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Ichthyofauna in the Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam

Tuan HA*

Department of Biology, Vinh University, Nghe An Province, Vietnam

*Corresponding Author:
Tuan HA
Department of Biology Vinh University
Nghe An Province, Vietnam
Tel: 0903 492 899

Received Date: October 08, 2015 Accepted Date: February 09, 2016 Published Date: February 25, 2016

Citation: Tuan HA (2016) Ichthyofauna in the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam. J Fisheries Livest Prod 4:168. doi: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000168

Copyright: © 2016 Tuan HA. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Ichthyofauna in the phong Nha – Ke bang national Park is typically characterised by tectonic limestone structure with 300 caves, underground rivers and valuably rare flora and fauna in the Vietnam Red Book and World Red Book. Total length of cave system in this area is estimated about 80 km but joint team of Vietnamese and English explorers only discovered 20 km, in which 17 km in Phong Nha area and 3 km in Ke Bang area. Due to naturally special block Karst Phong Nha-Ke Bang, phenomenon of underground water flowing is widespread. In this region, some small streams flow into the Rao Thuong channel with some opening punctuated segments and into cave system as underground river and then gathered into Chay River and Trooc river and creat a lagest tributary of the Gianh River.


Cave; Underground rivers; Species; Chay river


The Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park locates in the range of coordinates from 17°21' to 17°39' north latitude and from 105°57' to 106°24' east longitude. This National Park is typically characterised by tectonic limestone structure with 300 caves, underground rivers and valuably rare flora and fauna in the Vietnam Red Book and World Red Book. Total length of cave system in this area is estimated about 80 km but joint team of Vietnamese and English explorers only discovered 20 km, in which 17 km in Phong Nha area and 3 km in Ke Bang area. Due to naturally special block Karst Phong Nha - Ke Bang, phenomenon of underground water flowing is widespread. In this region, some small streams flow into the Rao Thuong channel with some opening punctuated segments and into cave system as underground river and then gathered into Chay River and Trooc river and creat a lagest tributary of the Gianh River.

Species composition of fish fauna in the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park were documented by Tu et al. [1]. In these researches, 72 fish species were indentified, but 12 species were still unknown. In the period of 1998 to 2001, researchers of Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources indentified 75 fish species, but 8 species were unknown [2]. In addition, 162 species were indentified by Nguyen Thai Tu and Ho Anh Tuan [3], however there were 54 species are still not named. In the same year, Ngo Sy Van and Tran Anh Tuan also reported 121 species in this area but 23 species not identified [2]. These studies indicate the problem of fish composition in the Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park still under estimation, not the same classification and getting dificulty to named many species. This study aim to solve these dificulties with the title “Ichthyofauna in the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam”.

Materials and Methods

Fish specimens were collected mainly from fishing men in these survey regions. Fishing tools are fishnets, rackets, casting – net, multi size fishing – rods and also professional tools of fish men such as: fishing basket, fishing traps, etc. Some other specimens was bought from local people. All samples were given full information in field trip diary, sampling notes, taking pictures and fixed with formaline 8-10% and reserving with formaline 5% in Animal Laboratory of Department of Biology, Vinh University (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Map study fish in Phong Nha – Ke Bang.

We use the following materials to Identification species: Chen Yiyu [4]; Chu Xinluo and Chen Yinrui [5]; Chu Xinluo [6]; Freyhof and Serov [7]; Freyhof and Herder [8]; Carpenter KE and Niem VH [9]; Imamura et al. [10]; Chen, Weng [11]; Knapp and Platycephalidae [12]; Kottelat [13]; Yen [14]; Menon [15]; Nakabo [16]; Phung [17]; Huong [18]; Thi [19,20]; Hao [21]; Luc [22]; Prokofiev [23]; Walter [24]; William [25]; Yokogawa KH [26]; Yue P [27].

List of classes, orders, families and subfamilies is sorted by William [25]. Genera of subfamilies and species of genera is sorted by a to z [28-30].

Results and Discussion

We conducted 12 field surveys in 2003–2011 at 17 study sites and collected 2349 specimens. Over time of analysis, we have identified 119 fish species belong to 89 genera, 35 families of 12 orders distributed in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam (Table 1).

Notes: (1) Number the order; (2) Scientific name; (3) RB: Species in the Vietnam Red Book 2007; (4) IUCN: Species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; (5) EV: Species with precious economic values; (6) Species distribute inside cave habitat; Not Evaluated (NE); Data Deficient (DD); Least Concern (LC); Near Threatened (NT); Vulnerable (VU); Endangered (En); Critically Endangered (CR); Add: Supplemental species in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam [31].

According to Vietnam Red Book 2007 [32], there were 5 species identified in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park belonging to conservation list such as: Anguilla marmorata, Konosirus punctatus; Hypsibarbus annamensis (Level VU), Clupanodon thrissa (Level EN) and Bostrychus sinensis (Level CR). In which, 2 species: Anguilla marmorata and Clupanodon thrissa, were all found many time in high quantity. Some species such as Hypsibarbus annamensis, Clupanodon thrissa and Bostrychus sinensis were found only 1 time with low quantity.

List of distributive fish species in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park in the Table 1 is recorded in the IUCN Red List of Threaten Species as below [33-38]: Not Evaluated (NE): 29 species; Data Deficient (DD): 25 species; Least Concern (LC): 58 species; Near Threatened (NT): 4 species; Vulnerable (VU): 2 species; Endangered (En): 1 species.

In our observation, there were 65 species providing quite high yield in in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park tributary. These species are also precious marketing and local people consume them every day. Therefore, these species were considered as economic development for local fish – men in this ichthyofauna. Having 21 species distributed in caves, add the distribution area for 17 species in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park.


Twelfth survey on the fish species compostion of in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park from Vietnam were carried out from 2003 to 2011. 119 fish species belong to 89 genera, 35 families of 12 orders are recorded, 5 rare species recorded in the Red Book of Vietnam [32], 65 species having economic value, species is recorded in the IUCN Red List of Threaten Species as below: Not Evaluated (NE): 29 species; Data Deficient (DD): 25 species; Least Concern (LC): 58 species; Near Threatened (NT): 4 species; Vulnerable (VU): 2 species; Endangered (En): 1 species. 21 species distributed in caves add the distribution area for 17 species in ichthyofauna of the Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park.


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