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Editor��?s Note on Volume 6 Issue 3

Editor’s Note
Samy Elwany Alexandria University Egypt

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Editor’s Note

This issue included several interesting reports of rare cases. Oral Submucous fibrosis (OSMF) is an uncommon disease presenting with persistent symptoms of burning sensation in mouth, intolerance to spicy food and progressive trismus Gahanna Chavan reported the use of muscle relaxants in routine treatment protocol of OSMF. Neelam Sood and Nisha Sehrawat reported a rare case of Fibrosarcoma of the maxilla.Boutemeur et al reported two cases of Melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy. Ana María Maeso-Plaza reported a case of multiple deep cervical abscesses.Mitat et al. reported case of a patient diagnosed with multinodular goiter who developed unilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss at an early postoperative stage after total thyroidectomy under general anesthesia. Amal Abuaffan reported a clinical image of an interesting case of malocclusion with unerupted upper permanent incisors.

Zeyad et al described a simple noninvasive method for reducing the size of concha bullosa. The turbinates retained their reduced size 18 months postoperatively.Aseel Almeqbel and Catherine McMahon described and discussed Auditory Cortical Temporal Processing Abilities in Young Adults. Aseel Almeqbel also presented a study about temporal Encoding of Voice Onset Time in Young Children. She found that N2 latency is sensitive to the temporal cues of the acoustic stimuli such as voice-onset-time, therefore could be used as an objective measure to evaluate the temporal encoding in young children objectively. Arıcıgil M1* and Abitter Yucel2 evaluated of TSH And T4 Levels in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss patients. Finally Motoharu Uehara and Hiroyuki Hirai wrote a comprehensive review about allergy Immunotherapy with Long Synthetic Peptide of Bet V1 which may have advantages in term of effects, adaptations to different MHC, and reduced side effects in comparison to short peptides or whole proteins.

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