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High Intensity Interval Training: A Strategy to Minimize The Impacts Of Sleep Debt

Jorge Fernando Tavares de Souza, Marcus Vinicius Lucio dos Santos, Marcos Mônico-Neto and Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes*

Interdisciplinary Laboratory in Physiology and Exercise ( LAIFE ), Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP ), São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding Author:
Antunes HKM
Department of Biosciences, Federal University of São Paulo
Campus Baixada Santista- UNIFESP, Street: Silva Jardim, 136
Ground Floor - Mathias Villa - Santos / SP-11015-020, Brazil
Tel: +55 ( 13 ) 3229-0132

Received date: June 15, 2016; Accepted date: June 17, 2016; Published date: June 20, 2016

Citation: De Souza JFT (2016) High Intensity Interval Training: A Strategy to Minimize The Impacts Of Sleep Debt. J Aerobics Fitness 1:e110

Copyright: © 2016 De Souza JFT, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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In recent decades the society has modified its behavior, featuring a more sedentary lifestyle and less time spent for the rest. This fact is linked to technological development providing activities that were not previously performed, such as night work and leisure activities that minimize the sleep time (i.e., videogames, television, internet) [1]. The association between sleep debt and sedentary lifestyle favor the development of comorbidities such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases [2].

Some strategies have been listed to minimize the deleterious effects of sleep debt, such as improve food consumption, sleep hygiene, regular practice of physical exercise, among others [3-5]. Notably, the exercise has gained prominence for being a low-cost activity, promoting numerous benefits and could be practiced by much of the population. Once the lack of time has been a justification for inactivity, it has been recently discussed the high intensity interval training (HIIT). This is an aerobic training method characterized by sprints of high intensity followed by brief periods of low intensity or even inactivity, able to promote the same benefits of traditional moderate continuous aerobic training, however with less expenditure of time for practice [6].

It has been attributed to the practice of HIIT cardiometabolic benefits, such as increased oxygen consumption, mitochondrial biogenesis, basal metabolism, reduced body fat, improved glycemic control, lipid and inflammatory profiles [6,7]. Whereas the sleep debt can negatively influence these changes, and that the medium and long term, favor the development of diabetes mellitus, obesity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome [2]. We believe that HIIT could be used as a training method to minimize these effects. However, we must emphasize the importance of the supervision of a specialist for the safe practice of this type of exercise.


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