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Happiness in Physical Education Classes

Margit Borkovits*
University of Szeged Faculty of Art Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Hungary
Corresponding Author : Margit Borkovits
University of Szeged Faculty of Art Graduate School of Educational Sciences, Hungary
Received March 20, 2013; Accepted April 29, 2013; Published May 01, 2013
Citation: Borkovits M (2013) Happiness in Physical Education Classes. J Nov Physiother 3:142. doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000142
Copyright: © 2013 Borkovits M. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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This study is offered to students and participants who are aiming to apply activities in their practice which develop individuals’ posture and stance. My primary objectives are to design materials for courses focusing on educating recreation professionals as well as coaches who will be able to support their students with up to date methods, techniques and authentic materials. Therefore the study acquaints both professionals and individuals with strategies, methods and meaningful materials mainly concentrating on exercises/activities on how to help people to get rid of their certain health problems and to teach them how to change their poor carriage stances as well as their approaches to physical exercises. These materials can be used to enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities of students and participants of these courses. With this new knowledge they will be able to profit within the areas of pedagogy, public health, medical boards, etc. that aim to protect people’s physical health and mental state. This is an interdisciplinary material which mainly means that the methods and the designed activities involve music, physical exercises within which various equipment and techniques are applied.

This study is offered to students and participants who are aiming to apply activities in their practice which develop individuals’ posture and stance. My primary objectives are to design materials for courses focusing on educating recreation professionals as well as coaches who will be able to support their students with up to date methods, techniques and authentic materials. Therefore the study acquaints both professionals and individuals with strategies, methods and meaningful materials mainly concentrating on exercises/activities on how to help people to get rid of their certain health problems and to teach them how to change their poor carriage stances as well as their approaches to physical exercises. These materials can be used to enhance the skills, knowledge and abilities of students and participants of these courses. With this new knowledge they will be able to profit within the areas of pedagogy, public health, medical boards, etc. that aim to protect people’s physical health and mental state. This is an interdisciplinary material which mainly means that the methods and the designed activities involve music, physical exercises within which various equipment and techniques are applied.
Critical Analysis of Current Word Teaching
The effectiveness of both the methods and the activities described below are based on our clear module structure and the infrastructure of the university. When designing the programs of this course we bore in our mind the available kits and equipment of our schools. It is also intended and emphasized that the students will have the opportunity to practice the latest methods of how they can change and develop their and others’ mental and physical capacity. The main advantage of these materials is that they can be altered and supplemented with new ones depending on the teachers’ and educators’ qualification and naturally their ambitions. School doctors, professionals and school nurses have been reporting or years the fact that vast majority of school children are suffering from various types of body deformations (e.g. pectus carinatum, splay foot and scoliosis). Lacking proper treatments these patients in their adulthood will have serious illnesses which demand long and expensive treatments. The primary reasons for these health problems are not congenital disorders but the lack of physical exercises and activities and, for example, the weight of schoolbags. It is evident that physical education should be in the focus of our strategy. Our work might be more effective if schools and institutes let us know their data which, of course, should be relevant and valid, and which would solve as a means of adjusting our programs to the specific needs of the students and individuals we will be dealing with. Thus it is crucial to alter our attitudes towards our practice by analyzing the outcomes of the latest researches and making professionals aware of the effectiveness of PE. Treating these disorders in time may prevent further more serious deformations [1]. Therefore prevention is a crucial issue in our program. Unfortunately recently more and more students have been diagnosed bone problems which could be treated by active participation in PE classes thus supporting prevention and correction in time. If the weight of school bags is increasing then it is the task of PE class activities to strengthen the spinal column of children so that other body and skeletal disorders could be avoided [2].
Techniques Applied for Preventing Disorders
Education (involving medical professionals)
Prevention of illnesses and disorders
Enhancing emotional intelligence, social and adaptation competences
Detecting effects and influences that affect the target age groups to be able to design clean cut plans and strategies of prevention:
- Outdoor programs;
- Programs aiming to develop health of certain communities.
With the activities adjusted to the given age groups within the compulsory morning PE classes as well as the afternoon free time activities might offer several opportunities to help people and students to get rid of their problems and become aware of what exercises they could do to help themselves. Unfortunately to do exercises together with different age groups is still not in practice (parents, grandparents, and children). In our view, by involving different generations into the program would significantly enhance the participants’ understanding of how their body work and what they should do for their own health. Recreation as a means of developing our mental and physical capacity has already been accepted as one crucial way of spending our free time [3,4] and this attitude has already been implemented in education in several European countries.
Essence of Activities Aiming to Develop Poor Posture and Improper Stance
- Relaxing;
- Teaching correct posture and proper stance;
- Soothing pains and chest:
• Breathing;
• Music;
• Self-knowledge;
- Understanding how our muscles work /concentration.
Suppleness is demonstrated in the wide range of movement possible in joint or at joint complexes. It affects bodily movement and posture. Its presence or absence influences an individual’s potential ability in sports skills.
Effectiveness of Regular Gymnastics
- Avoiding injuries;
- Increasing body and fitness efficiency;
- Decreasing muscle stiffness and inflexibility;
- Improving muscular tension;
- Improving and maintaining a good range of motions in the joints develops better coordination of the body;
- Helping us to know and understand how our body functions and works;
- Avoiding locomotory disorders and diseases;
- Effective display of strength;
- Relaxing.
Aims and Objectives of Classes
- Developing harmonious motions;
- Developing personality;
- Ensuring experiences in the field of sports;
- Developing health;
- Educating and equipping participants with abilities and competences to be able to appreciate happiness.
Conditions of Flexibility
Age, sex, acquired, posture and stance, diseases, toughness, structure of joints, outdoor and indoor temperature
Reasons for Poor Body Posture
- Flat back;
- Swayback;
- Kyphosis, scoliosis, Scheuermann-kyphosis, Kypholordozis, deformity of the neck, osteoporosis, improper stance, baker-legged, bandy legged, flat-footed, dropped arches.
Backbone Deformations
Several reasons for functional deformations
- in vertebra;
- joints in vertebra;
- in ligaments;
- in muscles around the backbone;
- in nerves.
Backbone has 14 vertebras they are connected to each other with joints, ligaments and muscles. If this structure is injured for some reason it is the backbone that will be defected. The characteristic features of a person’s posture and stance develop by the end of the 6th-7th week after birth [5].
Pilates is a series of exercises designed to promote harmonic function of the body. This technique also includes a special breath technique that improves the oxygen supply of the body and raises the physical performance. Pilates helps to maintain the stability of the back muscles, to keep the body-mind balance and to fresh the body. While doing Pilates exercises, we can avoid the total exhaustion, muscle pain and spasm. The speciality of the Pilates technique is, with its personalized exercises people can reach and maintain a healthy body and mind equilibrium.
Respiration: The good respiration is an important factor to boost the performance, to ease the movement and to develop the concentration of the individuals. The conscious respiration improves the stress management and calms down the whole body. We use the chest respiration by holding the stomach and taking big breath with the help of our lungs. Before the exercise we take a big breath through the nose and during the exercise we slowly exhale the oxygen through the mouth.
Concentration: In Pilates, every exercise has its own meaning. One of the conditions of the successful training is “to be present here and now”. You need concentration with your body, mind and thoughts as well. Focus all your thoughts on the exercises and make sure you remain focused at all times. Pay attention to every detail and be aware what is correct and what is not in your moves.
Control: This technique, that was called “the Art of the Controls” by Pilates, requires the conscious control of your body. Every movement should be prepared in advance. The control should be practiced and intensified during every movement.
Centralization: The centre–stomach, lower part of the back, bum, pelvic-is the base point of every move of ours. The energy starts from this power centre and flows in the direction of the hands and legs. We need to consciously activate this power centre before every exercise.
Precision: Precision escalates the efficiency. Beside the successful accomplish, it is suggested to concentrate on the precise way of doing the exercises.
Flow movement: The technique contemplates the movement in its natural course. In everyday life the movements are not separated from each other, they have strict connection between each other. During practicing we need to concentrate on the flow of the movements, on the continuity. By using this practice, the evenness of the body may improve more [6].
Most of the people suffer from back pain and the main reason is the incorrect posture and the weak abdominals. To help this problem, the Pilates are the solution. Pilates is not a monotonous, automatic series of movements. “Unfortunately” it is essential, what we do and how we are doing it. Through this method, we are not going to gain big muscles, but the flexibility will improve in an important matter [5]. Body Control is training method that was developed by Joseph Pilates.
Pros of the method: (by frequent training you can expect the following achievements)
- Your body muscles will be more flexible, your physical performance will improve, your joints will be more flexible, your body balance and the bones will be in better synchrony;
- The bad posture could improve;
- The synchrony of the bones means ensure that the vital organs are properly supported which assures the smooth function;
- You will experience the relaxation by eliminating of the stress. The total relaxation is one of the main pillars, and usually after the exercises of the Body Control the individuals feel an internal calmness in the body;
- The general state of health will improve;
- You will feel younger and you will seem to be younger as well, your skin and hair will look healthier;
- If you complete the Body Control method with healthy diet, you can prevent the breakage of the bones;
- Your back pain will disappear [6].
The positives effects of Pilate’s exercises: quicker and more graceful moves Greater energy, better sense of balance, decrease of stress, better circulation, stronger immune system, stronger muscles particularly the abdominals and back muscles, more flexibility, better posture. Better performance, prevention of the injuries, generally better way you feel, more effective respiration, better muscle coordination The Pilates exercises include: calmness, precision, continuity, conscious attention, pursuit of perfection, security, harmony, balance, and muscle strength. The exercises should be done slowly and consciously, the quality is more important than the quantity. The special respiration technique related to the exercises and the strength of our power centre-or how on training would say, turn on - gives a very special and new way of training the body.
Instructional objective: good fit level, flexibility, improvement of the performance of the body, etc.
Special training class (training of the circulatory system, muscle strength development, etc...).
Introduction part: stick exercises
Sequence of images the warm up part of the Spine training is very important as it prepares us mentally to the challenges of the training.
Main part: Pilates exercises.
Last part: Relaxation
- How similar my life is to a river’s flow?
- What kind of changes I have gone through?
- Have I found my own rhythm?
- What is your lifestyle? What is your food?
- Every person is different; the obligatory receipt would eliminate your freedom.
- Act worthy to human being–Carpe diem!
Suggestion for the Improvement of Lexical Presentation
Instructional objective: better condition of the body, enhance training status of the person
Educational objective: Self check development. Special therapy class (special correction of the locomotory system)
Introduction: Talk about it!
Symptoms, signs:
- Slight indications;
- Pain;
- Big pain, but this is a positive effect as it helps us to find the body balance. Game in front of the mirror (get to know your body)
1) Move your entire joints one after the other! Start with your fingers than hands, arms, shoulders, waists, hips, legs, necks, heads. By the end all your body parts are moving. Be careful, none of your body part should stop moving when the other joins. And now, the moves are becoming harder and harder, it will become slower and slower and finally stop moving.
2) Imagine that the weight is pulling down the arms. The weight is now slowly going to your elbows. Keep going, the weight is now pulling down your necks. Than your legs are becoming heavy: you are lifting them with difficulties. Finally the weight vanishes–the body part relieves. Your arms and legs raise high by themselves.
3) We are doing slow relaxation, warm up moves to music. The music has a dynamic pulsation. When we are deep in moving, the instructor starts a story. Everyone’s fantasy starts to work and people set their moves to the imaginary activity that they have pictured. An example: the instructor says: We are birds, gulls, and we are flying to music. We are splitting the sky with our wings. Later we get a little bit tired. We slow down a bit. Suddenly we see a sailboat we get faster than we descend a little bit. We lengthen and stretch our wings, take deep breaths than we climb up again high into the sky and peacefully fly...
4) The kids usually start leaving their position, wandering around in the room. They move their arms faster or slower, they make smaller or bigger moves in accordance with the story. They move their heads at the same time as their arms; they lose their muscles or jump on one foot. Their movements vary based on their personality. One thing sure, they identify themselves with the role in the story [4].
Main part: Free exercises, exercises to work on the different spine deformations. During an aerobic activity, our body temperature raises so the sequence of exercises should be constant and the rhythm should bestable and well kept. We should do big moves that have effect on joints. For example squats, arm circles, etc...
Last part: walking by singing
General conditioning type class
Educational objective: Work attitude, motivation, educate to self control
Material requirements: Mirror
Main part: Good posture helping exercises
Last part: Relaxation, Elevator
Make a calm, meditative ambiance (for example with music or stretch). Make imagine with the student he is in an elevator where the buttons signify years and events of his life’s. Get into the elevator, imagine it as nice and comfortable as you like. You can go with it as high as you want. We are now going to make a time travel. We are going to look back to the past and far into the future. If you are ready: we can take off! Press the button 5 among all. Okay. The door closes almost soundlessly. And we are on our way. We arrive, the door opens and we can now see the picture... Observe, what kind of details you are remembering! Who are around you? Where are you? What do you feel? (e.g. odour, mental state, temperature) What colours, shapes, people do you see? Do you like to be in that situation? Is anything scary or frightful happened to you? Who was there to help you out? Now press a different number, let say the 7. The door closes and the elevator goes to another floor. We can also play the same game a little differently. We can mention special events on each “floor”, family events, a special birthday party, an important date, the first certificate.
Examining the social background of the families, the poorer families were determining. The education of the parents is in relation to the children’s performance in school and to their social status. Children coming from good conditions can go to private after school activities, while the others can’t afford to pay extra for sport activities. Family isn’t a role model to the children concerning healthy lifestyle. It is an actual and important task for teachers to make the students interested in doing sports, and to have the need for regular sporting activity.
Teachers should help children to find the correct dining habits and to keep these habits for their whole life. There are only two basic things that we can offer to our children, that is roots and wings! You can do this if you really want it! You will need three things to be able to achieve your aims:
- achievable aims and desires;
- practice and presence!


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