ISSN: 2155-9910
Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
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ditor’s Note.

Ramasamy Manivanan*

Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India

Corresponding Author:
Manivanan R
Scientist, Mathematical Modelling for Coastal Engineering
Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune-411 024, India
Tel: +919423208883

Received Date: November 20, 2016; Accepted Date: November 20, 2016; Published Date: November 25, 2016

Citation: Manivanan (2016) Editor�s Note. J Marine Sci Res Dev 6:e144. doi:10.4172/2155-9910.1000e144

Copyright: © 2016 Manivanan R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Editor Note

Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species refers to the animals which are evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered as its acronym depicts. The journal of marine science research and development focus on the resources or studies for science and conservation on species at places where there were no conservation plans and lack of research. Recent days corals at the edge of existence are global concern due to numerous human interventions. The current volume 6 issue 5 had published 5 research articles received from across the globe which illuminates on the taxonomic research, marine soil analysis, marine flora and fauna, sea urchin evolution, and reported an exceptional interesting hypothesis by Russian space research academy [1].

The short communication of Newman et al. [2], tried to correct the name of the species which is very critical concern as it has to be approved by the binomial or linnaean system of nomenclature. Author urged there shouldn’t be any reason to delay expressing our understanding of the matter before the name change spreads in the literature [1,2]. There are many reports which focus on the marine coastal zones. Present study of Manikandan and Vijayakumar [3] is about physical and chemical characteristics of soil in three different marine ecosystems. The selected region belongs to six different places of sea shore namely Point Calimere, Adirampattinam, Mallipattinam and Manora, saltpan (Vedaranyam), and mangroves Forest Palk Strait coastal regions of Tamilnadu, India. These soils were analyzed for their soil texture, calcium carbonate, and electrical conductivity, power of hydrogen, and macronutrients and macronutrients. The study results were shown significant differences in all analyzed parameters.

A renowned Soviet VENERA-13 and VENERA-14 landers Russian space research had returned with fruitful panoramas of the Venus surface at the landing site. Due to technical complexity no space agency missions have been sent to Venus from past 33 years. Astrobiologist Ksanfomality et al. [4], have studied the returning of TV images in both space research of celestial bodies and the search for extra-terrestrial life in the Venus. The images of this study hypothesized the fauna and flora of Venus, furtherance study could add to solve the big billion question of life existence on earth or solar system.

The commentary article of Kutschera [5], revamps the evolutionary biology by addressing hermaphroditic animals. Many studies have suggested Bi-parental reproduction via the fusion of egg and sperm produced by adult female/male which was found to be a key process of Life on Earth. Sex and gender concepts were derived based on the concepts of Carolus Linnaeus, Julius Sachs, Oscar Hertwig, and Jean Lamarck’s study on the purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) as a new species. This commentary article exertion the gender-issues in vertebrate development and evolution.


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