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Journal of Oral Hygiene & Health
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  • Research Article   
  • J Oral Hyg Health 12: 418., Vol 12(2)
  • DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000418

Epidemiological Overview and Prognostic Factors of Oral Cancer: Insights into Incidence, Mortality, and Survival Rates in the United States

Dashiell Abernathy1*, Marcellus Ellsworth1 and Seraphina Hawthorne2
1Department of Dental Hygiene, University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville, USA
2Department of Dental Hygiene, University of Bridgeport, USA
*Corresponding Author: Dashiell Abernathy, Department of Dental Hygiene, University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville, USA

Received: 08-Feb-2024 / Manuscript No. johh-24-132346 / Editor assigned: 10-Feb-2024 / PreQC No. johh-24-132346 (PQ) / Reviewed: 24-Feb-2024 / QC No. johh-24-132346 / Revised: 29-Feb-2024 / Manuscript No. johh-24-132346 (R) / Published Date: 07-Mar-2024 DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000418


Oral cancer represents a significant health burden globally, with its incidence, mortality, and survival rates varying across populations. In the United States, oral cancer encompasses malignancies affecting various oral and pharyngeal sites, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx. Despite advancements in detection and treatment modalities, oral cancer remains a formidable threat to public health, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of its epidemiological patterns and prognostic factors. This research article provides an epidemiological overview of oral cancer in the United States, elucidating its incidence, mortality rates, and survival outcomes. By synthesizing available data, including prevalence statistics and survival trends, this study aims to highlight the magnitude of the oral cancer burden and identify key prognostic indicators influencing patient outcomes. Insights gleaned from this analysis can inform public health strategies, clinical interventions, and research initiatives aimed at mitigating the impact of oral cancer and improving patient prognosis.


Oral cancer; Epidemiology; Incidence; Mortality; Survival rate


Cancer is a complex disease characterized by abnormal cell growth that can infiltrate and damage surrounding tissues. Among the various types of cancer, oral cancer poses a significant health burden, affecting structures within the oral cavity such as the lips, tongue, cheeks, gums, and throat. Despite advancements in medical science, the prognosis for oral cancer patients remains challenging, particularly due to late-stage diagnosis and limited treatment options. This research article aims to elucidate the critical aspects of oral cancer, including its etiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnostic approaches, treatment strategies, and prognosis [1].

Definition and epidemiology:

Oral cancer refers to malignancies that originate in the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, gums, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx. These cancers typically manifest as growths or sores that fail to heal and may exhibit invasive behavior, spreading to adjacent tissues and distant organs if left untreated. In the United States, oral cancer accounts for approximately two percent of all cancers diagnosed annually, with an estimated 36,500 new cases diagnosed each year. Alarmingly, despite advancements in healthcare, oral cancer-related mortality remains high, claiming approximately 7,900 lives annually [2]. However, it is noteworthy that early detection and prompt intervention can significantly improve patient outcomes, underscoring the importance of effective screening and awareness programs.

Risk factors:

Several risk factors contribute to the development of oral cancer, ranging from lifestyle habits to genetic predispositions. The primary risk factors include tobacco use (both smoking and smokeless), excessive alcohol consumption, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, poor oral hygiene, chronic irritation (such as from ill-fitting dentures), and a compromised immune system. Additionally, dietary factors, such as a deficiency in fruits and vegetables, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of oral cancer. Understanding these risk factors is crucial for implementing preventive measures and targeted interventions aimed at reducing the incidence of oral cancer [3].

Clinical manifestations:

The clinical presentation of oral cancer can vary depending on the site of origin and the stage of the disease. Common signs and symptoms may include persistent mouth ulcers, red or white patches in the mouth, a lump or thickening of the oral tissues, difficulty chewing or swallowing, chronic sore throat, ear pain, and unexplained bleeding or numbness in the mouth. As these symptoms can mimic benign conditions, such as oral thrush or minor trauma, timely evaluation by a healthcare professional is essential for accurate diagnosis and management.


Diagnosing oral cancer typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, including clinical examination, imaging studies, and tissue biopsy. During the physical examination, healthcare providers inspect the oral cavity for any suspicious lesions, palpating the lymph nodes in the neck for signs of metastasis. Imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) scans, help assess the extent of tumor involvement and aid in treatment planning [4]. However, the definitive diagnosis of oral cancer relies on histopathological examination of tissue samples obtained via biopsy, which allows for accurate determination of tumor type, grade, and stage.

Treatment modalities:

The treatment of oral cancer depends on various factors, including the tumor stage, location, and patient’s overall health status. Common treatment modalities include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Surgical resection aims to remove the tumor and surrounding tissues while preserving organ function and aesthetics. Radiation therapy utilizes high-energy beams to destroy cancer cells and may be employed as primary treatment or adjuvant therapy following surgery. Chemotherapy often combined with radiation, targets rapidly dividing cancer cells and is particularly useful in advanced or metastatic disease. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy represent promising avenues for personalized cancer treatment, aiming to inhibit specific molecular pathways or enhance the immune system’s ability to recognize and eliminate cancer cells.


The prognosis of oral cancer varies depending on several factors, including the stage of the disease at diagnosis, the presence of metastasis, histological grade, and treatment response. Generally, early-stage oral cancer has a more favorable prognosis, with five-year survival rates exceeding 60 percent. However, advanced-stage disease is associated with poorer outcomes, highlighting the importance of early detection and intervention [5]. Regular follow-up care, including surveillance for recurrence and supportive services, is essential for optimizing longterm outcomes and quality of life in oral cancer survivors.


Study Design:

This research employed a comprehensive literature review approach to investigate the various aspects of oral cancer, including its epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnostic modalities, treatment strategies, prognosis, and emerging trends. The study synthesized information from peer-reviewed journal articles, textbooks, clinical guidelines, and reputable websites to provide a comprehensive overview of oral cancer and its management.

Literature search strategy:

A systematic search of electronic databases, including PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science, was conducted using relevant keywords and MeSH terms. The search strategy included terms such as “oral cancer,” “oral cavity neoplasms,” “risk factors,” “diagnosis,” “treatment,” “prognosis,” and “epidemiology.” Additional sources were identified through manual searches of reference lists from retrieved articles and consultation with subject matter experts.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria:

Articles were included if they provided relevant information on oral cancer epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnostic modalities, treatment options, or prognosis. Studies published in English language and conducted on human subjects were prioritized. Case reports, editorials, and conference abstracts were excluded from the analysis.

Data extraction and synthesis:

Data extraction was performed independently by two researchers to ensure accuracy and reliability. Extracted data included study characteristics (e.g., author, publication year, and study design), participant demographics, key findings, and relevant statistical information. Discrepancies were resolved through discussion and consensus among the research team members. The synthesized data were organized thematically and presented descriptively in the research article [6].

Ethical considerations:

This research involved the analysis of publicly available data and did not require ethical approval or participant consent. Confidentiality and privacy were maintained throughout the data collection and analysis process.


While efforts were made to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the synthesized information, this study is subject to certain limitations. The reliance on published literature may introduce publication bias, and the exclusion of non-English language articles could limit the generalizability of the findings. Additionally, the interpretation of data is influenced by the quality and validity of the included studies. Future research should aim to address these limitations through rigorous study designs and inclusion of diverse populations.

Results and Discussion

Epidemiological landscape:

The epidemiological data presented in Table 1 underscores the significant impact of oral cancer on public health in the United States. With an annual incidence of 36,500 new cases and a mortality rate of 7,900, oral cancer constitutes approximately two percent of all cancers diagnosed annually. Alarmingly, despite advancements in medical care, the five-year survival rate stands at 61%, highlighting the challenges associated with late-stage diagnosis and limited treatment options. Moreover, oral cancer predominantly affects individuals in the 55-64 age groups, with a notable male predominance observed. Common sites of oral cancer include the lips, tongue, gums, cheeks, and throat, emphasizing the need for comprehensive screening and awareness programs targeting high-risk populations [7] (Table 1).

Statistic Value
Annual Incidence (new cases) 36,500
Annual Mortality 7,900
Percentage of All Cancers 2%
Five-Year Survival Rate 61%
Most Affected Age Group 55-64 years old
Gender Predilection Male predominance
Common Sites of Oral Cancer Lips, tongue, gums, cheeks, throat
Leading Risk Factor Tobacco use and alcohol consumption
Emerging Risk Factor Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
Geographic Distribution Higher incidence in Southern states

Table 1: Epidemiological Data on Oral Cancer in the United States.

Risk factors and etiology:

Table 2 delineates the common risk factors associated with oral cancer, ranging from modifiable lifestyle habits to genetic predispositions and environmental exposures. Tobacco use, particularly smoking and smokeless forms, remains the leading risk factor, followed closely by excessive alcohol consumption. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, notably HPV-16 and HPV-18 strains, has emerged as a significant etiological factor, particularly in oropharyngeal cancer cases. Poor oral hygiene, chronic oral irritation, dietary deficiencies, and genetic predispositions further contribute to the multifactorial pathogenesis of oral cancer. Understanding these risk factors is paramount for implementing targeted preventive measures and screening protocols aimed at reducing the incidence and burden of oral cancer (Table 2).

Risk Factor Description
Tobacco Use Smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or using smokeless tobacco
Alcohol Consumption Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, especially combined with tobacco use
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection Particularly HPV-16 and HPV-18 strains associated with oropharyngeal cancer
Poor Oral Hygiene Inadequate dental care, including irregular brushing and flossing, leading to chronic irritation
Chronic Oral Irritation Prolonged exposure to irritants such as ill-fitting dentures, rough teeth, or sharp dental appliances
Dietary Factors Low intake of fruits and vegetables, deficiency in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E
Genetic Predisposition Family history of oral cancer or genetic mutations predisposing to cancer development
Immunodeficiency Weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV/AIDS or immunosuppressive medications
Occupational Exposures Exposure to certain chemicals or toxins in the workplace, such as formaldehyde or asbestos
Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Sun exposure to the lips without protection, increasing the risk of lip cancer

Table 2: Common Risk Factors Associated with Oral Cancer.

Diagnostic modalities:

Table 3 outlines the diagnostic modalities available for oral cancer detection, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for accurate diagnosis and staging. Clinical examination remains the cornerstone of oral cancer detection, enabling healthcare providers to identify suspicious lesions and assess for signs of metastasis through palpation of the neck lymph nodes [8]. Tissue biopsy, including oral brush biopsy for early lesions, provides definitive diagnosis and guides treatment planning. Imaging studies, such as CT, MRI, and PET scans, aid in assessing tumor extent and metastatic spread, while adjunctive techniques like toluidine blue staining and salivary biomarker analysis offer potential for non-invasive screening and early detection (Table 3).

Diagnostic Modality
Clinical Examination Visual inspection of the oral cavity and palpation of the neck lymph nodes to identify suspicious lesions and assess for signs of metastasis
Tissue Biopsy Histopathological examination of tissue samples obtained via biopsy, providing definitive diagnosis, tumor type, grade, and stage
Imaging Studies Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) scans for assessing tumor extent and metastatic spread
Oral Brush Biopsy Non-invasive technique involving collection of cells from suspicious lesions using a brush device, suitable for detecting early-stage lesions
Toluidine Blue Staining Application of toluidine blue dye to highlight abnormal areas in the oral mucosa, aiding in lesion identification and guiding biopsy decisions
Salivary Biomarkers Analysis of salivary components for biomarkers associated with oral cancer, offering potential for non-invasive screening and early detection

Table 3: Diagnostic Modalities for Oral Cancer.

Prognosis and treatment:

The five-year survival rates presented in Table 4 underscore the prognostic significance of cancer stage at diagnosis, with early-stage lesions demonstrating significantly higher survival rates compared to advanced-stage disease. Stage I oral cancer carries an impressive 82% five-year survival rate, whereas Stage IV disease is associated with a dismal 20% survival rate, highlighting the critical importance of early detection and intervention. Treatment modalities for oral cancer encompass a multidisciplinary approach, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Surgical resection aims to remove the tumor while preserving organ function, while radiation and chemotherapy may be employed as primary or adjuvant therapies. Emerging modalities such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy hold promise for personalized treatment approaches, aiming to improve treatment efficacy and minimize adverse effects [9,10] (Table 4).

Cancer Stage Five-Year Survival Rate (%)
Stage I 82%
Stage II 64%
Stage III 45%
Stage IV 20%

Table 4: Five-Year Survival Rates for Oral Cancer by Stage.


Oral cancer represents a significant public health challenge, with substantial morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Despite advancements in diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, late-stage diagnosis remains a predominant issue, underscoring the need for increased awareness, comprehensive screening programs, and innovative treatment approaches. By addressing modifiable risk factors, promoting early detection, and facilitating timely access to multidisciplinary care, significant strides can be made in reducing the burden of oral cancer and improving patient outcomes. Collaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and advocacy groups is essential for implementing evidence-based strategies aimed at combating oral cancer and enhancing overall population health.



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Citation: Abernathy S, Ellsworth M, Hawthorne S (2024) Epidemiological Overview and Prognostic Factors of Oral Cancer: Insights into Incidence, Mortality, and Survival Rates in the United States J Oral Hyg Health 12: 418. DOI: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000418

Copyright: © 2024 Abernathy S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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