Hyper Collector Plant Species for Weighty Metal Polluted Soil Treatment
Received: 01-Jul-2022 / Manuscript No. Jbrbd- 22-71263 / Editor assigned: 04-Jul-2022 / PreQC No. Jbrbd- 22-71263 (PQ) / Reviewed: 18-Jul-2022 / QC No. Jbrbd- 22-71263 / Revised: 21-Jul-2022 / Manuscript No. Jbrbd- 22-71263 / Accepted Date: 28-Jul-2022 / Published Date: 28-Jul-2022 DOI: 10.4172/2155-6199.1000521
Poisonous weighty metal contamination is a general natural worry that can represent a serious danger to the entire biosphere. Numerous types of plants, called hyper gatherers, are presently found that have the ability to amass metals at higher focus around times more than different plants in their parts that are over the ground. Movement factor, bioaccumulation factor and bio-fixation component can work out the yearly pace of expulsion of the pollutant component from the dirt. Individuals from a similar family have comparable phyto-remediating capacities. Different plant species require different developing circumstances to hyper collect weighty metals. In addition, not all the plant tissues store equivalent amount of weighty metals. Some plant species are great at collecting weighty metals more in their underlying foundations when contrasted with shoots or leaves. This may likewise differ with the components being amassed. This survey gives the information base to all the hyper-collectors being utilized after 2000 around the world.This information ought to be utilized for the field utilization of hyper gatherers in Pakistan. This is a modest, secure and eco-friendly method of bioremediation which has showed phenomenal outcomes in pollution evacuation.
Hyper collectors; Phytoremediation; Movement factor; Bio-fixation factor; Bio-aggregation factor1
Harmful weighty metal contamination is a widespread natural concern. It can prompt defilement of soil that can represent a serious danger to the entire biosphere. A polluted site can become disturbing for general wellbeing and climate. Contamination might be of normal or anthropogenic beginning [1]. Utilizing plants to manage this issue is a universally famous strategy that has an extreme lower cost. The plant based biotechnology to more readily deal with this worldwide concern is called phytoremediation. Soil is the highest layer of earth that helps plants develop and upholds life. Soil is named as tainted when the grouping of toxins surpasses the breaking point beneath the foundation level [2]. Defilement of soils has been on ascent because of extraordinary agronomic and modern exercises. Weighty metals collected in the dirt can't be biodegraded consequently soils should be remediated (Leung, 2013). The significant expenses and shortcoming renders the conventional techniques, similar to exhuming, for soil treatment insufficient [3]. Phytoremediation has an extraordinary likely as far as cleaning impurities that are covering an enormous region and are close to the surface and furthermore is exceptionally ecological well disposed (Bini, 2010).
Metalliferous soils have unconventionally high grouping of minor components (for example Mn 200-2000 mg/kg) or follow constituents (0.01-200 mg/kg, for example Zn, Cr, As, Co, Cu, Ni, Se, and Cd) [4]. Numerous types of plants are presently found that have the ability to amass metals at higher fixation than different plants in their parts that are over the ground [5]. They are named as hyper aggregators when the metal fixations are 50-100 times higher than in non-amassing plants. The standard meaning of hyper aggregation thinks of it as the catch of metals from the dirt at high rates, delivery and similar amassing in the shoots, tail and leaves. This definition isolates hyper collectors from different plants that gather abundance pollutants in their underlying foundations, accordingly barring or limiting development to shoots [6]. (Maestri, Marmiroli, Visioli, and Marmiroli, 2010). A solitary explicit component can be collected by numerous species or a solitary animal types can hyper gather various metals. It is vital that the metal retention in the elevated tissues is in overabundance so brief volume of polluted material is left in the dirt [7].
We can gauge about the hyper gathering limit of a plant in the event that its dry matter fixations are known consequently gauges can likewise be made of the yearly areal yield [8]. In this way by performing straightforward computations like movement factor, bioaccumulation factor and bio-focus factor, we can work out the yearly pace of expulsion of the toxin component from the dirt. Metals have different hyper collection limits that are moved by plants for example a plant that hyper gathers 1000mg/kg for nickel, Cu, Co and Pb however that probably won't be the situation of Manganese and Zinc as they might be named hyper aggregate on the off chance that their ability is 3000 mg/kg or more (RD Reeves, 2006) [9].
A few exploration papers were checked on to assemble pertinent information [10]. Online information base "Google Scholar" demonstrated extremely accommodating in acquiring research papers and distributed examinations connected with hyper collecting plant species for the treatment of debased soil [11]. Every one of the investigated examinations depended on trial and error and field investigation. This article gives a data set of hyper gathering plants and their weighty metal phytoremediation likely in soil [12].
Results and Discussion
The following (Table) presents the findings of all the experiments performed by researchers around the globe to estimate the remediation potential of hyper accumulators [13]. The translocation factor explains capability of hyper accumulator to translocate the metal from underground to above ground parts of a plant (Nirola et al.,2015). The bioaccumulation coefficient (BAC) is used to evaluate the efficiency of a plant in phytoremediation and translocation [14]. The accumulation coefficient can also be defined as the plant to soil concentration quotient (Flora, 2014). Bio-concentration factor is the ratio of metal concentration in plant roots to the concentration of metal accumulated in soil (Nazir, Malik, Ajaib, Khan, & Siddiqui, 2011). These factors are the renowned parameters for determining hyper accumulating plant species [15]. It has also been observed that members of same family have similar phyto-remediating abilities [16]. Most commonly accumulated heavy metals are cadmium, zinc, nickel and copper [17].
Sr. | Scientific Name | Common Name | Family | Metals | Concentration | Region | Growing Conditions | TF | BAF | BCF | References | |
No | (mg/Kg) | |||||||||||
Roots | Shoots | |||||||||||
1 | Justicia procumbens | Water willow | Acanthaceae | Cd, Zn | 527.4+13.3 (Cd), 10.741.1+83.9 (Zn) | 548.0+4.2 (Cd), 11,071±107.1 | Mae Sot, Tak | Soil of rice field near to the Padaeng Zn mine, average annual temperature 27oCand rainfall 1798 mm yr−1 | 1.04(Cd) 1.03(Zn) | 3.15(Cd), 7.40(Zn) | (Phaenark, Pokethitiyook, Kruatrachue, & Ngernsansaruay, 2009) | |
(Zn) | province, Thailand | |||||||||||
2 | Colocasia esculenta | Taro | Aracae | Cd, Zn | 16.4+0.3 (Cd), 5,029.2+31.5 (Zn) | 6.7+0.1 (Cd), 316.7+8.9 (Zn) | 0.41(Cd) 0.06(Zn) | 1.04(Cd) 1.72(Zn) | ||||
3 | Ageratum conyzoides | Goat weed | Asteraceae | Cd | 14.3+0.7 (Cd) | 20.5+0.4 (Cd) | 1.43(Cd) | 1.41 (Cd) | ||||
4 | Chromolaena odoratum | Siam weed, Palau | Asteraceae | Cd, Zn | 110.3+7.7 (Cd), 1,494.8+46.6 (Zn) | 166.0+10.3 (Cd), 1,773.3+159.6 (Zn) | 1.51(Cd) 1.19(Zn) | 1.33(Cd) 1.60(Zn) | ||||
5 | Conyza sumatrensis | Tall fleabane | Asteraceae | Cd, Zn | 63.7+7.3 (Cd), 545.7+55.7 (Zn) | 89.8+1.9 (Cd), | 1.41(Cd) 1.73(Zn) | 1.14(Cd) 3.72(Zn) | ||||
943.1+32.5 (Zn) | ||||||||||||
6 | Crassocephalum crepidioides | Ebolo, Fire weed | Asteraceae | Cd | 13.2+1.3 (Cd) | 17.0+0.5 (Cd) | 1.29 (Cd) | 1.38 (Cd) | ||||
7 | Grangea maderaspatana | Madras carpet | Asteraceae | Cd, Zn | 11.5+1.2 (Cd), 425.0+42.5 (Zn) | 13.9+0.1 (Cd), | 1.21(Cd) 0.61(Zn) | 1.59 (Cd) 1.25(Zn) | ||||
261.3+1.2 (Zn) | ||||||||||||
8 | Gynura pseudochina | Chinese Gynura | Asteraceae | Cd, Zn | 76.3+2.0 (Cd), 3,579.3+116.0 (Zn) | 457.7+8.8 (Cd), 6,171.6+179.6 (Zn) | 6.00(Cd) 1.72(Zn) | 20.48(Cd) 3.67(Zn) | ||||
9 | Laggera pteradonta | Lumra, Winged Stem Laggera | Asteraceae | Zn | 497.3+14.4 (Zn) | 650.2+19.5 (Zn) | 1.31(Zn) | 1.57(Zn) | ||||
10 | Sonchus arvensis | Perennial sow thistle | Asteraceae | Cd, Zn | 18.9+2.1 (Cd), 479.2+47.9 (Zn) | 47.8+1.3 (Cd), | 2.52(Cd) 0.44(Zn) | 2.80(Cd) 2.29(Zn) | ||||
210.1+9.3 (Zn) | ||||||||||||
11 | Impatiens viola eflora | Jewelweed, Touch-me-not | Balsaminaceae | Cd, Zn | 185.0+15.8 (Cd), 3,431.4+343.1 (Zn) | 212.3+2.9 (Cd), 3,164.8+61.9 (Zn) | 1.15(Cd) 0.92(Zn) | 1.29”9Cd0 2.03(Zn) | ||||
12 | Buddleja asiatica | Butterfly Bush | Buddlejaceae | Zn | 759.1+12.0 (Zn) | 2, 999.8+92.3 (Zn) | 3.95(Zn) | 2.94(Zn) | ||||
13 | Kyllinga brevifolia | Kyllinga weed | Cyperaceae | Cd, Zn | 17.5+3.4 (Cd), 3,186.3+415.4 (Zn) | 24.1+0.2 (Cd), | 1.37(Cd) 0.14(Zn) | 5.30 (Cd) 3.21(Zn) | ||||
442.3+2.2 (Zn) | ||||||||||||
14 | Enphorbia hirta | Asthma plant | Euphorbiaceae | Zn | 282.7+28.3 (Zn) | 155.3+7.3 (Zn) | 0.55(Zn) | 1.22(Zn) | ||||
15 | Aeschynomene americana | American joint vetch, Shyleaf | Fabaceae | Zn | 165.6+2.4 (Zn) | 277.1+55.0 (Zn) | 1.67(Zn) | 3.84(Zn) | ||||
16 | Crotalaria montana | Rattlepod | Fabaceae | Zn | 4, 211.2+137.4 (Zn) | 4, 883.9+160.3 (Zn) | 1.16(Zn) | 2.68(Zn) | ||||
17 | Brachiaria sp. | Shield bugs | Poaceae | Zn | 44, 029.1+1, 310.2(Zn) | 2, 494.8+22.5(Zn) | 0.06(Zn) | 1.61(Zn) | ||||
18 | Eleusine indica | Indian goose grass, yard grass, wire grass | Poaceae | Cd, Zn | 150.0+15.7 (Cd), 2,085.7+422.3 (Zn) | 36.9+4.0 (Cd), 2,051.0+84.2 (Zn) | 0.25(Cd) 0.98(Zn) | 1.06(Cd) 5.26(Zn) | ||||
19 | Imperata cylindrica | Kunai grass | Poaceae | Cd, Zn | 133.2+16.6 (Cd), 4,603.1+340.7 (Zn) | 53.0+3.7 (Cd), 1,019.7+34.8 (Zn) | 0.40(Cd) 0.22(Zn) | 1.31(Cd) 2.60(Zn) | ||||
20 | Neyraudia arundinacea | Burma reed, Silk reed | Poaceae | Cd, Zn | 35.8+0.4 (Cd), 1,759.7+23.7 (Zn) | 29.7+1.3 (Cd), | 0.83(Cd) 0.55(Zn) | 1.89(Cd) 3.92(Zn) | ||||
968.8+11.2 (Zn) | ||||||||||||
21 | Thysanolaena maxima | Tiger grass | Poaceae | Zn | 2, 717.5+675.4 (Zn) | 600.5+14.1 (Zn) | 0.22(Zn) | 1.47(Zn) | ||||
22 | Noccaea caerulescens | Alpine Penny Cress | Brassicaceae | Zn | 3700 (roots) | Pyrenees | Metalliferous soil, hydroponic conditions | 1.3 | 14 | (Martos et al., 2016) | ||
5000(shoots) | ||||||||||||
23 | Cyperus rotundas Linn | Purple Nutgrass | Cyperaceae | Cd | roots | shoots | Bangkok, Thailand | 25-30oC, humidity | (Sao, Nakbanpote, & Thiravetyan, 2007) | |||
1,800±0.04 | 1,193±0.04 | 70-75%, 16h white light/8-h dark photoperiod | ||||||||||
24 | Axonopus compressus | Savannah Grass | Poaceae | Cd | 1,675±0.04 | 1,032±0.03 | ||||||
25 | Arundo donax | giant cane, elephant grass | Arundinoideae | Cd | 262.8 μg g−1(roots) | Hydroponic conditions, pH 6.8 | 1.6 | 30 | (Kausar et al., 2012) | |||
129.83 μg g−1 (leaves) | ||||||||||||
26 | Solanum | Black night shade | Solanaceae | Cd | 103.8 (stems), 124.6 mg/kg (leaves) | China | 2.68 | (Wei et al., 2005) | ||||
nigrum L | ||||||||||||
27 | Arabidopsis halleri | Creeping rice paddy mustard | Brassicaceae | Zn, Cd | 11 561± 2171 (Zn), 267 ± 86(Cd) | Harz | Old mine | (Bert, Bonnin, Saumitou‐Laprade, De Laguérie, & Petit, 2002) | ||||
28 | Noccaea Ganges | Alpine penny cress | Brassicaceae | Cd | 2000 | Southern France | acidic Cd salt-spiked soil | (Chaney & Baklanov, 2017) | ||||
29 | Noccaea cultivar | Alpine penny cress | Brassicaceae | Cd | 2000 | |||||||
30 | Arabidopsis | Mouse ear cress | Brassicaceae | Zn | 2175+17.2(roots) | Moradabad, India | electroplating industry, pH 5.7 | 2.18 | 3.72 | (Saraswat & Rai, 2009) | ||
thaliana | 4732 +23.4 (shoots) | |||||||||||
31 | Brassica juncea | Chinese mustard, brown mustard, Indian mustard | Cruciferae | Zn, Ni | roots | shoot | 3.12(Zn) | 2.12 (Zn) | ||||
Zn:1240+13.6 | 3863+21.3 | 2.45 (Ni) | 4.46 (Ni) | |||||||||
Ni: 1132.6 +3.7 | 2784.3+6.2 | |||||||||||
32 | Stackhousia tryonii | creamy stackhousia | Acanthacea | Ni | 3640–7900–41260 | Queensland, Austrailia | ultramafic soil with high | - | - | (Roger Reeves, 2003) | ||
33 | Rostellularia adscendensvar.hispida | Pink Tongues | Acanthacea | Ni | 1790–2190 | Ni concentration | ||||||
34 | Porophyllum aff. angustissimum Gardner | poreleaf | Adiantaceae | Ni | 7142 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | Serpentine soil of ultramafic rocks | (RD Reeves, Baker, Becquer, Echevarria, & Miranda, 2007) | ||||
35 | Ipomoea aff. echioides Choisy | Morning glory | Convolvulaceae | Ni | 1129 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
36 | Euphorbia selloi Boiss. | Poinsettia | Convolvulaceae | Ni | 5113 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
37 | Phyllanthus sp | Stonebreaker, Seed under leaf | Euphorbiaceae | Ni | 4988 | Niquelândia, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
38 | Ruellia sp. | buckeye | Acanthaceae | Ni | 4871 | Niquelândia, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
39 | Pfaffa sarcophylla | - | Amaranthaceae | Ni | 5176 | Macedo, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
40 | Indet spp. | Macaranga | Amaranthaceae | Ni | 5925 | Niquelândia, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
41 | Heliotropium salicoides | Indian heliotrope | Boraginaceae | Ni | 1973 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
42 | Piriqueta sidifolia | Bolinha | Turneraceae | Ni | 2081 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
43 | Turnera subnuda | Damiana | Turneraceae | Ni | 3600 | Macedo, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
44 | Lippia aff. geminata | Bushy matgrass | Verbenaceae | Ni | 6716 | Niquelândia, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
45 | Lippia aff. lupulina | - | Verbenaceae | Ni | 2646 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
46 | Porophyllum cf. angustissimum | Odora | Asteraceae | Ni | 2,300–7,200 | Barro Alto, Goiás, Central Brazil | ||||||
47 | Hybanthus enneaspermus | Humpback flower | Violaceae | Ni | 1709 | Ussangoda, Srilanka | ultramafic rocks | (Rajakaruna & Bohm, 2002) | ||||
48 | Evolvulus alsinoides | Shankhapushpi | Convolvulaceae | Ni | 1115 | |||||||
49 | Crotalaria biflora | Rattlepods | Fabaceae | Ni | 1088 | |||||||
50 | Berkheya coddii | - | Compositae | Ni | 17,900 | Agnes Mine, South Africa | Komatitic,ultramafic soil with SiO2 < 45% wt and MgO > 30% wt | 13.63 | (Mesjasz-Przybyłowicz et al., 2004) | |||
51 | Geniosporum tenuiflorum | Basil | Lamiaceae | Cu | 2266 | Yodhagannawa, Srilanka | Serpentine habitat | (Rajakaruna & Bohm, 2002) | ||||
52 | Clerodendrum infortunatum | Glory bower | Verbenaceae | Cu | 2278 | |||||||
53 | Croton bonplandianus | Ban Tulsi | Euphorbiaceae | Cu | 2163 | |||||||
54 | Waltheria indica | Sleepy morning | Sterculiaceae | Cu | 1504 | |||||||
55 | Tephrosia villosa | - | Fabaceae | Cu | 1858 | |||||||
56 | Calotropis Procera | Aak, spalamy | Apocynaceae | Cu | 3408 | Lahore, Pakistan | (Naeem & Taskeen, 2010) | |||||
57 | Aeolanthus biformifolius | Bent grass | Lamiaceae | Cu | 13700 | Shaba, Zaire, Zambia | Copper belt, start till end of rainy season | (Malaisse, Gregoire, Brooks, & Morrison, 2015) |
Different plant species require different growing conditions to hyper accumulate heavy metals [18]. Moreover, not all the plant tissues store equal quantity of heavy metals. Some plant species are good at accumulating heavy metals more in their roots as compared to shoots or leaves [19]. This may also vary with the elements being accumulated. Mathematical calculations and soil profile analysis before and after treatment provides evidence of the hyper accumulation of heavy metals.
Pakistan is facing the problem of severe soil and water pollution. This data should be used for the field application of hyper accumulators in Pakistan [20]. This is a cheap, secure and eco-friendly way of bioremediation which has showed excellent results in contamination removal
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Citation: Hashmi I, Noor SH (2022) Hyper-collector Plant Species for Weighty Metal Polluted Soil Treatment. J Bioremediat Biodegrad, 13: 521. DOI: 10.4172/2155-6199.1000521
Copyright: © 2022 Hashmi I, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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