, Eupatorium cures complaints beginning as if the back would break, great shivering from head to foot spreading from the back, great sensitiveness to cold, congestive headaches,flushed face, yellow skin and yellow eyes, pain in the abdomen, and in the region of the liver, inability to retain any food, nausea from the sight and smell of food; the bones ache as if they would break, the fever runs high, the urine is of a mahogany color, the tongue is heavily coated yellow, and there is nausea and vomiting of bile etc.

In FLU and SARS, the cornerstone, guidepost leading to the appointment of Eupatorium perfolia- tum is the degree of pain suffered by the patient. There are very intense pains all over the body, of asharp nature, which seem to involve all the bones of the skeleton, arms, legs, shoulders, loins, thighs, and especially the bones of the leg [9 , 10].

Patients suffer from extreme dryness of the throat.

Fever - chills occur from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening, preceded by thirst, a feeling of broken and sharp pains in the bones.

Acute pain in the back intense bone pain with soreness of soft tissues

Fever - nausea, vomiting of bile, end of chills with a feeling of heat; throbbing headache. Head - dizziness; a feeling that a fall to the left might occur.

Head - vomiting of bile.

Head – periodic headache, every 3rd or 7th day.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth, yellow coating on the tongue, thirst.

In paragraphs §§ 153, 164 (Organon, 6th edition), S. Hahnemann writes about the characteristic symptoms and that they are the most valuable. In addition, their intensity is important, that is, the degree of severity in the patient (see below).

Given the patient's complaints of "unbearable" back pain, it was necessary to alleviate them, so itbecame necessary to intervene with a new drug.

Eupatorium per 30CH one dose for 3 consecutive days. I recommended the remedy once in the morning. The rise in temperature is preceded by chills, espe- cially from 7 to 9 am( Mоррисон, P., 2014).

And because the modality of time was focused on the overall perception of all symptoms at that time, making sure that there were no frequent allergic reactions when symptoms appeared, disap- peared, improved or aggravated.

And she gave advice on the sanitary and hygienic regime, wearing protective masks.

Dynamics of the patient's condition: after taking Eupatorium perfoliatum 30CH for 1-2 days, the most severe pains bothering the patient disappeared. At first, there was a slight increase in pain in the neck, back and limbs, but the exacerbation passed very quickly. Elevated body temperature per- sisted (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Temperature graph.

At this point, I want to digress to give a brief description of Eupatorium perfoliatum.

On all scales, patient showed the maximum intensity of pain. Name Eupatorium means “good father”. Of the entire Asteraceae family (Compositae / Asterасeae), 666.44.05, phase 4, subphase, 4, stage 5. Emphasis on Lanthanides.

This drug corresponds to the classic form of influenza and fever (high fever with chills, trembling, fever, lethargy, soreness, aching bones and muscle pain (Boger С.М., A.fon Lippe, 2014). Feeling like a bruise, as if the body is "broken". Worse from movement, tight clothing). For pain syndrome (up to shock) it is differentiated even with Papaveracea (Оpium), in which pain and suffering are very pronounced. Considering patiens’s psychological state since childhood (the need to do everything on her own, the child’s need to be hugged, etc.) and her lack of contact with her father (parents are divorced), I realized that this drug is close to her in essence, and in in a serious condition due to covid, it worked great. Yes, the patient had the prerequisites in her body for this since child - hood. Because she suffered a severe psychological trauma.

Now it is clear why the small "golden key" of Eupatorium perfoliatum is able to quickly relieve the patient of the most severe pain. Differential diagnosis of this remedy is not difficult, if we recall the accurate, brief description of E. H.Farrington: "pain in the bones in combination with chills". Bryonia alba is the closest analogue, but this remedy is characterized by profuse sweating and the pains preventing the patient from resting. To objectify her sensations (pain syndrome), I used the Pain Intensity Scales Assessment Scales and compared the data to assess the intense pain symp- tom in the back and back of the neck in the patient, I used digital rating (numerical ranking) scale of pain (VAS: VRS, еtс)- Application 3.

Considering the clinic and the fact that the patient had a history of COPD and tuberculin miasm, Tuberculinum 200 1 dose was used in the treatment with a positive effect - body temperature re- turned to normal, weakness disappeared, appetite improved, she became more active, stopped cry- ing, sad thoughts and experiences left her.

As S. Hahnemann wrote, “Immediate signs of improvement in the state of mind and spirit can be expected only after taking the medicine, if the dose was small enough” (Organon of the Art of Medicine, 6th edition). The patient was ill for 2 weeks, after which she was examined again: PCR TEST was negative. In the lab In the analysis for the forecast for coronavirus infection, no signs of inflammation were detected. Antibodies 15887.2 - the calculation of the WHO indicator was 515 (the norm is up to 500, as according to the MOZU), so she does not need vaccination.


The patient's repeated case of Covid-19 was caused by the Delta virus, was milder than the first time, had an undulating character and resembled the course of influenza.

After treatment for acute condition covid-19, the patient did not have mental symptoms (depres- sion).

With acute condition (associated with covid), the Totality of symptoms should be used as the basis for rapid treatment, but based, first of all, on key symptoms, characteristic symptoms (par. 153, 164), because in emergency quarantine conditions, you need to act immediately. Pay attention to their intensity and congruence with the rubrics of the Repertory. Find confirmation in MM of old masters.

To control the dynamics of homeopathic treatment, use integrative approaches using laboratory tests (PCR, determination of the level of antibodies, prognosis for covid (with markers of inflamma- tion), coagulograms, clinical blood analysis, clinical urine analysis, etc. - according to indications) . Which together gives as a full picture of patient benefit?

We have the possibility of a reasoned answer about vaccination.

In the treatment of covid infection, not only polychrests, but also small preparations can be used, applying the principle of Hahnemann's similarity. In this clinical case it was Eupatorium perfolia- tum.

Clinical cases are in fact effective practical evidence and should be counted as part of Evidence- Based Homeopathy.


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Citation: Matsuk A (2023) Little Golden Key: A Case of Eupatorium Perfoliatum. JTradit Med Clin Natur, 12: 404. DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555.1000404

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