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  • Review Article   
  • J Clin Exp Neuroimmunol 8 : 195, Vol 8(4)
  • DOI: 10.4172/jceni.1000195

Impact of Emotional State on Autonomic and Somatic Nervous System Engagement in Postural Control

Azizul Haque*
Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Innsbruck Medical University, United States
*Corresponding Author: Azizul Haque, Institute of Clinical Neurobiology, Innsbruck Medical University, United States, Tel: 1187421953230, Email:

Received: 03-Jul-2023 / Manuscript No. jceni-23-109797 / Editor assigned: 05-Jul-2023 / PreQC No. jceni-23-109797 (PQ) / Reviewed: 19-Jul-2023 / QC No. jceni-23-109797 / Revised: 24-Jul-2023 / Manuscript No. jceni-23-109797 (R) / Published Date: 31-Jul-2023 DOI: 10.4172/jceni.1000195


The coordination of postural control involves a complex interplay between the autonomic and somatic nervous systems, which regulate physiological responses and muscular adjustments to maintain equilibrium. This review examines the roles of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems in postural control, focusing on their contributions to stability, adaptability, and overall body orientation . The autonomic nervous system, comprising the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, dynamically regulates heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory patterns in response to postural changes. Sympathetic activation often accompanies postural challenges, ensuring adequate blood supply to vital organs. Parasympathetic activity, on the other hand, promotes relaxation and a baseline state of equilibrium. Interaction between autonomic branches influences cardiac pre-ejection periods and vasomotor adjustments, impacting postural stability.


Advances in our understanding of postural control have highlighted the need to examine the influence of higher brain centers in the modulation of this complex function. There is strong evidence of a link between emotional state, autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity and somatic nervous system (somatic NS) activity in postural control. For example, relationships have been demonstrated between postural threat, anxiety, fear of falling, balance confidence, and physiological arousal. Behaviorally, increased arousal has been associated with changes in velocity and amplitude of postural sway during quiet standing. The potential links between ANS and somatic NS, observed in control of posture, are associated with shared neuroanatomical connections within the central nervous system (CNS) [1]. The influence of emotional state on postural control likely reflects the important influence the limbic system has on these ANS/somatic NS control networks. This narrative review will highlight several examples of behaviors which routinely require coordination between the ANS and somatic NS, highlighting the importance of the neurofunctional link between these systems. Furthermore, we will extend beyond the more historical focus on threat models and examine how disordered/ altered emotional state and ANS processing may influence postural control and assessment. Finally, this paper will discuss studies that have been important in uncovering the modulatory effect of emotional state on postural control including links that may inform our understanding of disordered control, such as that observed in individuals living with Parkinson's disease and discuss methodological tools that have the potential to advance understanding of this complex relationship [2]. Furthermore, the bidirectional communication between the autonomic and somatic systems emphasizes their mutual influence on postural control. Emotional states, stress, and cognitive factors modulate autonomic responses, consequently affecting postural stability. Conversely, somatic feedback influences emotional perception, suggesting a reciprocal relationship.

Understanding the autonomic and somatic nervous system contributions to postural control has broader implications. This knowledge can inform therapeutic interventions targeting balance disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and rehabilitation strategies. Integrating these intricate neural mechanisms enhances our comprehension of the holistic nature of postural control and its vital importance in daily activities and functional well-being.

Emotion-body interaction in postural control

The intricate connection between emotions and the body extends beyond the realm of psychology to influence even the most fundamental physiological processes. Postural control, a foundational aspect of human movement and stability, is not exempt from this interplay. The interaction between emotions and the body in the context of postural control constitutes a fascinating area of study that sheds light on the integrated nature of human functioning.

Emotions are not confined to the realm of the mind; they are embodied experiences that involve physiological changes throughout the body. When an individual experiences emotion, a cascade of autonomic and somatic responses is triggered [3]. These responses serve as the body's way of preparing to respond to the emotional stimulus, adapt to challenges, or seek opportunities. In the realm of postural control, emotions exert a subtle yet profound influence. Research has demonstrated that emotional states can modulate muscle tone, altering the way muscles engage during postural adjustments. This modulation is not confined to specific muscle groups; it can encompass the entire musculoskeletal system, influencing how the body responds to perturbations and maintains equilibrium.

For instance, anxiety or stress, common emotional responses, can lead to increased muscle tension, affecting postural stability. Elevated muscle tension can compromise the body's ability to finely tune muscle activation for precise postural adjustments, potentially leading to postural deviations and increased susceptibility to falls. On the other hand, positive emotions such as happiness or relaxation might have the opposite effect, contributing to a more fluid and adaptive postural control.

The autonomic nervous system, responsible for regulating the body's involuntary functions, plays a central role in this interaction. Emotions trigger autonomic responses that influence heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, consequently impacting blood flow and oxygen supply to muscles involved in postural control. Sympathetic activation, often associated with the "fight or flight" response, might lead to changes in vascular tone and redistribution of blood flow, affecting the availability of resources for maintaining postural stability [4].

Moreover, the cognitive aspects of emotions also contribute to the emotion-body interaction in postural control. Attentional focus, influenced by emotional states, can direct an individual's awareness to specific sensory information related to balance and proprioception. This, in turn, affects how the body responds to sensory cues and adjusts its position to maintain stability.

Somatic nervous system involvement in postural control

The somatic nervous system (SoNS) is equally vital in orchestrating postural adjustments and maintaining stability. Comprising sensory and motor pathways, the SoNS plays a critical role in translating sensory input into motor output, facilitating coordinated muscle contractions and joint movements during postural adjustments.

Understanding the interplay between emotions and postural control has implications in various fields, from sports performance to rehabilitation and clinical settings. Therapeutic approaches that integrate emotional regulation techniques with traditional physical therapy methods could potentially enhance outcomes for individuals dealing with balance disorders or musculoskeletal issues.

In conclusion, the emotion-body interaction in postural control highlights the intricate relationship between emotions and physiological responses, even in seemingly mundane activities. Emotions influence not only how we perceive the world around us but also how our bodies respond and adapt to it. As research continues to unveil the depth of this connection, it becomes increasingly clear that addressing emotions is an integral part of optimizing postural control and overall human movement.

Autonomic nervous system responses in postural control The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a pivotal role in maintaining physiological equilibrium and responding to internal and external challenges. In the context of postural control, the ANS orchestrates a delicate balance between its two branches—the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions—to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and other autonomic functions that influence stability [5].

During postural adjustments, the ANS dynamically modulates its activity based on the body's sensory input and the requirements of maintaining balance. As an individual shifts position or encounters perturbations, the ANS works to ensure that blood pressure and cardiac output remain appropriate for the task. Sympathetic activation, often associated with the "fight or flight" response, increases heart rate and redirects blood flow to the muscles, preparing the body for action. This can enhance the body's readiness to respond to sudden shifts in posture or unexpected challenges.

Furthermore, sensorimotor integration—the seamless coordination between sensory input and motor output—is a hallmark of the SoNS's involvement in postural control. This integration enables individuals to adjust their posture in real-time, accommodating perturbations and ensuring stability during various activities. In summary, both the autonomic and somatic nervous systems collaborate intricately to regulate postural control. The ANS's autonomic responses modulate physiological functions such as heart rate and blood pressure, adapting the body for postural adjustments and challenges. Meanwhile, the SoNS's sensorimotor integration translates sensory feedback into muscular adjustments, ensuring precision and stability. Understanding the roles of these two nervous systems enriches our comprehension of the multifaceted mechanisms that underlie human balance and postural control.

Neural pathways linking emotions and postural control

The interplay between emotions and postural control extends beyond surface-level physiological responses, delving into the intricate neural pathways that connect these seemingly distinct aspects of human experience. Neuroscientific research has unveiled the neural underpinnings that intertwine emotions with the regulation of balance and stability, providing insights into the mind-body connection that governs our movements. At the core of this connection lies the integration of sensory input and motor output within the brain. Multiple brain regions contribute to this integration, allowing emotions to impact postural control in profound ways. The amygdala, a key player in emotional processing, interacts with the brainstem's reticular formation—a network involved in autonomic and motor control. This interaction provides a direct conduit through which emotional signals can influence the body's physiological responses, including those related to balance and posture [6].

These neural pathways highlight the integrative nature of the brain, where emotions and postural control are not isolated domains but interconnected processes. Emotional states, whether positive or negative, influence how the brain prioritizes sensory input, guides motor responses, and fine-tunes muscular adjustments. This interplay has implications for both the fluidity of movement and the ability to maintain stability in various situations. Understanding these pathways offers valuable insights into clinical contexts. Individuals with conditions like anxiety or depression might exhibit altered activity in these neural circuits, affecting their postural control. Therapeutic interventions could potentially target these neural connections, addressing emotional well-being while enhancing balance and stability.

Clinical implications: emotion-driven changes in postural control

One of the most direct clinical implications lies in the realm of balance disorders. Individuals with conditions like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often exhibit altered emotional states that can influence their postural control [7-11]. Anxious individuals might demonstrate heightened muscle tension and altered autonomic responses, potentially leading to compromised balance. Addressing emotional regulation through cognitive-behavioral therapies or mindfulness techniques could complement traditional approaches to balance rehabilitation, yielding more comprehensive outcomes. Moreover, the emerging field of "affective computing" aims to incorporate emotional states into human-computer interactions. Understanding emotion-driven changes in postural control could contribute to designing user interfaces that adapt to users' emotional states, potentially enhancing their overall experience and well-being. Overall, recognizing and addressing the emotional dimension of postural control opens doors to more comprehensive and personalized approaches in healthcare and therapeutic interventions. By considering emotions alongside physical aspects, clinicians can provide more holistic care, optimizing outcomes and promoting overall well-being. As our understanding of the intricate interplay between emotions and postural control deepens, it offers exciting possibilities for shaping the future of healthcare and enhancing the quality of life for individuals across a spectrum of conditions and contexts.


The autonomic nervous system's responses, mediated by its sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, adapt the body's physiological state to accommodate postural adjustments and challenges. Sympathetic activation primes the body for action, while parasympathetic activity promotes a state of calm equilibrium. These autonomic responses not only influence cardiovascular dynamics but also impact blood flow to muscles, crucial for maintaining stability and responding to perturbations.The somatic nervous system, driven by sensory input and motor output, orchestrates intricate muscle contractions and joint movements necessary for postural adjustments. Proprioceptive feedback informs the brain about the body's position, enabling rapid adaptations to maintain balance. Sensorimotor integration within the somatic nervous system facilitates swift and precise adjustments, ensuring stability during routine and unexpected movements.

Understanding the autonomic and somatic nervous systems' contributions to postural control provides a comprehensive perspective on the body's intricate mechanisms. This comprehension holds significance across various domains, from sports performance and injury prevention to rehabilitation and clinical care. As research continues to unravel the nuances of these systems, opportunities arise for innovative interventions that target both physiological and emotional aspects, enhancing our ability to maintain stability and improving overall well-being .In a world where our every movement involves a symphony of autonomic and somatic interactions, appreciating the interplay between these systems enriches our understanding of human physiology and the complexities that govern our physical experiences. Through this lens, we gain insights into the mechanisms that underpin our balance and coordination, reaffirming the incredible harmony that exists within our own bodies.


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Citation: Haque A (2023) Impact of Emotional State on Autonomic and Somatic Nervous System Engagement in Postural Control. J Clin Exp Neuroimmunol, 8: 195. DOI: 10.4172/jceni.1000195

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