ISSN: 2332-2608

Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production
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Efficiency of Development of Fish Industry in Uzbekistan

Smanova IS* and Sangirova UR
Economics Department, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan
*Corresponding Author: Smanova IS, Economics Department, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Uzbekistan, Tel: 998903185900, Email:

Received: 28-Sep-2018 / Accepted Date: 11-Oct-2018 / Published Date: 22-Oct-2018 DOI: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000282

Keywords: Fish industry; Economic efficiency; Economic reforms


Large-scale reforms are being carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan, targeted programs aimed to increase production of food products have been adopted and are being implemented. One can single out a consistent development of fish farming that creates ample opportunities for providing the population with quality fish products, creating new jobs, improving property relations in the industry and rational use of natural resources.

Fisheries have prerequisites for sustainable development, the main of which are the raw material base, the availability of productive and intellectual potential. Social precondition is a vital function of the fishing industry, which consists of the strategic development of the republic fishery cluster. Research of the problems of improving efficiency of the fish industry has a scientific and practical relevance and significance [1].

Materials and Methods

The fish industry is one of the main directions on the way to ensuring food security. Recently, the share of fish farming in the structure of the economy has increased, thanks to the measures taken. The fish industry is important in the development of agriculture in Uzbekistan. In recent years, the share of this industry was less than 0.1% of GDP. In the republic there are extensive natural water resources in the form of ponds, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, irrigation canals, etc. Despite the primary water resources, the catch of fish has significantly decreased. As a result, the consumption of fish products per capita decreased to less than half a kilogram per year. At the same time, the recommended level of fish consumption for medicine in Uzbekistan is 10-12 kg per capita.

The weakest link in the fishing industry is the production of fish planting material and the inefficient use of natural ponds and artificial ponds. As a result, the productivity of artificial ponds does not exceed 20 quintals per hectare, which is below the world average [2].

In Uzbekistan in 2017 year, about 85 thousand tons of fish were grown. In total, over 3,600 fish farms work in the country, and the total area of water bodies used for growing fish products exceeds 595,000 hectares.

Fish from Uzbekistan are exported in a chilled form to Afghanistan. Chilled fish is imported from Norway, Russia, United Arabian Emirates, Turkey and United Kingdom. Except that are imported dried, smoked kinds of fish from Korea, Norway, Russia, Latvia and Turkmenistan. Canned fish is also imported from Belgium, Canada, Germany, Italy, Latvia, USA, Turkey, Russia, New Zealand and United Arabian Emirates [3].

At present time, the government pays more attention to fisheries as a highly profitable industry, capable increasing fish production, providing population with an opportunity to earn additional income, and also helps to reduce poverty in rural areas. This is done for the benefit of farmers and to people who are interested in diversification of agricultural activities and striving to develop aquaculture, as well as fishermen, fish traders, suppliers, women, state agriculture departments employees, provincial and district levels. Priority of fish farming in the country will strengthen food security; provide the population with high-quality proteins contained in fish [4].

Results and Discussion

In fishing industry, as in any other agricultural production, is necessary to follow the principles of conducting production activities. The main principle is the organization of monitoring.

Monitoring of fisheries farms is conducted annually, is a systematic assessment of their activities in order to determine the most effective areas of production. Features of production of commercial fish are:

1. Seasonal production (working period lasts for 4-5 months a year), which means determining the cost price of finished products only at the end of the year.

2. Production time does not coincide with the working period (the cost of water economy maintaining goes a whole year).

3. Finished products are sold in live form, for which special containers for transportation are needed.

4. Storage tanks are necessary because the fish is perishable and transportable only in cold rooms, refrigerators.

5. Regional accessibility of water facilities for the population makes necessity for round-the-clock protection in order to preserve productivity.

6. Production results depend on natural and climatic factors.

7. Territorial sustainability of production - reservoirs cannot be moved, which means that the means of production must be mobile.

8. Fast production efficiency, equated to meat poultry farming and etc.

Fisheries are adjusted according above-mentioned features in favor of increasing economic efficiency, namely, the transfer of fish production from the seasonal cycle to year-round, which will partially reduce the impact of the natural and climatic factor, and in addition, the cost of maintaining and protecting the reservoir by introducing additional sources into the production process income associated with the organization of recreational areas. During development of a recreational trend in the fishing industry, or its individual elements, it is possible to obtain a large additional income, while actively contributing to the solution of an important social problem - organization of people's recreation.

Similarly, to increase the efficiency of agricultural production, including production of marketable fish, is necessary for production diversification. Diversification is the process of spreading economic activities to new areas, expanding the range of products produced, and the geographical scope of activity.


On May 1, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree "On measures to improve the management system of the fishing industry".

According to decree, “Uzbekbaliqsanoat” Association will be engaged in improving the fishing industry. The structure of which will include 13 regional enterprises of LLC "Baliqsanoat", providing coordination of work in the fishing industry on the spot. The main tasks and activities of the "Uzbekbaliqsanoat" Association are to make organizational and technological chain of fish production, the reproduction of the planting stock and the strengthening of the forage base, the rational use of the resources of natural reservoirs and artificial ponds, as well as the introduction of scientifically based methods and intensive technologies in the process of growing fish.

Also, in order to further improve scientific research, prepare scientific personnel in the fishing industry, to bring scientific and technical knowledge to the subjects of entrepreneurship, the Scientific Experimental Station for the Development of Fish Culture has been transformed into the Scientific Research Institute of Fish Culture with branches in the Aydar-Arnasai Lake System and on other territories of the republic.

The resolution approved the creation of the investment company IKIB "Ipoteka-bank", whose share in the authorized fund of the newly created regional “Baliqsanoat” LLC is not at least 51 percent.

In order to provide financial support to the "Uzbekbaliqsanoat" Association, regional "Baliqsanoat" LLC and legal entities included in its membership, a privilege is granted - exemption from payment of the EPP in terms of income derived from the production of larvae, juveniles and commercial fish, harvesting and processing of fish products up to January 1, 2023 years. In this case, released funds are sent in the established order, first of all, to the economic support of the fishbreeding organizations, strengthening of the materials and technical base and the financial stimulation of the fish industry workers.

The Resolution also established Working Group on the development and implementation of program measures for the further integrated development of the fishing industry for 2017-2021 years, aimed to ensuring reproduction of fish planting materials, introduction of modern methods for growing fish, increasing its production and processing. Due to the acclimatization of highly productive fish species on a scientific basis, it is necessary to organize the cultivation of African catfish, tilapia, trout, Hungarian carp and sturgeon species of fish. That, in turn, will ensure uninterrupted supply of a broader range of quality fish products to the domestic market and at low prices.

Pisciculture is one of the highly profitable industries. To do this in our country, there are enough water basins, and developed scientifically based projects, and it is very much necessary to use them effectively.


  1. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2018) On Additional Measures for the Accelerated Development of the Fish Industry
  2. Karimov BK, Kamilov BG, Maroti U, Anroy RV, Bueno P, et al. (2008) Aquaculture and Fishing In Uzbekistan: The Modern Condition and Development Concept.
  3. Levkina EV, Vasilenko ME (2013) Effectiveness of the fishing industry: theory, methodology and practice.
  4. Kurdyukov SI (2012) Methodological aspects of the assess of socio-economic efficiency of the fishery complex.

Citation: Smanova IS, Sangirova UR (2018) Efficiency of Development of Fish Industry in Uzbekistan. J Fisheries Livest Prod 6: 282. DOI: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000282

Copyright: © 2018 Smanova IS, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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