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  • Commentary   
  • J Civ Leg Sci, Vol 10(12)

International Attention to Human Rights

Hameed R Al. Jumaili*
Department of International Criminology, International Arbitration Human Rights Expert and Consultant International Negotiator, Lebanon
*Corresponding Author: Hameed R Al. Jumaili, Department of International Criminology, International Arbitration Human Rights Expert and Consultant International Negotiator, Lebanon, Tel: 009613309488, Email:

Received: 18-Nov-2021 / Accepted Date: 02-Dec-2021 / Published Date: 09-Dec-2021


The world today sometimes appears as a small village in which it is easy to transfer information and knowledge among its inhabitants, thanks to the means of communication that have become of various types and ease of use and spread media in a few minutes. And since countries are linked with each other by multiple relations, including trade, cultural, political and military relations, the ties have two sides: the positive side, such as trade exchange and military alliance, and the other side is the negative side, such as wars and conflicts.

In all cases, countries cannot dispense with each other in the international community, because any country, no matter how rich, bountiful and self-sufficient is found in it, remains in need of other countries or specifically the markets of those countries, in order to export its products, and I see that every country It should be in harmony with other countries as much as possible without harming their national and national interests. This political, cultural and commercial accord will lead to the exchange of goods, services, sciences, arts and literature.

It remains in need of more and this applies to the international community, for any country, no matter how advanced it is in knowledge, culture, science, and the degree of development and advancement, needs to build joint cooperative relations with other countries in various fields of life, and thus this cooperative link will lead to the organization of these relations in order to reach To the highest, however, the link of states to this relationship may be based on bilateral or multiple agreements, some of which are between twO or more states within a contractual framework, and others are linked by treaties called legal treaties due to the large number and multiplicity of their parties, especially treaties with humanitarian content, and that Because it relates to the rights of societies to enjoy the benefits of modern civil life, political self-determination and their right to development, as well as individuals enjoying their civil and political rights, as well as economic and political rights.

It is necessary to distinguish between two important stages in the development of the international community. The first stage is embodied between the first and second world wars.

The second stage is harvested in the period that followed the Second World War until the present time. The first stage resulted in the establishment of (the League of Nations in 1919 AD, which was promised the first international gathering, but the League Ol Nations era was devoid of texts directly related to human rights, so the interest in those rights was meager. Also during that

period the establishment of the International Labor Organization and Justice Social is the first building block of world peace, just as the member states accepted the commitment to try to guarantee and maintain just working conditions for men and women, and that period witnessed treaties that focused on combating slavery and the slave trade, as well as on respecting the rights of national religious minorities and for purely political purposes “As for the second stage of the development of the international community, twenty-six countries agreed to establish a new global organization that called itself (the United Nations). Several countries joined it, successively, where the preamble of the charter issued by it stipulated to reaffirm faith in the realization of the human person and in the dignity and worth of the individual.

It came with that preamble “Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity of all members of the human family, and of equal and inalienable rights, in the form of freedom, justice and peace in the world, and when disregard for and contempt for human rights has led to actions that aroused their barbarity."

The human conscience and human beings had called for the emergence of a world in which they would enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want, as the highest their souls longed for.

Whereas it is essential to work on developing friendly relations among nations, and whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their belief in fundamental human rights, in human dignity and worth, and in the equal rights of men and women, and have determined their Advancing social progress and improving life in an atmosphere of larger freedom.

Citation: Jumaili HRA (2021) Towards a Labor Law Stimulating Investment in Egypt. J Civil Legal Sci 10: 298.

Copyright: © 2021 Jumaili HRA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
