ISSN: 2155-9910
Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development
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Editor Note..

Ramasamy Manivanan*

Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune, India

Corresponding Author:
Manivanan R
Scientist, Mathematical Modelling for Coastal Engineering
Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune-411 024, India
Tel: +919423208883

Received Date: August 28, 2016; Accepted Date: August 30, 2016; Published Date: August 31, 2016

Citation: Manivanan R (2016) Editor Note. J Marine Sci Res Dev 6:e141. doi: 10.4172/2155-9910.1000e141

Copyright: © 2016 Manivanan R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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In This Issue

This volume 6 Issue 4 present interested articles related to marine ecosystem and Marine Deposits. First paper is focused on the Ecosystem Approach Framework for Planning and Management of Coastal Wetlands “EA-PMCW”, as one of the novel Ecosystem Approach’s customized frameworks. The EA-PMCW was developed by Ghoneim to support the land use planning and development decision in coastal wetlands as an example of the most sensitive and productive ecosystems on earth. Second paper goal is to be analyzed dolphin sounds to determine if dolphins utilize language or perhaps pictorial information in their complex whistles and clicks. The authors have recently discovered a novel phenomenon in images derived from digital recordings of the sounds of dolphin secholocating on submerged objects. Hydrophone recordings of dolphin echolocation sounds were input to a CymaScope, an analog instrument in which a water-filled, fused quartz cell is acoustically excited in the vertical axis by a voice coil motor directly coupled to the cell.

Sequences developed within the middle Miocene in the study area are interpreted to be controlled locally by episodic shelf instability, basin physiographic (shelf edge), fault growth and linkage. Relative sea level changes provide the major control on sequence development and deep valley incisions. The latter have a strong geomorphological impact on the area and a strong control on sequence variability. Interpretation of GDE maps shows that sands were originally deposited in river- and mouth bars with long shore drift currents redistributing the sand parallel to the shoreline. During low stand periods, canyons developed which served as conduits for sand to the basin (deep water sand), recognized as high amplitude seismic faces on the slope and on the basin floor. This mechanism has led to the deposition of considerable amount of sandstones in the slope and offshore environments.

This short article deals with useful and modern bubble models used to stage divers to the surface and correlations, if and when they exist, with actual data, usually decompression sickness (DCS) outcomes across a limited spectrum of exposures. Many of the early (wet) tests were carried out by world Navies, later by hyperbaric chamber testing and today also by statistical inference from downloaded computer profiles. All have contributed to correlation of models and data but in varying degrees as the scope of mixed gas, Open Circuit (OC) and Re- Breather (RB), nonstop to saturation and sea level to altitude diving is immense. No amount of wet or chamber testing will ever cover the ground here, but there is considerable hope and potential for downloaded computer profile data coupled to DCS outcomes to provide necessary correlations across the varied activities of modern diving.

Household and key informant interview. The objective of the study was assessment of major opportunities and constraints of Honey production in central zones of SNNPR. Availability of ready and eager beekeepers to follow modern technology path way, availability of natural forest with adequate apiculture flora and water resource, availability of natural forest with adequate apiculture flora and water resource, existence of strong bee colony and a number of colonies, diversity and seasonal availability of bee forages and market access are some of opportunities of Honey production in the area.

The study was carried out in Wolaita, Hadya, Dawuro zone and Konta Special Woreda. The study was used household and key informant interview. The objective of the study was assessment of major opportunities and constraints of Honey production in central zones of SNNPR. Availability of ready and eager beekeepers to follow modern technology path way, availability of natural forest with adequate apiculture flora and water resource, availability of natural forest with adequate apiculture flora and water resource, existence of strong bee colony and a number of colonies, diversity and seasonal availability of bee forages and market access are some of opportunities of Honey production in the area.

This current issue has very interesting topics like marine ecosystem, marine deposits, Signals, honey production.

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