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  • Mini Review Article   
  • J Infect Pathol 2023, Vol 6(1): 173

Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antibodies in Wild Birds Living in the Open

Andrew Bryan*
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, United States
*Corresponding Author: Andrew Bryan, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, United States, Email:

Received: 30-Jan-2023 / Manuscript No. Jidp-23-89056 / Editor assigned: 01-Feb-2023 / PreQC No. Jidp-23-89056 (PQ) / Reviewed: 14-Feb-2023 / QC No. Jidp-23-89056 / Revised: 18-Feb-2023 / Manuscript No. Jidp-23-89056 (R) / Published Date: 23-Feb-2023 QI No. / Jidp-23-89056


Contagious bursal complaint contagion (IBDV) is an immunosuppressive pathogen of flesh causing great profitable losses to the flesh assiduity. In this study, the IBDV antibodies were detected in captured free- living wild catcalls in Zaria, Nigeria. One hundred and fifty free- living wild catcalls, comprising 30 catcalls each of 5 different species, were tried over a period of 9 months. Blood samples were collected from each raspberry, and gathered sera were tested for IBDV antibodies using enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay. Results indicated IBDV seroprevalences in freckled chump (6.67) and cattle egret (3.33). In conclusion, the discovery of IBDV antibodies in free- living wild catcalls in this study is reflective of former natural exposure of these catcalls to the contagion. These species of wild catcalls could thus serve as carriers of these contagions and, accordingly, transmit these contagions to cravens.


Contagious bursal complaint; Wild raspberry; Sera; Seroprevalence; Exposure


Contagious bursal complaint (IBD) or Gumboro complaint is an acute, largely contagious complaint of cravens caused by contagious bursal complaint contagion (IBDV). The complaint is characterized by bursal lesions, bursal atrophy, and immunosuppression in cravens between 3 wk and 3 mo of age. The contagion responsible for IBD is a segmented, double- stranded RNA contagion, belonging to the rubric Avibirnavirus and family Birnaviridae. It shows picky tropism for lymphoid towel and has affinity for immature B lymphocytes in the bursa of Fabricius. It has been reported to also beget lymphoid reduction in the bursa of Fabricius in free- living wild catcalls, but infection is generally subclinical [1, 2]. The natural hosts of IBDV are domestic fowls including cravens and clunkers. The primary route for IBDV transmission is through the fecal-oral route, with aerosol dissemination being regarded to be less significant. Two serotypes of IBDV (1 and 2) have been honoured with actuality of considerable antigenic variation within each serotype. Serotype 1 is pathogenic only to cravens and can be further divided into classical malign, downgraded, antigenic variant and veritably malign IBDV grounded on their acridity and antigenicity. Serotype 2 contagions are naturally virulent and don't beget clinical complaint in cravens and clunkers. Serological substantiation of serotype 1 IBDV infection in wild catcalls suggests that wild catcalls may play a part in the epidemiology of IBDV by serving as budgets for the contagion. Reports have shown that serotype 2 of IBDV is more current in numerous species of free- living wild catcalls, with the natural host considered to be clunkers.

There's dearth of information on the IBDV status of free- living wild catcalls in Zaria, Nigeria. Thus, the end of this study was to descry IBDV antibodies in free- living wild catcalls [3, 4].

Materials and Method

Slice of catcalls

Grounded on convenience slice system, an aggregate of 150 catcalls comprising 30 each of laughing doves( Spilopelia senegalensis), freckled suckers( Columba guinea), cattle egrets( Bubulcus ibis), vill needlewomen( Ploceus cucullatus), and African silverbill( Ecocide cantans) were tried alive over a period of 9 mo( March – December, 2017). These species of catcalls were used grounded on their vacuity at the particular time of prisoner. The catcalls were captured alive and unhurt using rustic traps kept at strategic positions around flesh houses located at different locales within the environ. The 10 flesh granges were named grounded on frequence of visit of these free- living wild catcalls and former history of IBD outbreaks.

The captured catcalls were linked by an ornithologist in the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life lore’s, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. Later, physical examination was conducted on each raspberry to be sure there were no lesions, injuries, or ectoparasites [5, 6].

Blood Sample Collection

Blood sample (0.5- 1 ml) was collected from each raspberry via the sect tone using sterile hypodermic hypes and 23G needles. Sera were gathered from the blood, transferred into labelled sterile plastic holders, and stored at −20 °C until used for IBDV antibody discovery. After sample collection, each raspberry was marked to avoid repeated slice and released into the terrain.

Enzyme- Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Discovery of IBDV Antibody

The 150 test sera were subordinated to circular ELISA following the manufacturers' instructions (IDEXX IBD- XR Ab Tests Technical Guide). IBD contagion antibody test tackle (designed for serotype 1 strain) used was attained from IDEXX IBD- IDEXX LaboratoriesInc. Westbrook, ME. The absorbance values were measured and recorded at 650 nm wavelength using an ELISA microtiter plate anthology. The relative position of antibody to IBDV in the sample was determined by calculating the sample- to-positive(S/ P) rate. Sera with S/ P rates of lower than or equal to0.20 were interpreted as negative. Sample to-positive rates lesser than0.20 was interpreted as positive and indicated vaccination or exposure to IBD contagion according to the manufacturers' specialized companion [7, 8].


In this region, vaccination of cravens against IBD is constantly carried out. Reported seroprevalence of IBDV antibodies in cattle egrets (20.0) using ELISA at Ibadan, South West Nigeria. Also, antibodies to IBDV have also been reported in freckled suckers (6.0) and laughing doves (13.04) in Kano using ELISA.

From this study, it's believed that these species of free- living wild catcalls have been preliminarily exposed to IBDV and could play important places in the natural conservation and spread of the contagion in flesh because of their migrant capabilities. The common IBD vaccines used in Nigeria and the girding areas are live vaccines from serotype 1 strain, and the wild catcalls that tested positive didn't show signs of having been exposed to these vaccine strains.

The presence of IBDV antibodies in free- living wild catcalls in this study might have redounded from circular commerce through frequent visits to marketable flesh granges and feeding around flesh houses in this region. Also, these free- living wild catcalls have been set up among the cravens in areas where original cravens are reared on free- range operation system and around live raspberry requests. These relations allowed for possible ingestion of the contagions by these catcalls, therefore suggestive of the seroprevalence observed in this study. The discovery of IBDV antibodies in free- living wild catcalls is reflective of former natural exposure of these catcalls to the contagions at some point in their life. These free- living wild catcalls thus may serve as carriers of these contagions after migration to flesh houses and possible dispersion of the contagion to cravens.

It was observed that IBDV antibodies live in free- living wild raspberry populations. The discovery of IBDV (2.0) antibodies in freeliving wild catcalls in this study indicated former natural exposure to these contagions. To the stylish of our knowledge, this is the first report on the serological studies of IBDV in these species of wild catcalls in Zaria, Nigeria.

Whether these contagions beget clinical conditions and pathology in free- living wild catcalls bear farther disquisition. It's recommended that farther exploration involving experimental inoculation and further species of catcalls should be carried out in Zaria, Nigeria, to understand the pathology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, and status of IBDV in wild raspberry populations [9, 10].


The authors admit the help handed by Virus Research Division of the National Veterinary Research Institute( NVRI), Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria; Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life lores, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria; and Professor Ben.O. Emikpe of the Department of Veterinary Pathology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria for editing this handwriting

Conflict of Interest



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Citation: Bryan A (2023) Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Antibodies in Wild Birds Living in the Open. J Infect Pathol, 6: 173.

Copyright: © 2023 Bryan A. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
